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Cayman Islands want to say goodbye to the title of one of the most closed of the offshore world and are prepared to disclose thousands of registered companies and hedge funds. A corresponding letter of local financial regulator sent to heads of companies.
The government of the Cayman Islands reported intention to implement radical reforms, and to make public the names of the companies and the names of their heads, which were previously hidden.
Already, a special database of registered hedge funds, including names of control. It may occur in mid-March 2013.
The heads of the funds proposed to pass a special qualification test to prove his ability to control them. These reforms - revolution for the offshore, until recently kept the defense from financial intelligence.
Thus, according to the British company Tax Justice Network, which analysts have estimated 72 countries and offshore jurisdiction for their readiness to disclose information about Finance its investors on requests of the Supervisory bodies of other jurisdictions, in 2011, the Cayman Islands was in second place on reliability of security secrets, only losing to Switzerland.
The policy change was a response to aggressive criticism, which was subjected to the tax system Islands last time.
Especially tax Paradise went from representatives of the EU and the US. The U.S. Senate has accused one of the largest banks in the world by the British HSBC in dubious operations in the Cayman Islands.