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Any food, even the most useful and healthy, contains little fat - whether lettuce or carrots - and this is not bad. Fats give our body the energy and help assimilated vitamins A, D, E and K. They also give food a pleasant taste and maintain healthy hair and skin.
However, there is a special class of fats - saturated and TRANS fats, which do not bring our body is nothing but extra calories and problems with the cardiovascular system.
To identify products containing TRANS fats simply is solid oils: butter, spreads. Most TRANS fat contains margarine. If you are starving and you really want it oil, select cream and throw margarine. Numerous studies have shown that certain types of margarine, much worse for vessels and the heart than butter, because they contain much more TRANS fat. However, there are some spreads that include plant sterols, which can help lower cholesterol.
Before you make a choice, should check the label to carefully read the ingredients list. TRANS fats are everywhere in processed foods such as French fries, donuts and pastries. You can't rely on the label to tell if the food has TRANS fats: If you see the label designation "partially hydrogenated fats are TRANS fats.