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Viewings: 4286
Лук изобрели не для охоты, а для войны?In Spain have found the most ancient battle bow, made in the Neolithic age. Now, archaeologists have not merely to correct the mistakes of their predecessors regarding the date of occurrence of one or another artifact. Under review covered a very important milestone in the history of humanity. It is possible that the ability of our ancestors were underestimated.
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Viewings: 3901
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Viewings: 3713
ГМО ведут к вымираниюMaybe someone seems that the problem is caused by the presence of genetically modified organisms (GMO) in food products, the matter of the distant future and is more about the West.
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Viewings: 3178
Миллиардеры нашли сокровища на астероидахIt turned out that orphan heavenly bodies stuffed in precious metals and minerals
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Viewings: 4300
Бриллианты морского царяWhen, after the capitulation of Germany one of the major Nazi officials, Walter Straub, said during interrogation that he knows about the hidden treasures of the Third Reich, he replied mysteriously:
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Viewings: 4047
Париж – столица тамплиеровIn 1119 in Jerusalem by the crusaders (mainly French descent) was established order of knights Templar (the Templars). At all the European courts of members of the order took the honorary positions.
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Viewings: 4545
Дайте воды!What is the role of water in our life, no one needs to explain - and everything is clear. Without water, any being sooner or later is doomed to death. Even animals, knowing this, do not attack each other, coming in a drought year to water. The main thing is to quench their thirst! As for humans, in fact, the same problems.
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Viewings: 3652
Тайная экспедиция Берии в район Тунгуски!A year after the test of the first Soviet atomic bomb Beria spoke at the secret meeting with unexpected proposal: to organize an expedition to the area of the fall in 1908 Tunguska meteorite! Of course, the meteorite Lavrenty Pavlovich not interested. However, he managed to get quite detailed information about the event of the year in the area of Podkamennaya Tunguska.
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Viewings: 4027
ИновремянеINUREMENT - aliens physical Time, probably, from the Future. Theoretically arrival them on our Earth in our time is quite possible, therefore, it would be quite logical to look for traces of their activity from us. The historical archives of all countries are full of messages about the mysterious aliens, "Katusha on their carts" trusting the Earthmen not only in the "heaven", but also in Time.
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Viewings: 3173
Group UFO accompany the rocket during launch. The launch took place at 23:31:00 06.08.2012 (Moscow Time, SCLV). Live coverage of the launch of the satellite "Express-MD" was conducted by the Center of exploitation of ground space infrastructure.
UFO appeared after launch and accompanied her all the time of take-off. Very impatient and skeptics, I advise you to watch video from the 2nd minute, although UFOs are present throughout the record, but on the 2nd minute of the two UFO bypass flying a rocket to the right and left can be seen especially clearly.

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Viewings: 3943
Крутой маршрут родной планетыIgor p. Kopylov - doctor of technical Sciences, Professor of Moscow power engineering Institute (Technical University), honoured worker of science and technology of the RSFSR, laureate of the State prize in science and technology
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Viewings: 3654
Пластиковая посуда...Frequent use of plastic consumption leads women to excessive owolosenie. This was stated by British scientists after examining several ladies, who have started to grow a beard.
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Viewings: 3521
Аномальная жара - следствие потепления климатаDrought in Texas last year, a wave of fires in Russia in the summer of 2010 and 2012 are examples of natural abnormal phenomena, which in any case would not have happened if not global warming, says the government expert on climate change, James Hansen.
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Viewings: 3957
СПИД сбежал из Пентагона?In 1987, the Management of sanitary inspection of the USA has approved the first anti-viral treatment for AIDS - azidothymidine. But this and other types of drugs designed diminish doctors later, only slow down the development of HIV infection. Drugs that would be completely cured, are not found till now.
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