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Найдут ли дореволюционные клады?The treasure - primordial passion of mankind Since ancient times, the dream about the treasures makes desperate head lowered to the bottom of the sea, to go into mysterious caves, disassemble the ruins of old castles.

B Russian history of the treasure was quite developed before the revolution. The reason is that treasures that are found on private land, belonged to the owner of the land. If the treasure is found strange man, the owner of the land will still be allocated half found. Besides, the treasure could pass to local authorities and to receive the full value of silver, gold or precious stones.
Was looking for treasures alone and in a team. So, in 1799 after a call to Emperor Paul the count Musin-Pushkin received permission, soldiers and money in search of treasure in the cave of mount Elbrus. And in 1906 in Ukraine was created the joint stock company is the treasure of Hetman of Polubotka. The hunters were divided into Amateurs and professionals.

The latter has created a whole treasure hunters "science", passed on from generation to generation. With treasures and treasure hunters in different localities connected many entertaining stories, legends, legends. We invite you to review with multiple pages from the history of kladoiskatelstvo.

The treasure hunters

There are four famous name in Russian history, which is inseparably linked the idea of treasures and kladoiskatelstvo. These names to the XVI century - the terrible and Kadeer, for the XVII century - Stepan Razin, for the XVIII century - Pugachev. About the treasure of Grozny (the legendary library in the dungeons of the Moscow Kremlin) written two volumes. Tsar Ivan the terrible and kudeyar not only were his contemporaries, but personally knew each other - kudeyar even one time enjoyed the location of the king. But with the mentally unbalanced Terrible it was difficult to live with. Kudeyar from other Grozny became dangerous and implacable enemy. His former patron, he managed severely revenge, opening the way to Moscow years Giray, which has burnt. All or almost all of its treasures, kudeyar left a special "storehouses" write for his contemporaries and future seekers. The first "slept", only the XVII century started a mad hunt for treasures, using these records, which began in abundance find one by one.

Exactly one hundred years after he had buried the robber kudiar their treasure for the Vetluga, near Zemlyanska, it began to look with pantry account in his hands. Twenty years later another MediaRescue the "baggage" sought near Mtsensk, searched long and hard for 12 years. Around the same time (1683) ten years has gone in search of the treasure of the robber Kudiar in the vicinity of Tula. Broad participation in search for the denunciation of the solicitor Sect Khrushchev took and local authorities. For the earth work to Khrushchev sent a multitude of "working people" from Tula, Venev and of Epiphany. Widely known in the Saratov province Kudeyarova cave in Kudeyarova the mountain near the village of Loja. Another Kudeyarova cave - near the village of Nechaevka, 35 km from Saratov, In the 70-ies of XIX century it was available, in the 90-ies of the earth covered it over.

Storm of the XVII century - Stepan Razin. Took a long walk detinochi on the Volga river-the mother, gold kupetskogo Yes princely stuffed their hiding places, caves and secret passages. One good landlord buried Razin near his rock at 10 million rubles. In 1914, and Tsaritsyno near the Church of the Trinity failed mountain on 4 meters deep. At the bottom of the failure was the coffins and skeletons. It was discovered that it is a failure on the hiding-place of Stepan Razin, coming from the named Church until the pier on the Volga, which was frequently visited "painted Stenka Razin Chelny", loaded with precious production. The prey buried it in the cache. About the treasure of Stepan Razin, near the famous cliff widely spread a rumor, but through no fault of Stepan, and on the rack and under ticks have not confessed, where buried treasures. One retiree, I am in, in 1904, was rummaging through old papers to his late grandmother. And found them to be a remarkable document is genuine pantry record of Stepan Razin on hidden near the cliff treasures. I made at the specified location excavations and really opened up a whole network of underground galleries with powerful oak bars. Had further search and excavation, but the point raised in the Russo-Japanese war. I was taken into the army where he never returned. In 1910, has announced a new candidate, this time an old Cossack, 62 years old, the captain of the don Army region W coy. Apparently, it got pantry account killed in Manchuria I-VA. Sh-which arrived in St Petersburg and presented where should an emergency convincing documents. In the "fields" they made a sensation. News of the treasure instantly spread in 1910 nine Newspapers.

