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No need to be pocherkom that in most cases, with very rare exception, accurately distinguish men's handwriting and female, and child from an adult.
It is known that handwriting is to some extent tied to our personality, and therefore he is experiencing changes in parallel with it.
For example, we will all Zamecek as our handwriting changes with age. (Only without irony! And do not say that decrepit old woman simply shaking hands - here to you and the changes in handwriting!)
In a manner of the letter affects your mood, feeling, even a person's position that it occupies in society. It is especially evident when analyzing the handwriting of one and the same person who made the career ladder.
A classic example of this can be modified handwriting Napoleon (he has about seven), which are visible UPS, victory, victory and defeat, its status on the island of St. Helena.
In the Arsenal of each of us there are a couple of scripts in any case: for notebook entries in her diary, for messages of a personal nature, for official papers etc. In fact, these "hands" is only a modification of one, you just change the slope, size of letters, registration or all together.
Today the whole system of signs of handwriting, each of which reflects a certain inner personality trait. Just look at the most common:
large handwriting happens in people with a keen sense of self-esteem, sometimes impractical, confident, sociable, energetic;
small letter restrained, careful people;
enterprising people, able to Orient himself in unfamiliar surroundings, write, as a rule, fluently and sweeping;
the counterbalanced person, standing in the views and attachments, even in a relationship, the handwriting is legible, neat, not very diligent, letters are not the same height, without strong pressing, with equal intervals between words;
if the letters in the words stand separately from each other - the weak will, together - a good stress tolerance;
with a strong push people write critical prone to the manifestation of the force;
small distance between adjacent words may indicate a slight feeling of subordination;
excessive caution generating large spaces at the ends of lines because of the reluctance to transfer words;
in a cheerful, energetic, buoyant mood lines in the letter seek up in a depressed - "creep down;
...etc. there are a lot of features! It is known that the style of a good specialist can even diagnose a person with mental disorders is not worse than the doctor.
Apparently, really handwriting - a kind of "snapshot" of the individual. But there, where to roam and skeptics: science-graphology (gravimetry) inaccurate, regardless of age.
But if looking at someone else (who knows, maybe?) handwriting, you show some observation and will be able to see him live person, then it was worth to disturb half-forgotten science.