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НЛО и большая политикаIn recent years, information on there that we hide the fact of communication with aliens, and do more than enough.

China last couple of years, suddenly began to pour in the media hitherto secret information. Who and what he had heard about the UFO over China in some 1985? Even the professional ufologists did not have accurate information.

And now please: in December 2008 Beijing has issued a record flight UFO, 20 years kept a great secret. In Britain the publication of the so-called X-files already put on a Grand scale, drop them in the press at the national scale. Already open to access the folder with abnormal events recorded in the period 1978-1987,

Astronaut Apolio-14 stated that NASA employees had contact with aliens, but concealed it for 60 years, reported The Daily Maii. According to 77-year-old astronaut Edgar Mitchell, he was aware of many visits of aliens on Earth, each of which was kept secret by the government. In an interview with a radio station Mitchell reported that NASA employees were alien described as "strange creatures like the little people". They are not very different from the traditional understanding of the appearance of the aliens: they have a small body, big eyes and head.

Astronaut also said that the alien technologies are developed better than human. While Mitchell warned that if the aliens are hostile, the future earthlings will be threatened. In turn, representatives of NASA was quick to refute the statements of his former employee, who in 1971, has made the long walk on the moon {9 hours and 17 minutes). "NASA does not track UFO. Dr. Mitchell - great American, but we do not share his views on the matter" - said the representative of the space Agency.

The following retiree NASA, the former head of the photo Department of lunar laboratory NASA Ken Johnston, last year he had a huge press conference, presenting the public a few more than strange images of the moon, received expeditions "Apollo". The photos can be considered something resembling ancient high-tech ruins - multikilometer towers, giant hanging above the surface of the objects.

According to Johnston, 40 years ago, during the implementation of the programme moon landing of American astronauts found and photographed on the lunar surface some "ancient ruins of artificial origin" and discovered a previously unknown technology to control gravity, but these data have been completely classified by the U.S. government.

Finally, the last of "the former" gentlemen of the NASA - Mr. Christopher Kraft, in the past - neither more nor less - Director of NASA. He made public the following entry made in Houston during the lunar mission, Apollo-11:

Astronauts (Niall amstrong and Databases Aldrin):
Is a giant contraption. No, no, no... It's not an optical illusion. There can be no doubt!
"What... what... what? What the hell is going on there? What happened?
- They - here beneath the surface.
- What is there?
Connection was lost... the control center causes the Apollo 11. Astronauts:
"We saw several guests. They were there for some time, checking equipment.
- Repeat your last post.
- I say here other spaceships. They stand straight line on the other side
the crater. Houston:
- Repeat... repeat!
- Let us hang around this area... My hands are shaking so much that I can't do anything. To remove it? My God, if those damn camera zasnimet anything... what then?
- Can you shoot something?
- I have no more films at hand. Three shots with "plates", or whatever that thing is called, ruined the film.
Now let's try to answer the question: "And what actually does the UFO problem to politics?"

Strange aerial threat

Here is the story of what happened on December 6, 1950 - strange day air RAID. It was held at a dramatic moment for the American phase of the war in Korea, where two Chinese grouping counterattacked troops of General MacArthur, one hit kicking them over the 38th parallel, close to the sea.

Repeat the story of the beginning of the war, when the North Korean T-34 lightning blitzkrieg pushed Americans in the southern end of the Peninsula. In Washington prevailed mood, close to panic, and President Truman, in consultation with representatives of the joint chiefs of staff (high command of all branches of the armed forces of the USA), considered the possibility of a nuclear strike as in Korea, so, most likely, and in the USSR.

Grouping Makar-tour was in a difficult situation, on the verge of total defeat. In this situation, President Truman had decided to use its nuclear trumps.
On the morning of December 6, the joint chiefs of staff sent a warning to the commander of U.S. forces around the world about the likelihood world war.

At this point the radar stations of the far detection recorded approaching US from the North about forty objects, declared as "Soviet bombers".

Flying at an altitude of about 10 thousand meters, they, according to the calculations, a few hours had to be above the center of the United States. What about these events, write the original sources.

The collection "wise Men" Walter Isaacson and Ivan Thomas, based on interviews with state Acheson: "On the second morning of December 6, it seemed to him that his nightmares (world war) come true. At 10:30 a.m. Bob Lovett called him from the Pentagon, and simply informed her in a harsh voice:
- When we're done talking, you to me will not dial. All incoming calls are disabled. Will soon be declared a state of emergency throughout the country. We were informed that currently flying over Alaska operation of Russian planes flying to the South-East. The President wants you said British Ambassador Attlee that he should take adequate measures for their safety, all that you deem necessary. I have conveyed your message and end the conversation.
"Wait a minute, Bob, you believe that? - managed to insert the state Acheson.
"No, " replied Mr. Lovett and hung up.

