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Unusual tourist attraction will soon appear in Uzhgorod. It will present students of the Department of tourism will Dine. The city will have its own tourist UFO-Zone", designed to draw people's attention to the problem of hypothetical contact with extraterrestrial civilizations...
The main initiator of Yulianna, Bonkalo, student of the 2nd course of the Department of tourism will DINE, says that "it will be a tourist UFO-Zone"consisting of 12 characters (characters road type)which may be trademarks of the future, when people finally find a common language with strangers and will live peacefully and amicably".
She said, "zone is designed to attract the attention of people from all over Ukraine to the appearance of the UFO objects on the territory of Transcarpathia, in other countries are even parades UFO-alien to attract the largest possible number of people in the study of this phenomenon, and in Ukraine, unfortunately, at the moment there is no such a mass event or similar...".
UFO-ZONE" in Uzhgorod may be the first step to the different interest of the audience to this topic" - adds Yulianna Bonkalo.
Presentation UFO-ZONE" in Uzhgorod on area of Postal, about "Zero Bear" will be held 12.12.2012 12:12. We invite all not indifferent to the themes "unidentified flying objects" (UFO).