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Куда подевались три столетия?From early Western European middle ages have survived remarkably little information from credible sources. To determine the reliability of any fact, historians have to compare a number of indirect evidence. To set the exact date of medieval events - harder every puzzle, because successive historical records of the early period of the Middle ages does not exist. The few documents that clearly dated often struck by the very fantastic chronology or contain absolutely incredible number.

The Holy Roman Emperor Otto III. Miniature from the gospel
If you show patience and to dig in the libraries of monasteries, you can find there a lot of notes allegedly X century, which are equipped with dates retroactively. From a modern point of view such documents look inept crude forgery. Private notary Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire for some reason in the document 700 years corrected the date on the 1000 year, "jumped" thus through
three centuries!

Between 614 and 911 years, a gap had formed from three hundred-year interval, there were no credible documentary evidence, as if it never was! Contemporary German historian Heribert Illig came to the conclusion that the reign of the Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire of Distillate III and the Pope Sylvester II marked in the annals of history for three centuries later than it actually is. Such gross errors" could not occur by chance, for them, of course, had good reasons.

Before the last judgment

But why should the German king and the Pope to falsify historical dates? In the Christian calendar 1000 year seemed especially remarkable: he pointed to the coming of the end time before the last Judgment. Otto III sought to unite Christian Europe around Rome and the Holy Church. It was profitable for him together with the Pope to declare that "these are the last times", and scared the last judgment has forgotten God of the Christians.

But to practically implement the "time shift" three centuries to come, the Emperor and the Pope was not enough to correct the date on multiple documents to which almost no one had access. They did more - filled fictitious historical events 297 years, which was not. So there was a colorful narrative marked dates from 614 to 911. These manuscripts are more like tales and legends, than on dry and dispassionate statement of facts, made in good faith monks chroniclers.

Charlemagne and the deer

In one such imaginary chronicle tells of Charles the Great, the legendary founder of the first European Christian dynasties. In confirmation of their rights to property and the power of the emperors of the Holy Roman Empire, including Otto III, referred to Charles the Great - his unprecedented courage, unlimited power, multiplicity and the splendour of the court.

Emperor Charles The Great
The story about the Foundation of the legendary king of Zurich presented in a report of the real event. Charlemagne and his retinue went hunting and found out a magnificent male deer. Hunters, horseback riding rushed in pursuit of swift-footed animals, but the deer, as luck would have rushed dal green spaces. Royal Suite without feeling tired, miraculously, I was off from Aachen to the place where now is Zurich (now on the highway it is more than six hundred miles, in addition it was necessary to cross the river). In a beautiful Alpine valley deer stopped. The king immediately realized that this is no accident. He ordered to dig up the earth in the specified location, and it turned out that there lie the remains of the Christian martyrs. Over the graves of Christian churches and churches around town grew - Zurich.

In other manuscripts says that Charlemagne summoned the nobles from different countries. The record of this event, too, has little in common with the real facts.

The messenger of Caliph gave the host a gift spear. The Emperor took the spear, raised his hand and threw pokinul it to Byzantium (!). Lance ended up in the dome of Hagia Sophia in Constantinople, bounced off and flew back - right in the Royal hands of Charlemagne.

Sly trick

The Otto III, to strengthen his own power, seemed more significant the episodes of the legend about Charles the Great, in which the king showed incredible strength and military valor. The only military campaign had invincible Charles to defeat all the enemies in Europe, not only the "infidels" - nasty Gentiles, and powerful at the time of Byzantium. Superhuman deeds of his legendary ancestor was easy to muzzle any real enemy. Ancestors, kinship and marriage ties meant in feudal Europe more than the individual qualities of personality.

As of this date "911 year, then in this case, in the opinion of Heriberto of Illega, medieval had rigged up with a cunning trick. It is impossible simply to add to the current date is 300 years old, so nobody noticed...

Moved the starting point

For clarity, please see the even more ancient times: by the decision of the First Ecumenical Council Dionysius Small calculated new he then there was the annual calendar of celebrating of Easter. Dionysius in its calculation of Easter was first reported from the date of a new era - 525 year from the birth of Christ.

Before the Paschal Dionysius Small in Europe were mainly used chronology of Diocletian, so named after the Roman Emperor Diocletian, brutally persecuting the Christians. It took centuries to account years from the birth of Christ was in European countries generally accepted. By the beginning of the reign of Otto III chronology of the Nativity of Christ is already widely came into use, and all dates mentioned earlier in the "era of Diocletian", had to be counted in a new way. The Emperor had outwitted his contemporaries: when the dates of the old calendar in the new he added extra 300 years and thereby shifted the starting point.

