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Ищите пришельцев возле ЖивописцаThe number of exoplanets in the Universe, apparently exceeds the number of stars. This suggests that in abundance and diversity ekzoplaneta wealth must be detected twin of our native Land. Recently near the star HD 40307 from the constellation of the Painter in potentially habitable zone was discovered this planet. However, its mass is much bigger than earth.

Often in a rush romantic delight we see brothers in mind that even was sent to radiopreset from the Earth through a distance of tens of light-years. But the search for exoplanets continues, and near the star HD 40307, which is included in the directory Henry Draper, specialists found a family of planets, with six reliably detected objects of this type.

The first three were discovered in 2008 with the HARPS spectrograph instrument for high-precision registering of radial velocities of the planets. Opening belongs to the scientists of the European southern Observatory (ESO). Three planets, denoted by b, c and d and related to the type of supersell by weight of such exoplanets surpass the Earth several times), turn around a star of spectral class К2.5V, it is sun-like. The mass of the star in the constellation of the Painter is 0.75 sun, the light radius equals 0,716 on the size of the solar radius, and its temperature is 4870 K. Until this light's not so far - about 42 light years.

All three primary discovered extrasolar planets is very close to its star, the average radius of the orbits of less than 0.2 astronomical units. Mercury in the Solar system has a slightly larger radius of the orbit. We have already defined periods of their treatment, equal to 4, 31, and 9,62 20,45 days. But it turned out that this is not all - in 2012 were found three more planets (e, f and g), one of which (g) is in orbit in potentially habitable zone around the star HD 40307. The orbital period is equal to objects, e and f, respectively 34,62 and 51,76 days, and the mysterious g calls longer - earth for 200 days, the orbit radius approximately equal to 0.6 astronomical units. What is most interesting, its mass exceeds the earth seven times.

Potentially habitable zone around the star HD 40307 Painter first of all promises the presence on the planet HD 40307g water in the liquid phase. This is one of the main conditions for a possible origin and development of life. While it is impossible to establish what the day at the exoplanet g. But it is located on the sixth place among the identified objects, that is quite far from its star. Therefore, we can assume that this planet as Earth rotates around its axis, providing uniform heating of the surface rays of light.

The situation "tidal capture" is considered to be unfavorable for the planet, if we talk about the development of biological forms and life in ekzoplanetoy system. This capture is a condition in which the rotation of the planet around its axis becomes just like our moon - recall that it is addressed to the Central body of one party. But if the Central body is the star, the exoplanet able to "tidal capture" will be converted to it's also always one stranoy, and the reverse is dark and colder. Of course, this condition may not contribute to the optimal temperature regime on the planet where you may experience the life forms similar to those existing on the Ground.

There is a certain scepticism regarding the evaluation of the quality of exoplanets-supersell as cradles of life. Generally speaking, they can be depicts Neptune, i.e. small gas giants. The version about the radical difference of supersell from the real Earth, develop and substantiate the experts group, led by Vlad Stamenkovic from the Massachusetts Institute of technology. Perhaps the geological structure of supersell nothing like the earth, which excludes appearance of life forms, like ours.

So, for the emergence of life on the exoplanet must be liquid water, solid rocky surface, forming atmospheric shell, the temperature regime provided a star. Moreover, the star must be sufficiently "peaceful". For example, red dwarfs can generate powerful flash, which is very unfortunate and dangerous for the emerging biota. The combination of many factors provides the appearance of fine technologies of generation of life from non-living matter on the planet.

However, there are already six candidates, definitely suitable for research! I want to hope for growth of life in the Universe was justified. Four candidates is Gliese 581d, Gliese 667Cc, Gliese 581g and Gliese 163c, exoplanets near red dwarfs.

Object HD 85512 revolves around the star class (like exoplanet HD 40307g) is also a promising candidate. And there is the star at a distance of 600 light-years from Earth, like our Sun, the G-class, warming the only exoplanet - Kepler-22b, opening December 2011. It was discovered with the help of a telescope "Kepler", which was made the message on the official site of the American space Agency. Circulation period extrasolar planets Kepler-22b around the star 290 days. The radius of the planet exceeds the earth's radius 2.4 times. The mass of the planet is unknown, it can also be a gas giant.

The space telescope "Kepler" works in space since March 2009. It seamlessly handles the sector, with about 4.5 million stars, located between the constellations Cygnus and Lyra. Commits the changes of brightness of light - this method is called transit method of search for exoplanets.

The project Planet Hunters ("Hunters planets") established specifically for the analysis of data collected by the telescope "Kepler". The project results are very encouraging: already discovered two extrasolar planets, narrates article in the journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. All it says about the ten candidates for the planet, two of them are particularly interesting. These objects is marked as KIC 10905746 and KIC 6185331, their diameter is equal to 2.7 and eight of the earth diameters, periods of circulation - 10 and 50 days, respectively. Presumably they are a super-earths and gas giant, but the masses of these bodies is still not defined.

Remarkable is that the volunteers, that is, a voluntary project participants found the planet among the "disqualified" professionals of the data. Licit production of Amateur enthusiasts formed the Treasury finds and enriched the results!
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