There is also a mound of Stenka Razin, a huge, 100 m height, in Kurgan there are underground tunnels. Known in the Saratov province. Stankina cave in Stankina ravine on R. Upakovke. In the 60 years of its examined Century the Krestovsky, she timurovna Tatar brick, found coins and the things of the Tatar goods.

One of Pangolins in 1893, was looking for the treasure of Stepan Razin in the Lukoyanov district of Nizhny Novgorod province., in four of the 12 his opinions on R. Alatyr. In 1893, he won the Treasury account, tested them, and in 1894 he started the trouble in St. Petersburg about allowing him kladoiskatelstvo. The Imperial archaeological Commission allowed him looking at the two, and then for 10 days. But winter came, and the search was postponed until the summer. Meanwhile, through the police and the village chiefs of villages Furnace and Mikhailovka information was collected about the extensive underground at a depth of 22 sazhens (sazhen - 2,1336 m) with oak doors, locked the iron bolts and locks. The withdrawal was to be in a ravine outside the village with the Furnace. The dungeon, apparently, had a ventilation pipe. This trumpet at the time of arable land have failed horse, the hind legs. A hole the size of ordinary wheel. The hole went down two brave souls. First, being pulled out of fright lost language and died the same night. The other, a local reader, at the depth spent several minutes, according to him, so he was terribly in an unknown and a dark dungeon that he barely could tell that he was hollowed out of. He then relayed to the door.

Pugachev has strongly Pugno Catherine "Orlov", and more - the very "eagle". Repeated times rainshine: easy valuables had a good hiding. And Pugachev was able to hide no worse than Kudeyar and Razin, and pantries records have even written on parchments. Zakhozhiy Ural Cossacks in 60th years of XIX century - Ed.) from a friend of a peasant in C. Slobodka Samara lips. pulled by accident because of the icon of the manuscript, written in handwriting of the XVIII century
He was just Pugachev pantry record on the treasure in the cave. Kazak - in his mind, quickly bargain account for 25 rubles. In more details described terrain with cave in which hidden boilers with copper, gold and silver money. Ingenious Cossack was rented from landowner Svechina the necessary land and isril it entirely in search of the cave. The result has found an iron door and the key to it immediately. Unlocked the door, walked in. Indeed, in the cave stood a pot full of money, but only... coppers: neither gold nor silver was not. In samotechnyi treasure-hunter decided that the father of the owner of a record before it took both. Such false entries on finding treasure in caves and other places in the former Saratov lips. were and there are many.

But particularly striking example of false pantry record is the record on which it was made the search for treasures, Oster in Chernihiv in 1890 Record somewhere got hold of a monk. It is surprising just been designated place and the characteristics of the treasure. The fact is very interested in the merchant from Kozelsk Huts. He obtained permission and hired workers. Work, however, has been slow. Then Huts were discharged from Kiev hydraulic engineering SF Pashkovskaya - make boreholes. In the pantry record was mentioned coffin. The coffin was found in a tomb... iron knights ' armour, and only.
In Mogilev-Podolsk is the old Jewish graveyard, closed in 1825 One day from Siberia, from the convict, came pantry account with the plan and specifying that at the entrance to the cemetery buried treasure. Began secretly to dig, and the guard is to secretly track. Treasure hunters, left a sign: iron stick filled with shot, and three stacked-stone. At a depth of 5 m seemed like a brick arch. The watchman has informed the police, the police continued the excavations. Finally in deepening seemed clay pot filled with coins, and, separately, the Golden ring and coins. The hole was then buried.

Pantry record, "the Covenant" and Kraslavsky legend

Pantry entry clerk hard as nails dug out accidentally Goncharenko in 1898 at Hadzhibeevskiy estuary near Odessa and sold A.I. Markevich:
"Qiao inventory painted in 1811 rock 12 APR. in Toritsina, beyond the Danube. Writing the clerk Mykyta of ZLWK. Signs X OOO pokazhut de legit good. Not zabavite us grsnny Burlacu zaporozhci".

