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10 самых могущественных семейств в историиIn our world of inequality and endless struggle for money and power there are always those who can be called the most powerful and strong, as they have titles and money. Since money and property are transferred by inheritance, whole dynasty that thrive with each new generation in the multiplication of wealth ancestors and hold their positions.

You can learn about the most famous and powerful families in history.

1) Dynasty Of Rotshildov

Dynasty of Rotshildov (or Rotshildy) - the dynasty of bankers and financiers from Germany German origin, which founded and controlled banks across Europe and was elevated to the nobility of the Austrian and British governments. The founder of the dynasty is considered Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1744-1812), whose plans for the future was to keep the business in the hands of the family, which allowed to keep in total secrecy the size of his fortune and business achievements.
Wealth dynasty of Rotshildov

Mayer Rotshild successfully held the status within the family. Carefully choosing spouses for their posterity from close relatives, Nathan Rotshild opened a Bank in 1811 in London, called N. M. Rothschild and Sons, which exists until now. In 1818, the company has provided a loan of 5 million pounds Prussian government, and the issue of bonds for government loan was the backbone of a prosperous business. Rotshildy took such a strong position in London that 1825-26 years were able to mint coins for the Bank of England to give him the opportunity to avert the threat of a market crisis.

2) The Plantagenet Dynasty

If you compare the Royal Plantagenet dynasty and Tudor, then the first left more trace in history as the development of English culture and political system (which still is) occurred in their reign. When the Tudors was founded the Anglican Church and some argued that if there has been a Golden age in the history of England, however, is Plantagenet much more serious.

The Plantagenet were Royal house, the founder of which is Henry II, the eldest son Geoffroy V Plantagenet. Kings of this dynasty began to rule England in the 12th century. With 1154 in 1485 years in total at the head of state was 15 monarchs Plantagenet, among whom were those who belonged to the younger lines.
Achievements of the Plantagenets

In the era of Plantagenet originated typical English culture and art, which has been encouraged by the monarchs. In those times there was a popular architecture in the Gothic style and such famous buildings as Westminster Abbey and York Minster were built in this style.

In the social sector were also carried out some changes, for example, king Ion I was signed Magna Carta. It influenced the development of General and constitutional rights. Political institutions such as Parliament of England and the other is said to have originated during the reign of the house of Plantagenet, and were founded some famous educational institutions, for example the Universities of Cambridge and Oxford.

3) The Dynasty Of The Nehru-Gandhi

The Nehru dynasty-Feroz Gandhi political dynasty, whose representatives have dominated the Indian national Congress party most of the early history of independent India. Three members of this dynasty (Jawaharlal Nehru, his daughter, Indira Gandhi and her son Rajiv Gandhi were the Prime Ministers of India, two of which (Indira and Rajiv) were killed.
Governance - family matters

The fourth member of the dynasty, the widow of Rajiv Gandhi, Sonia Gandhi, is currently the leader of the Indian national Congress, and their son, Rahul Gandhi is the youngest of the family, who began to enter politics after won a seat in the lower house of the Indian Parliament in 2004. The Nehru dynasty-Feroz Gandhi is not bound by ties of kinship with the leader of the struggle for India's independence by Mohandas Gandhi. The dynasty of the Nehru-Gandhi - the most outstanding example of a dynastic traditions of governance in the Asian democratic republics.

4) Dynasty Khans

Genghis Khan - the founder of the Mongol Empire, the largest Empire in history, combining adjacent territory. He came to power by uniting many of the nomadic tribes of northeast Asia. After the founding of the Mongol Empire and the ads yourself by Genghis Khan, i.e. ruler, he began to attack the neighboring territory, conquering Nations and by themselves, their possessions.
Endless occupation of territories

During the reign of Genghis Khan's Mongol Empire occupied the most part of Central Asia. Before the death of Genghis Khan was appointed as a receiver of his son Uhedeya, and divided the Empire between their children and grandchildren on khanate. He died in 1227 after he won the Tanguts. He was buried in an unmarked grave somewhere in Mongolia.

His descendants continued to conquer new lands and increase of ownership of the Mongol Empire in Eurasia, creating a vassal States, among which were modern China, Korea, countries of Caucasus and Central Asia, as well as a huge part of the modern countries of Eastern Europe and the Middle East.

5) Dynasty Claudius and Julia

Two dynasties were United in a single, becoming one of the most important collections of Ancient Rome, which was later to be called the dynasty of the Julio-Claudian, whose members were the most famous Roman emperors: Caligula, Augustus, Claudius, Tiberius and Nero. These five emperors ruled the Roman Empire from 27 BC to 68 A.D. the latter, Nero, has committed suicide.

