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НЛО-объективная реальностьOne of the former employees of this Department (had the status of a research Institute), candidate of technical Sciences B. N. kavalkou have kept a copy of the report on UFOs and handed it to me. After reviewing the report, I came to the conclusion that it is almost ready tutorial on UFOlogy, the author of which can be described as Vyacheslav Pavlovich kovalkova. I must say that the table of contents of the report speaks for itself: the UFO is a reality

UFO over the planet Earth

Let us ask ourselves the question: "is it Really close to the Land are unidentified flying objects?"
Here is the testimony of doctor of technical Sciences, one of the developers of the first radar R. F. Avramenko, who in 1994 publicly stated that after switching on the first powerful radar (as it happened in the 50-ies of the last century), he and his staff decided to "see" the neighborhood of the Earth and... found unknown aircraft, which was at a distance of hundreds to thousands of kilometers. Scientists have documented each such object, defined its settings and time of flight. For example, one of them was at the height of about 300 km and was moving at a speed of 20 km/sec and had a diameter of about 300 meters!

I must say that similar results were obtained and abroad. In particular, during the implementation of the secret canadian project "Magnet", which was led by U. Smith, in the same 50-ies, were found numerous spacecraft.
And now we witness another great scientist, who stood at the origins of the Soviet rocket, Valentina N. Fomenko, who first saw a UFO in August 1956. When he was asked: "What observation UFO you personally think is the strangest, the most extraordinary?" - he answered:

- The huge disk or flattened ball with a diameter of 400 kilometers (!), which captured the camera American geostationary satellite GOES-8. When I thought how many people there is placed, if to give everyone a cabin 3x3 meters, it turns out that a disc can take on Board the population of the whole Earth, and still have plenty of space for animals and plants. It's like some huge Noah's ark, the place where it will be possible in some cases to put the people. Evidently, the condition of our planet causes someone serious concerns, since this whole Armada flies in close proximity to it.

They have already been saved?!

In 2006, the media reported that scientists have deciphered one of the ancient texts mysteriously disappeared of the Mayan people, which says that the representatives of powerful alien civilization thousands of years ago saved the planet and its inhabitants from a collision with a giant comet.

And in April 1986 they saved us once again! And that's the evidence of it.
The explosion of the reactor of the fourth unit of the Chernobyl NPP occurred on the night of 26 April 1986 at 1 hour and 26 minutes. Practically it was "smeared in time" explosion of the atomic bomb, which is everyone, without exception peace reactor. Among the thousands of participants in the events of that terrible night there are hundreds of witnesses who saw in the sky above the burning unit unidentified flying object...

M. A. Aricki, senior dosimeter Control monitoring of Chernobyl, this night was alerted and directed at the head of a group in the area of ChNPP. With him was his companion, a dosimetrist UDC M. Samoilenko. The task group consisted of dosimetric control device DP 2 "b". Machine groups in the zone of direct visibility of the fourth block were in 4 hours and 15 minutes. "Spread out in time," the explosion was still going on. Seeing how the blazes reactor explosion smashed unit, and feel the "burning of the face" (the device is any high), dosimetrists, aware of the threat of exposure, decided to abandon immediate job and return to base for protection.

They have already begun to deploy the car, suddenly (quoted written testimony Meters of Urickogo): "We saw slowly floating in the sky bright latonovo color ball of fire. He was a diameter of 6-8 meters. We again measured by the scale of the instrument to another range. The device showed 3000 Milli-roentgen/hour. Suddenly from the Orb flashed two crimson spotlight (dual beam)... These two beams were aimed at the reactor of the 4th unit. The object was from the reactor at a distance of about 300 meters. All this lasted about 3 minutes... the Lights suddenly went out, and the ball slowly swam to the North-West. Here we are again drew attention to the device. He had already shown 800 billion per hour! We could not explain what had happened, and so sinned in the device. However, when we returned to the camp and have it checked, the device was intact".

Given the testimony of Urickogo are of special interest, because here is a chronicle of the events of that night by the minute and dosimetric measurements. Of course, estimating the size of the observed object and the distance from him to the reactor subjective, as there can be a speech only about angular sizes, not linear.
However, the testimony of a working device and hours thing is objective, and we rely on them as documented evidence that on the night of the accident UFOs that appeared in the sky above the burning unit, practically repaid the "spread" atomic explosion, knocking radiation from 3000 up to 800 billion per hour. The rest of the heroic labour and human victims finished the Kiev fire. That night there were a lot of witnesses who can confirm their UFO sightings over the ChNPP. 16 September 1989 at the 4th power unit were once again observed the problem, accompanied by emissions of large radioactive masses. A few hours later the doctor

I. Ospina observed in the sky above the station object, which she describes as "amber", where they could see his "top" and "bottom"...

