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Even after many decades after the death of Nikola Tesla mysterious experiments of this great physics continue to haunt the minds of scientists and discussed in the media. In particular, there is a version that the Tunguska catastrophe of 1908 was caused by experiments N. Tesla.
It is assumed that Tesla by conducting electrical experiments could create incentives enormous power.
In confirmation of this hypothesis it is reported that allegedly at the time of Tesla saw the map of Siberia, including the area where the explosion occurred, and the time experiments directly preceded "Tunguska diva".
In the spring of that year, in a letter to the editor "Kew York Time" Tesla wrote: "...Even now my wireless power systems can turn any area of the world in the area uninhabitable..."
In 1996 predictor Manfred Donde suggested that the Tunguska explosion is a result of the launch of wireless energy torpedoes which were made at the time Tesla [Donde M "Nostradamus predicts 1997" M, Olympus, 1996, s].
In 2000 version was voiced in a telecast A. Gordon. Version was reinforced by the fact that several months before the explosion Tesla announced the intention to illuminate the road to the North pole expedition of the famous traveler P. Piri. It is noteworthy that on the night of June 30, many observers in Canada and Northern Europe celebrated the clouds in the sky unusual silver color that seemed to throb. This sovpadats the witnesses who observed previously for Tesla experiments in his laboratory in Colorado springs. In addition, in those days, in dozens of localities of Western Europe and Russia experienced intense glow of the sky, night shining clouds and extremely colorful twilight. Spectral observations carried out in Germany and England, the glow did not apply to polar lights.
Later, in 1914, the inventor of the proposed project on which the entire globe with the atmosphere had become a giant lamp. For this you just need to skip through the upper layers of the atmosphere of high-frequency current, and they will begin to glow. But here's how to do it, Tesla did not explain, though repeatedly claimed that no difficulty is not seeing.
This was his main invention "worldwide wireless communication system and energy". Transmitting station could send electric power to any point of the Earth, taking into account the reflection from the ionosphere - the upper atmosphere and the Earth itself. To use it would all ships, airplanes, factories through a special host installation. This system could, according to the scientist, to broadcast to the whole world the precise time signals, music, pictures, Fax texts.
All these facts will undoubtedly strengthen the position of the supporters of the hypothesis that claims of June 30, 1908 in the area of the river Podkamennaya Tunguska river in Siberia no meteorite or comet fell, and explosion - a consequence of Tesla experiments with power transmission over long distances.
The development of the events of June 30, 1908?
In the morning, at 7. 14 local time, over the vast territory of Central Siberia between the rivers Nizhnyaya Tunguska and Lena about a North-westerly direction flew giant ball-car. His flight was accompanied by sound and light effects and ended powerful explosion followed by a continuous felling taiga. The explosion occurred at an altitude of about 5-10 kilometers and was accompanied by the earthquake and powerful air wave.
Trotyl equivalent of the Tunguska explosion (10-40 Megatons), of course, is very large. It can be compared to the explosion of the hydrogen bomb, or simultaneous explosion of thousands of atomic bombs, similar to those, which the US completely destroyed the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Local Evenki-the hunters told me about such phenomena as gushing out of the ground water fountain on the southern swamp, new springs in the river Camby, about "burning face water", luminous stones, "the dry river" and other
What are the basic version "Tunguska diva"?
The main specific feature of the Tunguska phenomenon is its versatility, which has generated a lot of versions.
The combination of a number of phenomena that took place during the Holocaust, preceded and followed the catastrophe of time, did the version of a collision with a comet most popular. However, when you try to bring cometary hypothesis in compliance with all existing facts appear insurmountable difficulties. Serious problems arise, in particular, when attempting interpretation of geomagnetic effect caused the Tunguska explosion, estimates of the contribution of the internal energy of the Tunguska meteorite in the overall balance of the explosion mechanism of occurrence followed the bombing of a forest fire and other factors. The most common currently, the hypothesis of a comet nature of the Tunguska meteorite does not explain, and a number of paradoxical circumstances relevant to the trajectory of the Tunguska cosmic body, the geophysical effects of the Tunguska catastrophe and to the generated biological consequences in the area of the explosion.
These inconsistencies to explain the appearance of new efforts to interpret the phenomenology of the Tunguska catastrophe with non-traditional positions. For example, discussed the version about antiwestern the nature of the Tunguska meteorite, his belonging to the relic superdense substance of the Universe, and so on, including alternative hypotheses should, perhaps, select the version of plasmoid and technogenic alien nature of the disaster.
It must be borne in mind that the explosion of a cosmic body on Under-stony Tunguska was most striking, the culmination, but not the only episode in the complex chain of abnormal natural events that unfolded in the summer of 1908
It is known that the explosion was preceded by flying over Central Siberia giant day car, accompanied by extremely powerful sound and light effects. Analysis of the testimony of witnesses to the accident, the total number of which reaches several hundreds, reveals not explained until now the fact, which is that thundering sounds were observed not only during and after the flight of the car, but before him.
As the observers often were from the area of the projection of the trajectory in the distance, measured at least tens of kilometers, it is obvious that the cause of the sounds of the ballistic wave could not be, for it is able to keep up with the car, but not to overtake him. The only real explanation is because of this fact with powerful electromagnetic phenomena.
Second, quite a strange circumstance is associated with the direction of motion of the body. Analysis of the testimony of witnesses collected on the hot traces of the events and in the 20-30th years, led the first researchers of the problem (L. A. Kulik, I. S. of Astapovich and E. L. Krinova) to the unanimous conclusion that the car was flying in the direction from South to North. However, analysis of the vector structure of forest felling caused by the shock wave of the Tunguska meteorite, gives azimuth 114 degrees field of burn injury - even 95 degrees, i.e. it indicates the movement of the meteorite almost from East to West. It should be added that this trend is confirmed by the analysis of the witnesses, who lived in the time of the event in the upper reaches of the Lower Tunguska river.
The discrepancy is evident. Attempts to explain how they have been repeatedly and from different positions. But seriously, can be discussed only version of technogenic nature of the Tunguska cosmic body, or the assumption that it was a plasmoid.
A key element in the study of the nature of the Tunguska meteorite is the question, what was his material (elemental and isotopic) composition. Since the expedition of L. A. Kulik, looking substance of the Tunguska meteorite was occupied by several generations of researchers. However, today an exaggeration to say that the cosmic substance that could guaranteed to be identified with the substance of the Tunguska meteorite, is not found yet.
That may be explained by the hypothesis of the plasmoid?
The energy corresponding to the explosion in 30 MT, can be accumulated in ionized plasma formation, its diameter is about 500 meters, which corresponds to the witnesses of the enormous size of the car.
The trajectory of the plasmoid like ball lightning may change in the process, which explains the inconsistency of data on the direction of movement of the car.
Sound and light effects in the motion of a plasmoid caused by electromagnetic phenomena that differs substantially from the effects associated with ballistic wave and removes existing contradictions.
The explosion of a plasmoid explains the fire in the taiga.
Electromagnetic phenomena accompanying the movement and explosion of a plasmoid, obviously, can cause geomagnetic effects cannot find a proper explanation within the meteorite version.
Plasmodia version explains the futility of attempts to find traces of a meteorite substance on the site of the explosion.