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Pineapples are a rich source of nutrients, low in calories. They contain fructose, which does not cause a surge of insulin in the blood even with excessive consumption.
Pineapple is a polyvitaminic complex. Pineapples complete the necessary fiber, including pectin, and contain powerful antioxidants, including vitamin C, vitamin a and beta-carotene. Pineapples are a rich source of b vitamins, including folic acid, thiamin, Riboflavin and pyridoxine.
From the point of view of the mineral filling, pineapples are a good source of copper, manganese and potassium. It also contains small amounts of protein, healthy fats, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron and zinc. Also pineapple contain bromelain, alpha-hydrolysate, Apple and citric acid. Bromelain is an enzyme that have shown effectiveness in reducing the inflammation that can thin the blood. Also bromelain has anti-cancer properties.
Pineapple is also a powerful antioxidant protection. Serving in a small half-pineapple is a 131% of the recommended daily intake of vitamin C. As a powerful antioxidant, vitamin C helps the body get rid of free radicals. Free radicals are a by-product of metabolism - they can cause inflammation of healthy tissue in the body. Inflammation is a precursor of many serious diseases, including heart disease and cancer. Vitamin C also protects our DNA from damage, and the blood of toxins. It also helps to stimulate the immune system, reducing the frequency of infections.