In October 1990, the Chernobyl nuclear scientist A. Krymov photographed from the window of his apartment UFO hanging over houses. In the photo are clearly visible boarding prophets, who, apparently, has just soared.
5 days later, the press photographer of the newspaper "Echo of Chernobyl" Century Savran conducted the survey in the affected machine hall of the generator. Here is what he says: "just In case I "clicked" up, trying to capture a frame edge part of a dip in the roof..." and further: - "Being of sound mind and good memory, say, in the sky - neither before nor after there was no UFO".
However, when Savran showed the tape footage, it was hanging over a failure in the roof of the block UFO-like object that the year before saw Ospina. Only photographed from below. It should be said that not only ChNPP was the focus of UFOs.
In September 1988, Kiev Century Shevchuk watched two luminous object hanging over the pipe nuclear reactor of Kiev Institute for nuclear research. These objects look the same as the object observed Varick and Samoilenko over the 4th unit of Chernobyl on the night of the accident. The increased interest of these objects to the areas related to the use of nuclear energy, was noted in the forties, when the Los Alamos nuclear center (USA) were reported UFO sightings. According to the testimony of a former employee of the Swiss Consulate in Japan the day after the atomic bombing of Hiroshima, August 7, 1945 in the sky above the destroyed city appeared a kind of "phantom". Beginning in 1947, similar to the "silver disk" objects repeatedly observed over the state of new Mexico, where in the years held a nuclear test.

UFO caught the attention of none of the places of nuclear tests on the Earth. Over virtually all ranges, where the conduct nuclear tests, such as the French test site in the Sahara, American ground at Bikini Atoll, the former Soviet nuclear test sites on the island of Novaya Zemlya and at Semipalatinsk - above all these areas almost after each explosion there are "patrolling" the countryside is a UFO.

The Phenomenon Billy Meir

The most reliable information about UFOs and those who is piloting, represents the world community Swiss Billy Meir. Met Marina Popovich and "Zhigulevskih readings in Moscow demonstrated one of the videos landing of UFOs, which did Billy. I saw this entry. I involuntarily thought that this high-class fake. But since Marina Popovich no doubts on this account, then tried to collect on the Meir all, what possible, the original information. The word known to the researcher Vladimir Zabaykalskogo:
"Billy Edward Meir familiar ufologists, and analysts military-political circles of America and Europe. This 67-year-old Swiss first face-to-face with strangers in 1942. And a couple of months before the kidnapping, June 2, he saw in the sky a strange object, like a huge metal pear. He was flying slow and low, making a hissing and crackling...

In November, prior to the sixth birthday of Meir, a large UFO landed on a meadow near the forest. Curious Billy came up closer, but did not manage to make ten steps, as found about yourself low creature like a man. His wrinkled face the color of asphalt did not Express any emotion. Billy dubbed him the Old man. Taking the boy's hand, the Old man took him to a UFO. Four hours in a row, Billy had to work hard, knowing the truth, which affected the fate of most humans. In parting, the Old man said that next time Billy will tell about the role of people like it, intermediaries between humans and creatures, the true nature which to reveal impossible.
Two years later, Billy was transferred to another guide. Apparently they did not differ from each other, only a voice in a new teacher was higher. By the time Billy already knew that voice aliens sound directly in his head and not necessarily to say, enough about it, just think of it.

In the next 62 years contact with a race of aliens did not stop. Since 1975, Billy began to record and store in a Swiss Bank the most important information. By this time, despite the fact that he lost a hand, he mastered the technique of work with photo and video cameras, confidently went on a moped. These skills proved useful to him when, with the consent of the alien, he became a regular in broad daylight to shoot the UFOs as posed, low hanging out over meadows and hills.
Amazing clarity of images and skillfully selected point shooting has caused a lot of suspicions among researchers and all kinds of experts.

For many years the pictures and video tapes studied in the best laboratories of America, Europe and Japan. They asked the CIA, NASA and the national centre for the study of UFOs France. Photo archive Billy has about a thousand of pictures! Spent a lot of money on expensive expertise - so wanted to catch Meir fraud. Suffice it to say that they have invested more than $ 1 million in the organization of all kinds of accusations.
However, despite all efforts, experts of the highest qualification tampering was found. Media of Los Angeles wrote: "one-Armed man, living in a lonely house surrounded with fabulous nature, he was right. Now it's the time of the reproach of the envious and the army of skeptics. A million dollars, apparently, we have to give Billy Meir as compensation for moral damage".

