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Чародеи Древнего ЕгиптаAbout the ancient faith in the power of magic evidenced by the inscription on the stone plate, placed between the paws of the Sphinx, the keepers of the pyramid of Khafre at El Giza. The inscription reads: once Pharaoh Thutmosis IV, who was then still a Prince, tired after hunting, fell asleep at the foot of the Sphinx.

In his dream he was God polecat-akhet-Khepri-RA-Atum who portrayed the Sphinx. He ordered to clean the monument from sand which were brought by a wind from desert, and by the time of Tuthmosis almost completely buried under itself of the Great Sphinx. In the award for this service the God promised to make the Prince Pharaoh. Having woken up, Thutmosis ordered to immediately begin the performance of the divine will, has cleared away the Sphinx and soon became the Pharaoh. Rules Thutmosis IV approximately in 1397-1388 years BC

Description of one of the sections of magic - engineering call the spirits of the dead, or necromancy is stated in the instructions that are stored in the museums of London and Leiden, in the Louvre. There are described the ways of establishing contacts not only with gods and spirits from the Kingdom of light, but with demonic creatures, and ruined, lost souls. It was believed that necromancy gives the chance to receive messages, tips and instructions from the other world, and to make requests to abide there beings. All these actions were accompanied by certain, often highly complex rituals.

Knowledge of the ancient Egyptians about the existence, character and occupation demons were much bigger and richer than of the knowledge of European mages in the middle Ages and Renaissance.

The main source of information about the underground demons is the ancient Egyptian book of the dead . From it we learn that the owners of this sad place guarded the gates of the Kingdom of the afterlife from penetration of "wicked", wandered through the underground realm of Osiris, and the food in this dark world they were the dead bodies, and their thirst they were satisfied with their blood.

As dealt with the other world

The main content of magical rituals were spells. They served to call the creatures from another world. The caster was subjected demons world of the dead to his will, and then transmitted back to the place of permanent residence. The spell was pronounced or read with special intonation, accompanied by gestures and postures. Every magician had its own set of spells, which he kept in the strictest confidence, for it was believed that if you know about them colleague and, worse, try to use them, they will lose force.

Here is a sample of spells and its implementation, taken from the ancient text and described in the famous novel "Pharaoh" Boleslaw Prus (translation E. Design -......):

"Then the magician threw up his hands and said: "heavenly Father, meek and merciful, cleanse my soul. So I am relying on the help of God, I am foreseeing and fearless... I - mighty - calling you and beseech. Attend to me, obedient, - in the name of the king, the Saraya... In the name of the Almighty and eternal God... Amoral, Taneja, Robur, Ladisten. I beg you and exhort. The name of the star that is the Sun.” Suddenly all was quiet. Before the altar seemed a Ghost in the crown, with a staff in his hand, riding a lion.

- Beroes! Beroes! he said with the Ghost of a hollow voice. - Why did you call me?"

Facilities and equipment magical rituals

A special kind of "applied" of witchcraft was the creation of the bodies of the successor, which were used exclusively for the purposes of black magic. The ancient Egyptians were convinced that if the magician sculpt from the wax figure of any person and will take over certain rituals, they will certainly have an impact on the person, which served as the prototype of the figures. The prevalence of such manipulations with the dolls from wax evidence, in particular, the inscription on the sarcophagus of the Middle Kingdom (2040-1783 (or 1640) years BC), and ancient texts.

In the so-called "Papyrus Whether" there is a record: "Petibon, who was the Director of the estate, said to him: "Bring me a book that would give me the magic power and authority". And he brought him a book on magic from the library of Pharaoh Watermaal-Re-Mary-Amun, the great God, his Lord, and he went to use the divine power against his people. His assistant El REM made from wax figures of people and made over them different charms and spells. And so both of them were let loose on the people of the disease, pestilence and other misfortunes".

