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Recent excavations of the ancient city in Crimea artesian once again pleased archaeologists. Scientists have found numerous fragments of terracotta figures of Greek goddesses and gods, Hiking and horse soldiers, fragments of different dishes and, most importantly, dozens of Bosporan coins, most of which were later coins Mithridates VIII.
Three years ago on the excavations of a fortified settlement from the artesian were found 244 copper Bosporan coins of late I century BC - first half of the I century BC, 10 silver denarii Roman emperors Augustus and Tiberius, as well as gold, silver and bronze jewelry, glass vessels. The settlement, which was part of the Bosporan Kingdom, is on a hill five kilometers East of the Azov sea and three kilometers to the North-West of the modern town chistopole. The treasures date from the beginning of the Roman war Bosporan 45 ad
The territory of the settlement, the study of which since 1989 is engaged in a joint Russian-Ukrainian Artesian archeological expedition under the guidance of doctor of historical Sciences, Professor of Moscow state pedagogical University (MSPU) Nikolai I. Vinokurov, was developed already in the Neolithic era. The antique is a settlement of about seven acres, in the top and bottom plateau hills and the slopes of hills.
The settlement strengthened by several lines stone and earthern fortifications. In the Central part rises "citadel", and the edges - four monumental ash, i.e. layers of ash in the form of a mound, saturated animal bones and the remains of material culture. They were formed in the result of multiple crumble in one place ashes of homes, the remains of sacrificial food, household garbage and broken pottery.
Artesian settlement, which some historians have tended to identify with the mentioned Claudius Ptolemy (Claudius Ptolemaeus) parosta town was a military guard post. Artesian fortress, which was a well fortified rectangular citadel area of about 700 to 800 sq. M. the total area of the settlement is not less than 1.3 ha) with huge walls was destroyed during the wars with Rome, king Mithridates, in 45 ad, this is evidenced, in particular, the findings of several thousand copper coins with the names of the cities of Caesarea (Panticapaeum) and Agrippia (Phanagoria)and the Bosporan rulers of Aspurgus (14-37, ad), Happily (37-38, ad) and Mithridates VIII (III) (39-45 A.D. the). In the course of excavations of 2006 was found gold stater Aspurgus 34-35 ad
According to the website Artesian archeological expeditions, in the burnt layer early citadel discovered numerous fragments of terracotta figures of Greek goddesses Demeter, Bark, Cybele, Aphrodite with Dolphin, psyche and Eros girls with gifts, Hermes, Attis, Hiking and horse soldiers, half-naked boys and tiny fragments of ancient Greek jugs of wine with one handle (the so-called oinochoie) and jugs for libations. In the southern part of the citadel found small holes in which there were dozens of Bosporan coins, most of which were later coins Mithridates VIII. Recovered the remains of two people - a man and a child. On the charred remains of an adult reclining Roman iron sword (gladius).
Cotis I, the youngest son and Aspurgus gepepirii got Bosporan throne of the Roman Emperor Claudius for the betrayal of his older brother Mithridates VIII. Upon ascending the throne by the Roman army, he introduces in the Bosporus and the cult of the Roman emperors became his lifelong high priest takes the epithet "godly". On the last stater Board Cotis monogram of king replaced with the monogram of Emperor Nero. By the way, this coin has allowed to recreate the policy Cotys I 45-63, as evidence of his complete obedience to Rome. It is possible that it remained the same in the future, 64 to 68 years.
The Board Cotys I (45-68,) on the ruins of the citadel early Artesian was built a new fortress. In the North-Eastern part of the courtyard of the citadel was found damaged by fire nearly two dozen broken and the whole Kuvshinov, about forty simple and red varnished bowls, fragments of female ornaments and metal parts service, as well as several hundred Bosporus copper coins of the end of I century BC - first half of the first century ad, for the most part also badly burned. Inside were gold, silver and bronze ornaments, and nearly two and a half hundreds of Bosporan coins and ten Roman denarii, and four bronze coins Mithridates VIII.
It is noteworthy that in both caskets containing an equal number of coins Mithridates VIII - 55 a penny each. Maybe it's just a coincidence, or perhaps equal amounts received by the owners of these treasures from the party of Mithradates. Coins of the Mithridates VIII after the Roman war Bosporan 45-49 years. no longer met. Most likely they were removed from circulation by kotis I