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Not only the public and journalists spoke against the introduction of biometrics. The Ukrainian Orthodox Church-Moscow Patriarchate called on the President to veto the law on the unified state register of demographics and electronic passports.
In the letter of the Primate of the UOC-MP, Metropolitan of Kiev and all Ukraine Vladimir, Viktor Yanukovich said that in the Kyiv metropolis of the UOC are "multiple complaints from the faithful with the request to prevent the enactment of this law". However, to the Church's voice was not heard. It was stated that people who do not want to have a chip on religious beliefs will get a card without a chip or with empty chip. But there is as yet no mechanism for refusal electronic passports and not very clear from such failure.
However, Metropolitan of Cherkasy and Kaniv Sophronius in this issue categorical.
"I will not bless any believer who will treat me with the question of obtaining a passport, " he says. - I am against everything that is done against the people, and the introduction of electronic passports - against the people, the people did not ask and do not ask. Didn't pay attention not only to the protests the Church, and other opponents of this. Unfortunately, our state is doing everything that is beneficial for someone as, for example, the former Deputy who produces these passports. It is his business and he defended the introduction of these passports. How can this be in the 3rd Millennium? As in Ukraine, may she and on the last places in the world, to talk about people who do not accept this innovation: "We'll be rid of you", and the statement of the MP! What who gave the right to make me a slave even more than we were before. If me have information, through the chips can to control me. Fortunately, they do not yet introduced into the organism, but when will supply all, kaput, gone people.
The Church no one is listening, but the Church teaches that Christ came to save man, and He brought with him the Law for man is the best, most Holy.
Man wants under the leadership of the devil to be in control. I am not afraid of this word: a passport with a chip is the testimony of the devil.
They say that the biometric passport is a human right, not his duty. But what else right? After all, they say, and abroad will not go without such a passport. I will say more: now everyone who wants to enter higher educational institution must have a tax number. If it is not - person not accept.
"If you will not have the consent with the devil, neither able to buy or sell" - is said in the Holy Scripture. And it all comes down to this, but very delicately, without any explanation to the people.