For discovering the treasures of folk superstition there are some indications of a mystical nature. These indications include "covenants". "The Covenant was left at the place of the treasure its owners stuck or slightly buried in the ground, so for him it was possible to find the treasure. People's faith in the power of these guidelines, no doubt, has always given great occasion to the most shameless sell superstitious people from different clever mystification. Was found in 1896 in Malyshka County Vyatka lips. stone cross is a rare monument of this kind and can serve as excellentBrassica similar to sell. The cross of this size 4 inches (vershoks is 4.45 cm) in length, 2.5 inches wide and 1 inch in thickness hewn out of solid Sandstone grayish-yellow color. He dug one peasant from the ground near his house. Part of the rock was smitten with a shovel when acapiano. Judging by drawing letters (civil printing beginning of XIX century), syllable inscriptions mention of the Pugachev rebellion and "banknotes", it is safe to say that the cross is made not more than 80-90 years ago and probably all this time was in the land. This is indicated erased letters and rounding of the edges and corners of the cross. The text of the inscription on the cross is the following:

"This cross cherished, Cladina this loads of times... ehsa gang Siberian Pugachev soldiers, dvadcati four people to captain Zeylanov witnessing of the Treasury and put in the chest account proimperial (proimperial: Imperial Russian gold coin, minted since 1755) one hundred thousand, Imperially four hundred thousand, six hundred thousand coins, Yes, who is this cherished cross happy slave or slave will find, that and our Treasury will take. Our Treasury and take upon themselves to share other[g] friend not abetti, VM[EU]our Treasury on for[lo]GU our place in the pit the two babies, and for the second, if you want to get rid of infants, in ridding their place at every head at two hundred chips... which turned into dust and will serve for eternal fun. Fears in our Covenant not put specie, and test the Tsar and without fixed Testament to our Treasury not proceed, because our guard terrible and fierce, and make slaves disgusting, I can't see them, and for his will to stand firm. On of VINITI this local cross and Testament ready, baby or money, then look for otgovorila and otgovorit the doji know DM[e]to make a Covenant, then zavedetsya and as our watchman be managed. Our journey in the land, like a fish in water". One of the longitudinal ribs of the cross signature: "under the Treasury in the trunk of conspiracies against arrows, swords and squeaks, also when Limite chest Treasury, then SEI cross sotrite in the sand and fill his Covenant". On the other side: "Remember for the repose of the soldiers of the first named of captain Andrew and others: Jacob, Michael, Savely, Dmitry, Spyridon, Gregory, Frol, Ilya, the Strength of Samson, Karl, Tikhon, t]IMOP[her]". And further, on the corner of the cross: "Bartholomew's, Peter's, Lazarus, Prochorus, Carp, Frol, Tikhon, Semion, Keskenti and he..." On one of the lateral edges of the cross there is an inscription: "the Rule of the Covenant of the conspirator" and under it, big capital letters: D (top) EVERLASTING (below the bar)". On the four corners of the cross carved on a capital letter points About....With....E..X...

Nothing can be added that the finder of the cross man tried to dig the earth and under the cross, and near him, but without any results and hints for the treasure.

Lucky findings

Yet nowhere in the world was found such a rich treasure, as dug in June 1912, on public land in S. Malaya Peresheina in the South Poltava lips. in the coastal Sands R. Vorskla. Opened a village boy Derkach. Edge ?pounder silver vase was seen slightly blurred in the sand, the boy got interested in finding and dug up a vase. To Derkach was joined by a friend of Madjare. They hid vase in the water near the lake. After learning about the find, the mother of Derkach has forced them to dig further. 11 gold cups with precious stones have become the prey of a happy family. "Maybe it's not the Church of the bowl? - frightened woman. "They will get sued, but sin...” Excavations stopped. But the children gossip, rumors about the treasure went to the people. Learned usher, got the guards to "Golden Sands" and opened many precious things. Usher... knocked finds behind the stove, without a record. And the guards for works shared produced. What the treasure is not broke up and disappeared forever its enormous scientific value, for this we have to thank assistant Secretary Mr. Fedorovsky. He took steps to salvation findings and brought about her before the Governor, and he said archaeologists in St. Petersburg. The treasure, weighing more poods of gold and a half poods of silver whole weight of the goods: dishes, cups, swords, rings, 200 gold plaques.. it is Assumed that the treasure belongs to the period of the Byzantine Emperor Phocas, who sent these jewels Russian Prince Svyatoslav.

