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As the official representative of the U.S. air force on Wednesday over the Pacific has conducted tests of experimental supersonic aircraft WaveRider, who was in flight to reach the speed of 5795 km/h, but was unable to do it.
The drone was designed to fly at speeds up to six times greater than the speed of sound, once detached from the height of 15 km from the fuselage of a B-52 bomber. However, the military say that the failed control system engines were not allowed to include supersonic engines on time and with the required thrust. In the end, the device has been lost.
Last year, the U.S. air force also carried out a test of Waverider and they also failed, even though the version of the device was to fly slower. In the framework of the last test was assumed that the device was to fly at supersonic speed in just five minutes, but the problem in engines was observed on 16 seconds into the flight, when it became clear that engines do not give the required acceleration.
In the end, after 15 seconds of free flight, it was found that the device is completely lost and even in a few seconds he fell into the Pacific ocean Northwest of Los Angeles. "It is a pity that a technical problem has not allowed us even include supersonic engines. The positive is that we understand the essence of the problem and are working on a fix," said Charlie brink of a research laboratory at a U.S. air force base in Ohio.
The authors develop the Pentagon and NASA say that if technology incorporated in the new conceptual apparatus WaveRider, will be implemented in the commercial segment, it allows to create an aircraft that flies with the speed at 6900 km/h and overcoming the distance from London to new York in an hour. At the Pentagon and NASA say that initially WaveRider is based on rocket technology. Note that WaveRider is one of supersonic vehicles, which would become the base for future generations commercial Airliners. Such devices should be faster and, most importantly, secure than previously written off Concorde. Recall that earlier Concorde can develop a speed that is twice the speed of sound and the flight from London to new York took about three hours.
These tests are quite skeptical in the European space Agency, where it is said that in the coming decades devices at speeds will not carry passengers. Earlier, the European aerospace Corporation EADS has unveiled a prototype device that could reach four speed of sound. "I think that these aircraft will be very dangerous, and most importantly - it is extremely expensive to produce, so the real business community in the coming decades will not be able to fly over an hour from London to new York," says Peter Robbie, Vice-President of EADS.