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Viewings: 3078
Грентэм: Инвесторам следует приготовиться к глобальному продовольственному кризисуAccording to the head of global investment firm GMO Jeremy of Gintama, although the persistent drought that gripped much of the USA, has already contributed to the growth of prices for agricultural raw materials, it is only the beginning of rising food prices.
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Viewings: 3725
Interesting scientific film about our planet and its ustroistve the film is considered secret signs and symbols,their use in new izobretenija was,has been invented devices that generate a huge amount of energy is"out of the air".but no changes in social life is not happening.

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Viewings: 3272
Many prognosticators protekauschie global catastrophe in 2012, agree on one thing - a huge role in the rescue of mankind will play Russia... is this true? And what are trying to warn us ancient prophecies?

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Viewings: 4211

The most expensive to date, the mission of the U.S. space Agency NASA Mars Science Laboratory successfully passed one of the most important and difficult of its stages. Curiosity Rover conveyed to Earth signal of the successful landing on the red planet.
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Viewings: 3860
Репетиция апокалипсиса. Что делать, если вдруг наступит конец света?This year around the world held in anticipation of the end of the world. According to the Mayan calendar it can occur on December 21, 2012. So now actively discussed different scenarios for the future of the Apocalypse. How realistic is the end of the world and what to do if it happens?
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Viewings: 3065
"Зона поражения" аномальной жары за полвека выросла в 10 раз. Космологические факторыAn increased incidence of extreme heat in the summer is directly connected to global warming; and, if half a century ago "heat waves" took only 1% of the land surface, now they hit 10%, writes James Hansen (James Hansen) of space research Institute of the name Goddard (GISS) NASA and his colleagues in the article that will be published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
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Viewings: 2933
НАСА изучило влияние протонной радиации на клетки человекаNASA and the national laboratory Lawrence (USA) found that proton irradiation enhances the process occurring during the development of tumors. This information, as scientists hope will not only help protect astronauts in flight, but also will allow oncologists to better understand the impact of radiation on the human body.
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Viewings: 4131
Recently Russian scientists made a sensational otkrytiyami that the brain is fervently praying person can dive in a particular state,peculiar only two months mladenaca state of consciousness was named"prayer vigil"Prakticheski simultaneously with the opening of the American neuroscientists have shown that religion physiological as for the structure of the brain laid the ability of communication with God.

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Viewings: 4532
На орбите Урана может пролиться кровьWhen Cupid and Belinda will meet, on the stage there will be more dead bodies than in the final of "hamlet". And they will meet, in this case the researchers of the orbit of Uranus no doubt.
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Viewings: 4693
Тайны и трагедии олимпиадIn London are thirtieth summer Olympic games. It should be noted that since its appearance in history of the Olympic games has never been solely a contest is fond of sports people. Tragedy and mangled fate, unfair refereeing and the machinations of various dealers, alas, have always enjoyed this sport holiday.
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Viewings: 4245
Стрессы приближают смертьThe interrelation between a slight nervous breakdown and early death. Scientists at Edinburgh University say: people, who are often subjected to light kinds of psychological disorders, die earlier than they expected. And in the "risk group" - almost a quarter of the population of the Earth, which have minimal symptoms of anxiety and depression.
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Viewings: 4314
Биолокаторы замерили энергоинформационное поле у иконIgor Kortunov, member of the Ukrainian Association of bioradars, "measured" Energo-information field in more than two dozen icons in museums, monasteries and homes. The research results were amazing! Often the level of the information field exceeded human at least a thousand times!
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Viewings: 3740
People always dreamed of sverhdorogie, which get ahead in technology and efficiency own time. Policy and military with it wanted to conquer the world, and scientists are to meet their scientific ambitions. The luminaries of science, at various times worked on developing such weapons (Nikola Tesla, albert Einstein), believed that their invention will be able to kill even the thought of the possible use of military force, given the devastating effect of the new development.

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Viewings: 8687
Боги инопланетяне: ДРЕВНИЙ РИМTitus Libya, the Bottom Cassius, Pliny the Elder, and other Roman authors unconditionally took the position that everything on Earth foreordained, believed that on the threshold of great events gods give to know them heavenly signs.
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Viewings: 5544
Загадочная Магония: волшебная страна рядом с намиMagone not just the country. This is the whole world, infinite and amazing similar to the ancient abode of the gods. There is no sickness, no sorrow, no old age, and even time moves on its own. Inhabitants Mahonia see each of us, all of us know, can suddenly appear in reality and also suddenly disappear. Where did all that we know?
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