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The dog, sniffing one of the dead carcasses, immediately backed away and sat on the tail...Just peregusna or torn, according to hosani, about 50 rabbits, 10 chickens, chicken and three turkeys.
The other day, coming in the morning, a courtyard, a resident of the neighborhood Drowzy on the outskirts of Uzhgorod Olga Badida saw a terrible picture: dozens of carcasses of rabbits, rabbits, chickens and large 10-pound turkeys are scattered around the yard, wooden cells, are broken, doors broken with metal loops and lying around on the ground. From the beginning of year it is already the seventh case in nearby villages, write "Facts".
Just peregusna or torn, according to Olga Badida, about 50 rabbits, 10 chickens, chicken and three turkeys. Survived only a small rabbit from the top of the cell, a hen sitting on the eggs, and one adult Turkey - it hurt worse. By accident this night a dog that guarded the animals, closed in the house.
To Olga came the dog with a dog, but the dog, sniffing one of the dead carcasses, immediately backed away and sat on the tail. See, the beast allocates something that causes the animals horror.
A few kilometers from the village - a small forest, however, large predators there never were carried out. And small, for example, Fox, weasel or affection, to make such is not under force.
"Animals died or by strangulation or from blood loss, " explained the head of the Uzhhorod veterinary hospitals Yuri Spolarich. Almost all of the rabbits broken and all cut up the cervical vertebrae, some completely scalped skin, broken bones. Several animals with severed heads. This carcass is practically not consumed. If the animal was able to break the cells on the third floor and pull largest adult rabbits, he was tall and very strong."
In cells, even located on five-foot height, doors torn with iron loops "roots", large rabbits and adult turkeys dragged out and torn. The wooden door of one of the cells gnawed teeth, and the land around claws scratched.
Villagers say that this is not the first similar case in Drazah. Two weeks ago a similar massacre occurred and one of the neighbors Olga Madidi. Not helped even the dog, was launched on the night of the chain. 20 rabbits were severed or strangled, and cells with metal doors blown to pieces.
And on the night of Thursday unknown beast made another bloody RAID in the neighbouring Barnintsa - just a few kilometres from Drava. "I saw from the courtyard in the garden and on in the field darted brown beast. Height he was 60 cm, and resembled very skinny big dog. The beast rushed under a metal grid with such speed that rattled the entire fence. And in the yard had eight zarizenych ducks and two chicken", - says a resident Barnintsa Mikhail gavrilets.
What exactly is this beast, experts still can't install. Presumably, he is able to jump, and, probably, to move not only on four, but on two legs. To climb to the third tier of cells and to get tucked in the far corner of the rabbit, should not be less than 1.2 meters in length, excluding the tail, to have a powerful paw with retractable claws. Prints teeth being round, and the penetration depth of four to five centimeters. The dog or wolf teeth prelucrati and curved, like a sword.
Attacks unknown animal Pets are recorded in different regions of Ukraine. Many people, who managed to see him, noted some of its similarity with kangaroo elongated muzzle, short front legs, long back.