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Контакты и контактеры или загадочная ложь пришельцевSensation! Just managed to contact representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations (EC)!! For the first time managed to get answers to all questions from aliens!!! Sensation? Of course... But the message would print every week.

In the archives of Scientific-research Association "Kosmopoisk" there is a data Bank on people who claim that they are in contact with CC. Contactees are already more than 7 thousand, and the number is constantly growing!

Contactees planet Earth

DOES the establishment of interstellar dialogue between Humanity and other civilizations - it has long held? According to the so-called contactando, has long alleged receiving signals from Space, you can debate about tips what civilization is much better for us all? And how quickly you need to implement the recommendation of our galactic neighbors?

What is the percentage of truth? Can I check the messages of those or other contactees, on the basis of subjective evaluations?

Among the most interesting and important for us pereskazov information could be called predictors, clairvoyants, religious figures. And, that is especially important for us, the authors chronicle reports describing the cases of contact with the gods, saints or aliens in the past centuries. The historical archives of all continents are full of such descriptions. Entire branches of history, theology and paleontologii largely entirely based on them.

We assumed at least 3 ways of checking the reliability of historical message.

First, it is the effect of personal trust the informant. If studied before the message was reliable, high degree of trust to the investigated message.

Secondly, the message is checked for inconsistencies with existing message-other contactors, psychics, magicians, the blessed and other non-traditional sources of information.

Third, the message is verified with the data of modern science (physics, chemistry, mechanics,...). Describing other independent witnesses of historical events, the data them in the Chronicles, archival records, archaeological or archival findings, etc.

Contact Kostrykina

VIKTOR Petrovich Kostrykin from Nalchik claimed to have been on Board a UFO in 1968 and 1970. He exhaustively described external and internal structure of the apparatus of the aliens. These descriptions, which became for the young Soviet UFO classic, wandered in the manuscript versions and copies all over the USSR.

But in a few years it was found out, that actually describe kostrichenko "UFO" match the description plywood model of the spacecraft made for the movie "With a silver planet" in 1977-78. The shooting of the film based on the famous novel by Jerzy Big led the Polish TV company. The layout of the ship with the inscription "VVГГ-2" (the name of the TV company) as unnecessary poles left on the mountain pass. Pictures "landed UFO" hit the pages of Newspapers.

Seems it was obvious: stories Kostrykina were one in one "copied" from external data plywood structure.

But on the other hand, Kostrykin saw this UFO long before the shooting of the movie and construction layout! However, the latter are known only from the words of Kostrykina. But if it is - it is unlikely that the poles did your layout, focusing on the testimony of local Nalchik eyewitness. Most likely, someone slipped a fake... For what?.

Contact Solomennikova

OLEG solomennikov from Noginsk, Moscow region, being with childhood disability paralyzed in both legs, was a racing driver. Several times won the Moscow race to the bottom. Since the end of 1998, began to feel speech signals of other civilizations that are repeated with a frequency of 2 times per year.

According to him, he telepathic way receives data from entities, calling themselves "gods". He allegedly received clear answers to such questions as: "is there in the human soul or no?" "where the word "God" and what does it mean?", "why do we not hear the aliens?", "why the Sun is burning?", "if the world will end?", "is there life after death?", etc.

Details are not yet available but those who have investigated Solomennikova, found no reason to doubt his honesty.

Contact Siberia

FOR EXAMPLE, one of the fairly typical contactees, artist Andrei Ernstovich of Siberia, from Yoshkar-Ola, you can use all three methods of validation.

1) Seibert quite soberly assesses all said to them, sometimes even critical to the communicated information. As the narrator trust.
2) compared with other contactees - a lot of crossings and repetitions. The same "handwriting", the same typical requests of the "aliens"similar statements about the need to save the earth civilization.

Of course, there are nuances: Seibert excellent artist (most contactees eventually starts drawing and visualization of received information. But most unlike Siberia paints in the style of primitivism). Perhaps that is why the basic information comes to him in schematic form.

3) Some specific data in the texts of Siberia is blunders from the point of view of scientists. For example, mentioned by Cybercom the distance from Earth to the planet it "respondents" (in terms of kilometers on common values - about 100 gigaparsec) much more... size of our Universe. Its size, according to the latest astronomical data, about 6 gigaparsec. It can be argued that to be wrong just can terrestrial astronomers. But not several orders of magnitude!..

Where is the source?

SCHEME of contact for thousands of years showed no significant differences. Except that the earth contactees have become more technically competent, and the alien no longer call themselves gods. Perhaps the second occurs as a consequence of the first. Then - then you can consider annalistic records of contacts with godlike beings in the distant past.

Anyway contactees really with someone contact. But this "someone" not those who they say.

With all this absolute prohibition on the ability to make telepathic contact with CC to make impossible in any case. Who knows what kind of high technologies we achieve? And can't already through n-number of years and to pass messages to our zvezdoletam or immediately - in the minds of the local aboriginal people? To extract information and to leave the desired misinformation (a common practice politicians may and interstellar policy too). Nothing forbids to do the same to other, more developed civilizations with us.

Vadim CHERNOBROV Degree of veracity

In 1989-1996, the specialists of "Kosmopoisk" were studied descriptions of more than hundreds of modern contactees. As a rule, in his stories the recent focus on the design of UFOs and the retelling of his own dialogue with the alien, if such occurred. We cannot be sure that we know and real schema UFOs, and the real purpose of visiting of the Earth. It would be reasonable to assume that the stories of contactees, who visited inside different UFOs, shall not vary more than the stories of those who had been inside of similar objects. And comparison kontakterna messages really revealed here a clear correlation. But... only where contactees relied completely on own eyes and ears.

In other words, the usual earthly people, who had been inside the same UFO, described their appearance and inner structure equally so, how could ordinary people without technical education and a good visual memory. But a different picture was observed in the description of the principle of flight UFO, the principle of the work of engines, the purpose of the flight. That is all that aliens "confidentially" reported the contactees. What can be concluded that the messages aliens, including information about who they are and where we fly, in most cases are deliberate misinformation on the part of newcomers.

Thus, the degree of truth in the stories of the aliens can be assessed as no more than 10-20% of the total amount of information, and, more likely, this percentage is 1-5%. Similar figures were reported by the representative of the Bulgarian ufologists. They conducted a survey of 150 contactees, useful output - only 2 people in which they believe "one hundred percent", or 1.3%.

The conclusion that most often comes to mind scientists - all contactees simply crazy. But unbiased studies say that it was convenient for official science explanation does not always work. According to Century of Agai reported to them at the conference in Odessa, of the surveyed physicians 108 contactees 47 was installed schizophrenia, respectively, 61 channel was quite normal. The study found no clearly, did schizophrenia "by reason of the contact or its consequence. Supervision of these people say that both variants are possible.
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