Extraordinary personality Meir became interested in security services intelligence BBC England and the USA. It was a frequent visitor to the researchers, there was all kinds of equipment. In July 1980, the British experts, upon agreement with Meir about the time and place of the experiment, arrived in Switzerland in the field conditions the equipment deployed for registration of optical and radio-technical characteristics of UFOs. The sun was quite high above the mountains, when the suspense group gave way to astonishment, passing into confusion. Because of the wooded slope of a large disk with a dome on top. In the middle part perfectly viewed slowly rotating "rim", a pale greenish haze. The object slowly planned at the height of 700 meters. Once on a large meadow at the edge of the forest, where was established instruments, UFO hovered, slowly swinging like a pendulum.
The equipment failed, recording on a magnetic carrier frequency spectrum and dynamics of the electromagnetic field around the UFO was a success. However, along the way, Billy Meir explained that is only on a small portion of the frequency spectrum of the field UFO, which is its protective shield.

Higher frequency range (more than 3 GHz) terrestrial equipment was not perceived. Billy asked those present to leave by the nearest tree: "take Care of eyes, now the ship will leave this place. Then you will be able to return to work". Object wrapped purple haze, then there was a bright flash of light, UFOs, leaving loose, but rather a bright cloud, the lightning lost in the sky. After leaving UFO all the batteries were not just empty and destroyed boiling electrolyte. Intact remained only dry power sources, also fully atradusies. And at the end of the year the TV channels of USA and some European countries showed a "sound" protective field UFO. During one of the visits of aliens handed over to Meir a metal sample as evidence of their presence on the planet. Scientists have identified him as magnesium-26. This light and very solid material on an industrial scale to get unrealistic even in the very distant future. He met another sample, found on the place of a UFO crash in Brazil.

The interest to the personality Billy Meir explained not only by the fact that he has a unique photos, but has foresight in science and geopolitics. Many of his prophecies have come true. For example, in October 1978 Meir said that Jupiter's moon IO is a large volcanic activity, and the Jupiter has rings, besides he described in detail the composition and mechanism of formation, as the ice-covered surface Europe - satellite of Jupiter. And all this for 20 years before in 1998 with space probes, scientists were able to verify its correctness. In February 1995 Meir warned about the accident at the French nuclear power plant near Lyon, which really happened in August 2003.

In the documents about contacts Meir with aliens from February 28, 1987, reported: "the World is heading to nuclear catastrophe. Prelude will become a huge force of hurricanes on the East coast of the US. Millions of people will rush to the Northern and Central States. Will be chaos and devastation. This will benefit... fanatics, bringing its share in the destruction of the infrastructure of the United States". Meir even mentions about the assassination of an American President, after which the armed forces will begin to suppress the fanatics in the middle East and in Asia. Europe will not remain in side: it will have a huge disaster. "And China will take the leading place in the world".

But what is the role of the aliens in this fateful for the earth? In the same document States: "Extraterrestrial forces will reset the cloak of secrecy and will help those who oppose acting irresponsibly Western countries". However, Meir warns that this script is just a forecast, not an ultimatum aliens. Just one day the alien told Billy that the human race and some alien race in its development have a common point of reference. Thus, the aliens are vitally interested in the preservation on the Earth the human race as a biological material.
Billy Meir tells in details about the device amazing alien ships, at the same time noting that much of the field of space navigation and of what we would call the physics of energy and matter, remains beyond his understanding. Once the alien invited Billy to regenerate lost the hand. He refused, motivating its decision by the fact that very many people would use it against him.

In short, materials about contacts Billy Meir with the aliens and their prophecies in the end - information about the problems of our survival on this planet. Today we have information unprecedented precision in the result of the scan of a 50-year period of time. Why this became known only now? The answer is very simple. The prophecy in contemporary geopolitics, when much can be objectively verified, is very responsible. As such information would be perceived by the people? How to choose the right moment and to reveal to them the truth?
This is an amazing story of a humble man, abyssaudio on a moped mountain forests in between UFO sightings and their pilots".

So, summing up all the above, I think to doubt the existence of UFO's no longer necessary, since this is the objective reality!

Author: Mikhail Rechkin, corresponding member of the Academy of theoretical problems of the RAS
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