These five rulers were connected either through marriage or adoption comes with Julio and Claudia. Julius Caesar is sometimes inaccurately is considered the founder of this dynasty, as it was not the Emperor and had no connection with this generation, Claudia. August should be considered a full founder of the dynasty.
Common features of the reign of the emperors

The reign of the emperors of the Julio-Claudian dynasty had similar traits: they all came to power through indirect kinship. Each of them has expanded the territory of the Roman Empire and started large-scale construction projects. Mostly they were treated well people, but the class of senators they did not like, according to the Roman historians. Ancient historians described the emperors of the Julio-Claudian dynasty, as crazy, sexually perverted and tyrannical personalities.

6) The Ming Dynasty

Zhu - the name of the emperors of the Ming Empire. First Ming Emperor Zhu Hongwu started to call Ming dynasty, which means diamond". Minsk dynasty ruled China from 1368 to 1644 years after the fall of the Mongol yuan dynasty.

The reign of the Ming dynasty was considered one of the greatest epochs of social stability and good governance in the history of mankind. This was the last dynasty in China, at the head of which were ethnic Chinese. Although the capital of the Empire, Beijing, fell in 1644 in the peasant uprising led by Lee Tszychenom, regimes that were adopted during the reign of emperors Min existed until 1662.
Grandiose construction of the Ming dynasty

Minsk Empire possessed huge military forces and had an army of one million soldiers. It was organized by the enormous construction projects, including the restoration of the great Wall and the construction in Beijing "Forbidden city" in the first quarter of the 15th century. According to some estimates, the population in the last period of the Ming dynasty ranged from 160 to 200 million people. The reign of the Ming dynasty is often seen as the most important pages of the history of Chinese civilization, at the time of that dynasty was born the first signs of capitalism.

7) the Habsburgs

The house of Habsburg was important Royal house of Europe, and we also know that its representatives ruled the Holy Roman Empire in the period between 1452 and 1740 years, and for a long time were the kings of Spain and Austrian Empire. A native of Switzerland, the first dynasty took over as head of Austria, which rules over 6 hundred years, but a series of Royal marriages allowed the Habsburgs also to take under his dominion Burgundy, Spain, Bohemia, Hungary, and other areas. This dynasty got its name thanks to the Habsburg castle on the territory of the Swiss region of Argao.
Large family and marriage

The motto of this dynasty was "Let others fight, and you, happy Austria, should marry", indicating a talent Habsburg through marriage to associate representatives of a kind with other Royal birth, creating alliances and inheriting the territory. Empress Maria Theresa, for example, remained in the history of Europe is not only due to their political achievements, but including "the Great grandmother of Europe", 10 children which lived to adulthood and left no heirs.

8) Ptolemaic Dynasty

The Ptolemaic - Hellenistic Macedonian Royal dynasty, which ruled the Empire of the Ptolemies in Egypt about 300 years from the year 305 BC in 30 BC. Ptolemy was one of the commanders, served from Alexander the great, who had been appointed by the Satrap of Egypt after Alexander's death in 323 BC.
Egyptian Queen Cleopatra

In the year 305 BC, he declared himself king Ptolemy I. the Egyptians soon took Ptolemaic as successors independent pharaohs of Egypt. They ruled the country up until the Roman conquest in 30 year BC. The best-known member of the genus was last Queen Cleopatra VII, known for having played an important role in political battles between Julius Caesar and Pompey, and later between Octavian and Marc Anthony. Her suicide after the conquest of Egypt by the Rome marked the end of the reign of the Ptolemies.

9) The Medici Dynasty

The Medici family was powerful and influential family of Florence, the members of which were in power from the 13th to the 17th century. Among them were four Popes (Leo X, Pius IV, Clement VII, Leo XI), the large number of rulers of Florence, as well as members of Royal families of England and France. They also dominated the city government, taking control of Florence completely in his hands, making it a city where arts prospered and humanism.
The great Renaissance

Together with other influential families of Italy, such as the Visconti and Sforza of Milan, de este of Ferrara and Gonzaga from Mantua, the Medici contributed to the birth of the Italian Renaissance. Bank Medici was one of the most prosperous and most respected banks in Europe. One time they even called the richest collection in Europe. Thanks to the money of the Medici were able to gain political power first in Florence and then in Italy and throughout Europe.

10) The Capetian Dynasty

The Capetian dynasty is the largest of the Royal house in Europe. It includes direct descendants of the king of France Hugues Capet of France. Spanish king Juan Carlos and Grand Duke of Luxembourg Henri - family members Capet, both of Bourbon branch of the dynasty.

For many centuries the Capetian spread throughout Europe and stood at the head of various units, from kingdoms to the estates. In addition, the Capetian - the largest Royal family in Europe, it is also one of the most incestuous, especially in the Spanish monarchs. Many years have passed since then, as the Capetian ruled much of Europe, but still some members of this family remain kings and have many other titles.
Modern European kings

Currently at the head of the Kingdom of Spain and Luxembourg are the Capetian. Prince Luis Alfonso de Bourbon, Duc d'anjou, another member of the family, is a contender to the throne of France. In Europe there are still the most various branches of the Capetian dynasty.

Source: listverse.com
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