A resident of the North Usakhelo former Kutaisi lips, dropped into a crack in his yard a 10-copeck coin. They dug up the crack and pulled out a rich treasure - four icons of ancient letters, huge, about 2.5 feet (Arshin - 71.12 cm), sword, women's jewellery and things. Partly this treasure has not escape the hands of the scientists and they were studied. Among his things were medallion time of the Emperor Nero. This round gold plaque with bent over the lens edge, with carved on one side of the radiant head of Helios, very much like the head of Alexander the great.

In Ferghana has long been a legend about the cave with untold wealth, based in the mountains. In 1925, this cave was found and examined the expedition of the Ferghana branch of as USSR. "The entrance is at an altitude of 1500 M. the cave. The tangle of Ariadne, and connected by tourists with acetylene torches. Six skeletons in a deadlock. Barrier - the failure in 20 yards depth; crossing on the ropes. At the bottom of the failure skeletons, knives and clay burner 300 years ago. Clouds of bats. The length of the cave 2000 m In the cave of treasures, of course, was not found. Cave in ancient times served as a mine, since discovered silver and iron ore and found a lot of unknown rocks".

After centuries

Nerusskaya treasures:

a) Viking's treasure, looted Vikings-Vikings along the coast of Western Europe and on the way to Constantinople, buried in the Neolithic cave, called "Varangian" (in the "distant" the former Kiev-Pechersk Lavra). On the call for scientists to investigate the mysterious cave and this last instead scientists have penetrated in the first years of the revolution predators-hunters who set the cave stood on end. Historically certain that the treasure this once was found in the cave recluse-monks that determined its content in several carts, and again buried them there, in the "Varangian" cave. Kiev Prince Mstislav wanted to lay the treasure in their hands. Nahodkin monk was a Prince tortured to death, but in a strange way secrets of treasure not opened. Treasure Latin ("vessels Latin essence") in full and intact (if to consider, that search of treasure hunters 1921 futile!) preserved up to our days, because "the Varangian cave in all ages remained obscure and inaccessible.

b) Polish treasure or missed in 1648 treasures Jeremiah Wisniowiecki in basements and hiding places of the castle in its capital city Lubny (Poltava region). Severe renegade wept, forced, under pressure from the Cossacks Krivonos flee their property and valuables in the dungeon of the castle and giving myself a vow to return for them... And he already victorious moved to their abandoned "the capital" with her "baggage", and he would have seized last, if premature death from eaten watermelon not cut it in polonnoe. A "Luggage" it survived intact to the present day, since access to them was buried short-sighted by Cossacks under the ruined walls of the castle.

C) the Treasure of Bogdan Khmelnitsky in the Palace cache, sung T. Shevchenko's poem "the Great Loh". Access to the hiding place sooner was lost due to accumulation of asphyxiating gases. Now place the heat input marks depression. Simple excavation here will not slow down, I think, be affected by unexpected results. However, the castle with cache-the Treasury Khmelnytsky was taken vengeful S. Czarnecki seven years after the death of Hetman, but he did not have time, being replaced by Cossacks. Even the bones Khmelnitsky, subjected Czarnecki burning (Cossacks they were bulked in a round hole in the apse Elias Church on Saturday), found only half-baked.

g) the Treasure Mazepa immured in the basement of his Palace in the capital Baturin. Baturin treasure Mazepa, hidden after the Poltava destruction, hard and fruitless within three days were looking for governmental Commission by order of Peter I.
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