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Viewings: 3875
Планета подошла к "точке невозврата"?Two weeks ago, UNEP, the United Nations Programme on environment, has published a very pessimistic report. It says that in the last five years of progress in the implementation of the greater part of the 90 most important environmental projects is practically not observed. Do mankind came close to "the point of no return " " followed by...
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Viewings: 3778
Количество воды в мантии Марса соответствует земному - ученыеAmerican geologists had analysed the chemical composition of several Martian meteorites formed in the depths of Mars, and found that they contain the same number of water molecules, and the earth mantle, and published their findings in a paper in the journal Geology.
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Viewings: 4757
Марсианский ветер провоцирует песчаные лавиныResearchers say the wind on Mars can be extremely strong and provoke gatherings sandy avalanches one hundred times more powerful, desert wind provoke similar phenomena in the deserts on Earth. Traces of such avalanches were found near the North pole of Mars. Here experts with the help of orbital apparatus discovered real sand of the sea, driven with dunes Martian storm on an area of about 840 000 sq. kilometers, which is six times the area of the Mojave desert in California.
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Viewings: 4866
Чукотское озеро позволило заглянуть на 2,8 млн лет в прошлоеIf you have been hard to pronounce the name of the Icelandic volcano Eyjafjallajoekull, get ready for a new trial. On Chukotka there is a lake Elgygytgyn, and many scientists call it simply "e".
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Viewings: 5970
21 июня - день летнего солнцестояния. Самый длинный день. Солнцеворотon June 21, according to the lunar calendar is marked as the Day of the summer solstice. More old name of this holiday is as follows: a celebration of the summer solstice.
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Viewings: 6327
Сейсмическая активность ЗемлиPeople who do not have scientific degrees in the field of the exact Sciences, it is very difficult to understand why in the 21st century from a destructive natural disasters: earthquakes and volcanic eruptions are killed many people, and science still does not know how to predict. But not even to specialists it is clear that the causes of these disasters are associated, and that most of them occur in areas where the ratio of land and sea is constantly changing, and there is a process of continuous transformations of the Earth's crust.
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Viewings: 5343
Южный полюс Луны оказался безводнымThe planetary community from the USA studied the bottom of the large crater Salton at the South pole of the moon by using tools of automatic station LRO, and found that water reserves, the existence of which was pointing to data from terrestrial telescopes and space probes, according to a paper published in the journal Nature.
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Viewings: 5137
Туристов отправят к Луне в старых шпионских капсулах.Полететь к спутнику Земли можно будет уже в 2015 годуTourist flights to the moon intends to organize by 2015 British company Excalibur Almaz. The price of the journey to the Earth's $150 million. To deliver tourists will be old Soviet station intended for espionage, writes The Daily Mail.
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Viewings: 2915
Ещё одно исследование подтвердило антропогенный характер глобального потепленияHow to prove anthropogenic global warming? For example, you can compare the results of two climate models: one - greenhouse gases produced by humanity, and another without them. At the same time it turns out, what role in warming is played by natural factors: solar activity, volcanic eruptions, etc.
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Viewings: 4282
Лед в Арктике тает - на Земле холодаетStill very strange thing that global warming: someone from him hot, and someone - on the contrary. Here and scientists from the U.S. he is linked abnormally cold winters of recent years that regularly froze residents of the Northern hemisphere. More specifically, with very rapid melting of Arctic glaciers, the reason of which is the global warming.
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Viewings: 3220
Цветение Черного моря становится рекордным, заявляют экспертыThe flowering of the Black sea becomes a record, it lasts for a month and covers the entire deep-water part of the sea, is spoken in the message of engineering and technological center (ITC) "Center".
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Viewings: 4032
Forbes: извините климатические паникёры, но Земля остываетThe idea of climate change itself is already in the process of final refutation of climate alarmists who believe that human use of fossil fuels is responsible for catastrophic global warming. This is because the natural cycles already deployed towards cooling, global temperatures have already reduced about 10 years, and will continue to fall for another 10-20 years.
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Viewings: 4637
Список стран и городов, которые утонут в ближайшие десятилетияHumanity's time to say goodbye to a sinking Amsterdam, Venice, Tripoli, Yokohama and the Maldives.
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Viewings: 3759
Посадка на Марс не будет мягкойAlready it is estimated that the flight of interplanetary automatic station to Mars will take more than six months. But even if the machine will safely reach the destination, soft" landing seems quite complicated. NASA during the next mission intends to use to mitigate landing on the Red planet aerodynamic drag in the form of a sphere.
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Viewings: 6632
Луна хоть и не магнит, но примагничивает...Recently it was discovered that the Moon also have magnetic properties. Data obtained with robotic probes, told the researchers that the solar wind flows around the moon and interacts with it completely wrong, as with Land, because she, unlike our planet, does not have its own magnetic field. But it absolutely will not stop...
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