And here is the text from "Papyrus Rollin":

"I used magic to call and bring misfortune. I made several wax figures of gods and people, then to call these people the " dryness " and mortification members. I gave these figures, Rubecula, divine Re not appointed ruler of the house."
In the papyrus describes the plot of Ministers of the harem against Ramses III, the last of the outstanding Pharaoh of the New Empire, ruled about 1185-1153 years B.C. In the conspiracy took part and some magicians who practiced black magic and turned his art against Pharaoh and his courtiers. But, as the next papyrus, the conspiracy was disclosed. The conspirators, the leaders of which were recognized as two of the sorcerer, was tried.

One of the magician cruelly killed, another was forced to commit suicide.

However, the services of black magic resorted not only the conspirators, but also the highest Egyptian aware of the pharaohs inclusive. After all, they had to fight against their enemies for life and death. In these cases the benefits they probably served as "book of the overthrow of APOP", which proposes, for example, this method of destruction of the enemies:

"Do from wax figures of all living and non-living, the Pharaoh, and write on them the names of these people with green paint.
Put the figures into the box, spit on them and then Topchi "unclean" left foot..."
Here it is the source of the expression "to stand with his left foot"?

"After that iskali them with a knife, and cast it into the burning straw, which is then put out, Bay urine adult women.

One of the most powerful magical funds has long been regarded as an amulet. Its purpose is to protect the owner from various troubles.
According to the Roman writer and historian Pliny the Elder, in Ancient Egypt amulets are most widely spread in the period of the New Kingdom (1582-1070 years BC). Amulets made of precious and simple stones, metal, glass, wood.

They could be pieces of papyrus or tissue with the texts of spells or drawings magic symbols. Sometimes amulets in the form of small items placed inside nodules on the surface of the woven belt.

Magicians-the healers

Most closely magic in Ancient Egypt was connected with medicine and healing. The greatest of sages, sorcerers and healers in Egyptian tradition was considered Imhotep, the Supreme dignitary of king Djoser, who ruled about 2630-2611 years B.C. the Name and titles of Imhotep - Builder is the first pyramid, manual tombs of Djoser at Saqqara, is stable at the statue of the Pharaoh's mortuary temple at this pyramid.

However, the glory of the healer outweighed all other merits of Imhotep, and later he was deified as the patron of healing, especially revered in Memphis. Since the middle of the first Millennium BC the Greeks began to equate it with Asclepius, the God of medicine, possessing the ability even to raise the dead. In Roman mythology Asclepius corresponds to the doctor.

Revenge of the sarcophagus of plundered tombs

One of the major tasks of the sorcerers of Ancient Egypt was the protection of secrets and peace to their former owners and patrons after their transition to another world.
And they are perfectly coped with this task during life and after death.

There is considerable evidence that in ancient times the fate cruelly punished robbers and uskoritelei tombs of noble Egyptians. Widely known about the sudden and mysterious death of many of those who took part in the opening and research the famous tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamun. But few people know about another, no less mysterious and sinister story connected with the opening of the graves of priestesses of the God Amon-RA, which about 3,600 years ago there lived in the city Beset and was buried in the Valley of the kings near Biban El Muluka. Her grave was robbed in the 60-ies of the XIX century.

Mummy priestess has not survived, but the sarcophagus with the image of a female face demonic beauty remains intact. They say that all who have dealt with this sarcophagus, was overtaken premature and unexplained death. Including all its successive owners. And the photographer who made the images of the sarcophagus, in one of the photos allegedly saw live, face the beautiful Egyptian women with an evil grin on his lips. The last owner relics saved my life that gave it as a gift to the British Museum. But the spell was still there. When it became obvious that after the acquisition of the sarcophagus mortality among Museum workers has increased dramatically, it was decided to put the mummy in the basement, and in the hall to set up.

Meanwhile sarcophagus interested Americans, and in 1912 was organized his secret shipping in the USA. The treasure was Packed in a simple box in the cargo consignment, and the customs Declaration it was recorded as "a box of books." April 10, 1912 in Southampton it was loaded on the most modern and most reliable ship Royal mail. This ship was "Titanic"sailed in its first operational flight. And in the night from 14 to 15 April happened what everyone knows: the ship giant faced with a huge iceberg and sank. From 2224 passengers were saved only 710.

As it turned out, on the route of the "Titanic" fatal iceberg was only in a radius of several tens of miles.
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