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Researchers say the wind on Mars can be extremely strong and provoke gatherings sandy avalanches one hundred times more powerful, desert wind provoke similar phenomena in the deserts on Earth. Traces of such avalanches were found near the North pole of Mars. Here experts with the help of orbital apparatus discovered real sand of the sea, driven with dunes Martian storm on an area of about 840 000 sq. kilometers, which is six times the area of the Mojave desert in California.
Researchers working with the Mars orbital apparatus, they say that recently they have observed in the area of "sand of the sea" a completely different landscape, which indicates that the recent occurrence of an event on the red planet. According to Brijuni Hogan from Arizona state University, based on the data from orbital probe Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, in some thickness driven storm sand layer can reach several meters, which says a great power weather events.
"Our observations definitely say that Mars still geologically active in many ways," says Hogan. According to experts, the super-high storms on Mars occur in spring, when frozen during the winter carbon dioxide begins to evaporate and there is an emission of additional volumes to the atmosphere. During springtime on Mars already quite strong wind caused by the change of seasons on the planet and changing the direction of the winds.
The MRO unit operates in orbit around Mars more than six years and during this time experts have observed some "sand of the seas", and the newly formed dunes. In addition, previously MRO helped to establish that the polar wind on Mars is often linked to shifting sand dunes relative to the surface of planety.