The Acheson was sitting in his office and waited. Rose in the air the air force. The room broke into one of the highest officials and asked permission to call his wife, so she left the city, and asked whether you want to start to transfer the documents to the basement. The Acheson tried to calm him down. After a few minutes in a calm voice called back Lovett. Radar marks were not Soviet bombers. They were flocks of geese".
Harry S. Truman, "the Years of trial and hope. 1946-1952": "Shortly before the morning meeting of the Pentagon called Deputy defense Minister Lough and reported that in some radar screens defense systems in the far North there is a large formations approaching unidentified aircraft. Exploration were sent fighters, the alarm was raised aerial parts of New England. But after about an hour - during a meeting with (Clement) attle - Lovett said that the report was a mistake. Any unusual disturbance in the Arctic atmosphere has rejected rays radar".

Such is "a flock of geese" placed on the ears of all America. Or, as explained another version - the "radar perturbations". By the way, the radar in Alaska was not alone. "A flock of geese", soaring to a height of 10 thousand meter (that is covered with half-meter ice) from the Soviet bombers officers air defense could be distinguished. The matter is not that the geese don't fly that high.

The question is, that the USSR in 1950 was not even close supersonic bombers. Naturally, the question arises: if the stations of the far detection sat calculations fool, the fool or was Mr. Truman? Fool Lee was Bob Lovett, gathered to declare a state of emergency? Or maybe the White House and the Pentagon chief knew something and held for fools of everyone else?

And to know and in the White House and the Pentagon, and the CIA knew a lot of things. For example, about the incident in Roswell, where it is rumored fell UFO crew. Or, for example, about the incident near the shores of Antarctica, where "explore penguins" Americans sent an aircraft carrier escorted by a squadron of warships.

Returned from "scientific expedition" not all, but those that returned were terrible damage done quite strange weapons. It is possible that Roswell, and the famous incident of 1947 year in Antarctica - it's all a myth. Suppose. But this myth is very well explained and strange "flock of geese" over Alaska and strange humanism Pentagon, which is still in the early days of the cold war could easily do the USSR - so that you would have no stone unturned. But somehow pulled.

And in Korea atomic bomb was never applied. And even later Caribbean crisis as something strange and peacefully resolved - not that Khrushchev threw sandal and took in his hand the pipe, not the Kennedy called him and settled it - is unclear. But it is necessary to make on the chessboard other shapes - all falls into place.

Why all stopped

Suppose that ufologists right - aliens (or guests from other sections of reality) exist. Suppose astronaut Edgar Mitchell, speaking about 60-year-old contacts of the U.S. government to aliens, - speaks the truth. Then the logic of the events of 6 December 1950, just glued itself and everything falls into place.

Suppose that a narrow group of people in the USA (presumably military sets with owners UFO contact, more precisely, the aliens establish contact. This occurs during the presidency Truman - who organized a complex system of admissions to state secrets. Even under the next President Eisenhower, the President of the United States was actually the first person who knows everything. No one, even the military from the military could not refuse admission to certain information.

However, after Mr. Eisenhower in military institutions appear not just people, and whole departments that on all questions of the President can politely refuse. Developing such a system tolerances, still operational, in which the President gets higher the access to classified information. It has a few people who can actually make decisions.

They keep to themselves, and if and obey someone, that exclusively "brothers in mind", who elected these gentlemen day contact.
Suppose, further, that President Harry Truman decides to start a third world nuclear war. The level of development of humans and aliens, according to the most pessimistic estimates differ as to the level of development of the tribe of Papuans and the level of development of the modern post-industrial civilization. U.S. President decides to have the enemy, the USSR big Bada boom, as it was in Hiroshima. Aliens don't like it. Here in Alaska and organized warning radar spots like the Soviet bombers.

Who protects the Situation room?

I think similar scenario was and during the Caribbean crisis, when the dust of President Kennedy someone very abruptly cooled. Himself Kennedy, according to contemporaries, after talking about the aliens, that the American people have a right to know.

We also see that after this crisis in the system of the higher management of the USA appeared one very interesting object called "Situation room". Rude is such a big glass box, which are the long table, a few chairs and hold important persons, each of which is tested for the presence of electronics because it is in the Situation room no, no! This such a room will not be shown to anyone, and it is under the earth. That is dug in the mountain bunker, and inside the bunker is another isolated room. The question arises: who encrypted so in the 1960-ies? From the USSR? Even in the USA there was no technique, which was protected information in the Situation room.

However, everything seems logical, if we assume that the Situational room appeared in the U.S. as the protection of information from UFO. I guess, Mr. Kennedy was shocked that a secret meeting with the military, which discussed the possibility of using nuclear weapons - for representatives of different mind was not secret. Is there some way to read all the information, and is clearly knew where, when and for whom you want to track. And so appeared the situational room, there are places where the highest U.S. authorities could discuss important issues and not be afraid that someone will know.

We stress once more: all of the above is only a theory that helps explain neuvyadaemii on the face of things. Alas, but the conspiracy theories around the alien presence is possible to explain many things, from nuclear war, which was inevitable - but never happened to questions by a strange breakthrough USA in microelectronics and strange freezing there's space programs.

Author: Maltan
Source: "Interesting newspaper. The world of the unknown"
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