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Marine biologist Chuck Fischer suggested unexpected idea, designed to help in the fight against world hunger.
According to the scientist, his idea directly related study animals. Although originally it attracted his attention many years ago, when the biologist, while still a student, was studying corals.
According to Fischer, the idea is still far from realization, so he still considers it a dream.
Corals, emerging on the coral reefs are symbiotic relationship photosynthetic algae, the habitat of which are located in the cavity of the coral. The lion's share of the nutrients necessary to these organisms, fed them, like green plants, along with the sunshine, which greatly reduces their needs in food. Fischer offers to implant a tiny single-celled photosynthetic algae person under the skin.
As a result, the diversity of the human races will be enriched even more new colors compared to how it is presented today. But most important in this offer is the ability to create tiny symbionts the most part the food we eat, so will be fed starving around the world.
A warm-blooded system people will allow growing necessary food under the skin even in winter, access to sunlight.