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Viewings: 4486
МолнииFor centuries raging element frightened man. Lightning spurting from the sky, bringing death and fire, seemed arrows of the gods. They were afraid, adjured, tried to curb.
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Viewings: 6186
Загадочные африканские «круги духов» приводят учёных в недоумениеIn the sandy desert and Savannah Namibia, South Africa, mysterious circles, known as "community spirit", which appear and disappear after several years without any apparent cause. A new look at these strange circles not solve their mystery, but at least shows that the greatest of them can last a lifetime.
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Viewings: 5501
Тайна «внеземного» озера Моно в США не дает покоя ученымThe researchers checked, whether in the lake live "other", as announced by NASA astrobiologists
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Viewings: 4425
Уровень моря продолжит расти, даже если мы сократим выбросыThe reduction of greenhouse gases will lead to the fact that the global temperature and sea level will stop growing. 't it?
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Viewings: 5162
Океан на Титане больше земного?Sometimes our blue planet Earth called the ocean. But this name corresponds more interesting enough Saturn's moon Titan. It was water covering the surface of the boundless ocean. Perhaps it is there now under the orange atmosphere and under thick ice crust, in the depths of the cold waters emerging life?
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Viewings: 4192
Древнейший кратер оказался самым большимRecently geologists from Greenland was able to find the impact crater, which is the largest and the oldest on the planet. Crater with a diameter of 600 kilometers remained from hitting the 30-kilometer asteroid, who visited Earth in about three billion years ago. Apparently, on the development of life is a cosmic accident no influence not provided.
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Viewings: 3535
И слабые вулканические извержения могут повлиять на глобальный климатEven a weak volcanic eruptions can have a big impact on the global climate.
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Viewings: 4205
Смертельный полюсWhy expedition to the South pole was killed under mysterious circumstances?
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Viewings: 4775
Загадки жизни ЗемлиIn the press have repeatedly been reports of researchers that in ancient times the Earth has a smaller size, and speed of rotation around its axis is greater, in comparison with the present time. Naturally, if you increase the size of Earth and the slowdown in the speed of its rotation, the daily time increased. The main reason for the slow speed of the material body (including Land) is increasing its diameter. A clear example of this is the reception skaters on the ice used to accelerate or slow speed of their body by bringing or removal of arms from the axis of its rotation.
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Viewings: 4665
Новое о живой и мертвой водеThe existence of healthful living and dead water is said in our ancient fairy tales. But the people, seeking to make a fairy tale come true, try to make this water in laboratory conditions by means of electrolysis. The result is acidic and alkaline water, not fabulously healing, while in use, it is called living and dead.
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Viewings: 5210
Вода живая и мертваяWater is one of zagadochnaya substances on Earth. Modern science doesn't know much about it, including on the nature of its origin.
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Viewings: 5966
Живая водаWater is the most common substance on Earth in its near-surface layer. Even the man himself is according to various data, from 70 to 80% of water, and, nevertheless, we can say that water is unknown substance.
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Viewings: 5330
НАСА обнародовало панорамный видна Марс, полученный камерой ровера «Оппортьюнити».Fresh traces of the Rover, the crater formed billions of years ago, and ruddy surface of the red planet around a rock outcrops, which automatically researcher-survivor held its regular winter...
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Viewings: 5914
The threat comes from a spot which recently has produced a plasma. Giant sunspot, which received the designation AR1515, erupted coronal ejection 2 July. He was not focused on the Earth is billions of tons of plasma, fortunately, flew past. But the planet slightly "hurt" ionized radiation, resulting in Europe was broken radio...

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Viewings: 4810
Ожидание Апокалипсиса – что говорят учёныеAccording to scientists, the mankind was gripped by fear associated with the pending Apocalypse in December 2012 that can become a cause of irrational fear, phobias, end of the world.
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