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Организм в цифрахMan consists of more than 100000000000000 cells (read as "one hundred billion). For comparison:

in the elephant approximately 6 500 000 000 000 000 (six and a half quadrillion) cells,

People 60% consists of water. Distributed sleep unevenly:

so, in fatty tissues of the water is only 20%, in the bones of 25%in the liver 70%, in the muscles 75%, in the blood of 80% and in Moshe 85% water by weight. When looking at these figures is striking seeming paradox -- in liquid blood less water than in a rather dense brain. But it's not only in quantity, but in the "packaging" of water. It is known that the jellyfish to 98-99% consist of water, however, the jellyfish is not dissolved in the sea, you can take it in hand.

The remaining 40% of the weight of the human body are allocated as follows:

proteins - 19%, fats and fat-like substances - 15%, mineral substances-5%), carbohydrates - 1%.

Of the elements that comprise our body, the important role of oxygen, carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen. In the body of the adult person about 70 kilograms. There are lots of calcium and phosphorus - together almost 2 kilograms, they are co-becoming bones, providing its strength. Potassium, sulfur, sodium, chlorine contained in a number of several tens of grams. Iron man only about 6 grams, but it plays an extremely important role, being a part of hemoglobin.

Oddly enough, to specify the exact number of bones in the human skeleton is not possible. First, it slightly differently in different people. About 20% of the people there are deviations in the number of vertebrae. One person out of every twenty-has extra edge, and men have the extra edge meets about 3 times more often than women (contrary to the biblical legend of the creation of eve from Adam's rib). Secondly, the number of bones varies with age: over time-which bones heal, forming a tight seams. Therefore, it is not always clear how to read bones. For example, the sacral bone obviously consists of five fused vertebrae. To consider it for one or five? So solid manual carefully indicate that a person has a few more than 200 bones".

The longest bone - hip, its length is usually 27.5% of human growth. The shortest - the stapes, one of the bones that transmit vibrations of the eardrum to sensitive cells of the inner ear, She works as a lever, increasing pressure sound waves. Its length is only 3-4 mm.

The smallest muscle - muscle of the stapes. At too strong sounds she turns the stapes so that the ratio of the length of the shoulder bone-arm is changing, and the gain of the audio falls.

Just specify the number of muscles impossible. Specialists assume the person from 400 to 680 muscles. For comparison: the grasshoppers about 900 muscles, some caterpillars to four thousand. The total weight of the muscles in the male is about 40% of body weight, and women - about 30%.

Calm, lying, people consume per day 400 - 500 liters of oxygen, 12-20 breaths per minute. For comparison: the breathing frequency horse-12 breaths a minute, rat-60, and Canaries - 108.

In the spring of respiratory rate, on average, one third higher than in the autumn.

In the adult human heart for the day draws about 10,000 liters of blood. One blow to the aorta emit about 130 ml. Normal resting heart rate - 60-80 beats per minute, and in women heart beats for 6-8 times per minute more often than men. In severe physical exercise, the heart rate can speed up to 200 beats per minute. For comparison: the pulse rate of the elephant-20 beats per minute, the bull - 25, the frog (cold-blooded animal)-30, rabbit - 200, and mouse - 500 beats per minute.

The total length of the blood vessels in the human body is about one hundred thousand kilometers.

Here is distributed as blood in the body is at rest: a quarter of the total is in the muscles, another quarter-in the kidneys, 15%-in the vessels of the intestine walls, 10% - in the liver, 8%-in the brain, 4% - in coronary suck-Dah heart, 13% - in the vessels of the lungs and other organs.

Each red blood cell contains about 270 million molecules of hemoglobin.

Life is several months (there are several types of cells, so various periods of their life). At the adult person dies every hour billion red blood cells, 5 billion cells and 2 billion platelets. They are replaced by new cells produced in the bone marrow and spleen. During the day, replaced by about 25 grams of blood.

The bone marrow of an adult, loose weight, filling the inner cavity of some bones, weighs an average of 2600 grams. For 70 years of life he gives 650 kilos of red blood cells and t cells.

The human nervous system contains about 10 billion neurons and about seven times more cells serving - supporting and nourishing. Only one percent of nerve cells busy "independent work" - makes sense from the external environment and commands to the muscles. Ninety - nine percent is the intermediate nerve cells that serve as amplifying and transmitting stations.

The largest nerve cells person in 1000 times more than the smallest. The most delicate nerve fibers have a diameter of only 0.5 micrometer, very thick-20 micrometers.

More than half of all neurons are concentrated in the big hemispheres of a brain.

The total area of the cerebral cortex varies from 1468 to 1670 square centimeters.