Witness the epoch - architecture

Reliable and durable witnesses era are stone buildings. In the architecture of some of the buildings of the early middle ages is also possible to notice a strange inconsistency is the priority discrepancy of constructions technology of its time. For example, the medieval Cathedral in Aachen dated this "missing" and tampered with by the length of time. According to the documents, the oldest part of the Cathedral - the Royal chapel of Charles the Great was built about 800 years BC Experts recognize this building is a masterpiece of architecture, created with the application of engineering knowledge and building technologies that do not meet IX and XII century.

In the year 800 builders in Aachen already knew the tricks that their colleagues will invent and master over 300 years. Methods of processing of stone, the design of the dome and vaults, horizontal distribution of gravity huge roof, able to withstand the force of the wind, the technology of a laying of walls, the basic layout of the building - the Cathedral presents the features of the early Gothic style, which was formed in Western European architecture in the second half of the XII century.

In Germany there is almost no architecture of the period from 614 911 year (for 300 years nothing was built, in addition to the Royal chapel?). Falsification of Otto III proves also the "disappearance" in the Andalusian cities in the Moorish style of the same period. In written sources expressively painted amazing luxury huge Moorish town, with cobbled streets and even with street lights. It's amazing: from the magnificent Moorish palaces there remained not one stone, and the remaining buildings date from (modern methods) at the earliest, 950 a year.

Fictional events, mysterious facts...

As soon as meticulous researcher delves into all aspects of life during the past 300 years, it certainly falls into the area of misleading reports, fictional events, mysterious facts and legends.

Heribert Illig leads interesting Parallels in different calendars. Events in medieval Persia is very difficult to link to the corresponding period of European history. We can focus on a few well-known facts. In 641 Persia was conquered by the Arabs and began to plant there Islam instead of Zoroastrianism. But even in the X century Persia, especially in its Eastern part, has not become a Muslim country. Maybe sultans of the Arab Caliphate showed the alien religious tolerance and did not prevent his subjects to worship the Sun?

Classical Persian poet Abulkasym Ferdowsi lived approximately 940 on 1020 or 1030 year. In the epic poem "Shahnameh" he described the history of the Iranian Kingdom from the fourth century until the Arab conquest. The author has dedicated his work to the Sultan, although none of 60 thousand couplets are not mentioned neither the Arab heroes, conquerors or Allah. If we discard three hundred years since the invention of Otto III, then with a slow the spread of the Muslim religion in Persia everything becomes more or less clear.

The Iranians, not wanting to accept the Islam left their homeland. The Persian Zoroastrians settled in India, called there the Parsa and are considered to be a separate caste. In the East of Iran and in neighboring countries lives in a small number of Zoroastrians, has preserved its ancient pagan religion. Religious communities Iranian Zoroastrians can't understand why the calendar of their brothers in faith, living in India, Parsis, 300 years differs from the calendar adopted in Iran and other countries. Gone to India Persians in their communities consider the years still, no transfer time in three hundred years.

Not now 2008, and 1708?

One can only speculate as to Distillate III came illegally to compose three centuries of history. Otto III came to the throne in 995 year at the age of 15 years, and on January 23, 1002, he has already died, being quite a young man. The times were hard in southern Europe came the Saracen Arabs and has advanced so far that threatened the German lands. In the North hosted the pagan Vikings and Slavs who have utterly destroyed severogermanskim of the city.

Young Otto III was for its time, educated person with wide world Outlook. He had the idea to make Rome capital of the world, to unite around Rome all Christian Europe. Otto III most of the time spent in Rome, invented a lavish ceremony and titles, wore the gown, embroidered with signs of the zodiac. Fantastic ideas he was connected with the religious fanaticism of fasting, prayer and torture of the flesh. In Italy, the young Emperor found many followers are devout Christians, which sickened furnished General debauchery and the pursuit of carnal pleasures.

Pope Sylvester II, a protege of Otto III, too, was a young idealist. He was very different from their immediate predecessors, because in the X century the papacy was not a beacon of faith and morals. Clergy enjoyed great authority and lived in pleasure, not indulging in worldly pleasures. Greed and lust monks entered the sayings. Why to join European Nations around such Rome?

To proclaim the nearness of the last judgment, to get people to think, to remember about God and his commandments - the idea naive, but essentially well-intentioned. In any case, it is totally in the nature of Otto III. In the mind of the young monarch walked bold ideas and ambitious plans. He had some knowledge about the world, but he lacked the sense of reality and life experience. The unifier of Christians, the champion of morality, fanatic faith - it was in the clouds and could hardly make something of it, even if he had lived longer. At the end of life the Otto III already without anyone to rely on, he had no supporters.

Such a person is able, without hesitation, to translate the clock for three hundred years and come up with the missing history of three centuries. If it's true, inimitable Otto III indeed fixed date and messed up head to contemporaries and descendants, so now we have in the yard 1708!
He Sidneva.
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