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The outbreak, which occurred on Thursday on the visible side of the Sun, apply power to the maximum category of x-ray radiation - class X. Such outbreaks result from "short circuits" - reconnection of the power lines of the solar magnetic field. The result is released huge amounts of energy and there is an x-ray flash, which is often accompanied by emission of solar plasma.
The source of the outbreak became active area (group of sunspots, relatively dark areas, where the surface are the lines of force of a powerful magnetic field under the number 1520. It was located at that time in the Central Meridian - front Land, in most "geoeffective" sector. The emission of plasma lasted about two hours; according to experts NASA and the Institute of applied Geophysics (IPTS) of Roshydromet, geomagnetic "kick" reach the ground on Saturday. In the polar regions of the planet you will be able to see the Northern lights.
Specialists of IPG believe that the magnetic storm will be moderate strength.
"Accelerated flow of the solar wind from this event (x-ray flash) will cause a moderate geomagnetic storm. In this regard, there will be disturbances in the ionosphere, violations of passage of radio waves in the high-latitude auroras", - is spoken in the message of the Institute.
At the same time, Russian scientists say that in the near future we can expect a powerful new outbreaks, which in turn will cause disturbances of the geomagnetic field.
"You can change the state of the radiation situation from the unperturbed to moderately disturbed depending on capacity and duration of new outbreaks" - noted in IPG.
Flashes on the Sun, depending on the power of x-rays, are divided into five classes: A, B, C, M, and X. the Minimum class A0.0 corresponds power radiation at the Earth's orbit in 10 NW per square meter. When moving to the next letter capacity is increased ten times.
As have explained RIA Novosti employee IPG Oksana Akulinin, electronics spacecraft current outbreak is not dangerous.
However, a magnetic storm, which it will provoke, can affect the health of people. According to scientists from the space research Institute (IKI) of RAS, in periods of geomagnetic disturbances, an increasing number of exacerbations in "cores", in particular, the pressure increases and fluctuations in heart rate.
According to AKULININA, from a group of sunspots 1520 should expect re powerful flares.
"This group is the fourth in area since the beginning of the solar cycle, it has long developed, saving energy and low flash-only now. Given its size and power, I predict a re-flash... She will be off, save energy, and again will generate the emission of plasma", she said.
Repeated outbreaks will, on the assessment of AKULININA, more dangerous for machines than people. Every day an active group of spots away from the Central Meridian 14 C, and if repeated outbreaks will occur in this location, in the next few days on the Earth will fall significant force a stream of protons, which can lead to failures in electronic equipment orbital spacecraft, also with disruptions in telecommunication and electric networks.