In cranial nerves in the brain is 2 600 000 nerve fibers, and goes 140000. About half coming fibers are orders to the muscles of the eyeball, driving a thin, fast and complex eye movements. Other nerves control the facial expressions, chewing, swallowing and activity of the internal organs. Incoming nerve fibers two million - optic.

Per minute through the brain flows 740-750 milliliters of blood.

As from the thirtieth year of the life of the person daily die 30-50 thousand nerve cells. Decrease main dimensions of the brain. With age, the brain not only lose weight, but also changes the shape - up-lomaetsya. In men, the maximum weight of the brain in the 20-29 years, women in the 15-19.

Average normal visual acuity is 0,0003 angular minutes, that is eye can detect a well-lit subject of a diameter of one-tenth of a millimeter at a distance of 25 cm. But if the subject itself is lit, it can be significantly less. Hole diameter 3-4-thousandths of a millimetre, punctured in a sheet of tin, which lit the lamp, well differ normal eye.

Blood cells are constantly dying and being replaced. The lifespan of a red blood cell - 90-125 days, leukocyte - from several hours to several days.

The mass of the human brain is 1/46 total body weight, the weight of the brain elephant - just 1/560 body weight.

Eye can detect 130-250 pure color tones and 5-10 million mixed shades.

Flash frequency at which the flashing light seems eye exactly burning, sticks is 15 per second, for cones - 71-90.

Full adaptation eyes to the darkness takes 60-80 minutes.

Finger can feel the vibrations amplitude in two ten-thousandths of a millimeter.

The surface of the human skin on average is about 2 square meters. It is necessary to know when prescribing certain drugs and treatments. To calculate the surface of the skin in the clinic usually apply the following formula:

the body surface is == (weight X 4) + 7

Weight should be taken in kilograms surface is in square metres. There is also a more accurate formula, which takes into account the increase, but the calculations on them is much more complicated, and use them often.

One minute passes through the skin 460 milliliters of blood.

In the skin scattered 250 thousand cold receptors, 30 thousand receptors heat, pain million endings, half a million of touch receptors and three million sweat glands.

The average number of hair: blond-140 thousand, brunettes-102 thousands of red heads-109 thousand, red-haired - 88 thousand. The total number of hair on the body, except the head, about 20 thousand.

Hair grows with speed of 0.35-0.40 mm per day. During the day our hair longer, if you count the total growth of length of hair, thirty metres.

In the inner ear about 25 000 cells that respond to sound. Frequency range perceived by the ear, lies between 16 and 20,000 Hz. With age, it is reduced, especially by reducing the sensitivity to high sounds. A 35-year upper limit of hearing falls to 15000 Hz.

The ear is most sensitive to the range 2000-2300 Hertz. The best musical ability (the ability to distinguish height) are in the area 80-600 Hertz. Here our ear can distinguish between, for example, two sounds with a frequency of 100 Hz and 100,1 Hertz. All the person is a Discerner of 3-4 thousand different pitch.

We recognize the sound through 35-175 milliseconds after he came to ear. Another 180 - 500 milliseconds you want the soup to "tune in" to receive this sound, to achieve the best sensitivity.

Language is about 9000 taste buds. The best temperature for their operation-24 degrees Celsius. (For gourmets should take note of this!)

The area of the olfactory nose area of 5 square centimeters. There are about a million olfactory nerve endings. Order in olfactory nerve fibers have any impulse to end it should get about 8 molecules Phuongabout substance. To have a sense of smell, should be not less than 40 nerve fibers.

Fingernails are growing at a rate 0,086 millimeters per day, legs-0.05 mm. For the year on fingers grows about two grams of nails.

When eating jaw muscles to develop indigenous teeth effort to 72 pounds, and on the teeth up to 20 kilograms. For chewing bread force required in 25 kg, for chewing fried veal - 15 pounds.

On one square millimeter of the gastric mucosa have about a hundred of glands that produce digestive juices.

The small intestine, where the absorption in the blood is digested food has on its inner surface of about 5 million lint - the finest hair-kovenig processes through which comes the absorption of nutrients.

A SIP of water-is it much or little? Numerous measurements showed that the man swallow in one gulp, on average 21 ml of liquid, and a woman-14 ml,

Thirst appears when the water loss, equal to about one-cent of body weight. The loss of more than 5% may lead to fainting, and over 10% - to death from drying out.

Fresh fingerprint weighs about one-millionth of a gram. It consists of water, fat, protein and salts secreted by the skin,

Even rough men daily shed 1-3 ml of tears. Tears are constantly produced by the lacrimal glands and moisturize the cornea, protecting it from the effects of air and dust.

In the human body works not less than 700 enzymes.
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