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Viewings: 5877
Тайны “стен вавилонских”In the reality of the existence of ancient Babylon scientists believe with difficulty and not at once. Certificates and opinions of ancient scientists and philosophers, such as Herodotus or Strabo, not taken seriously even in the fifties of the nineteenth century, since it was considered that they, like the children very much like to exaggerate.
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Viewings: 4898
Алхимия сегодня: железо "назначили" платинойRecently, American scientists were able to make iron... platinum! And for a very low price. It, certainly, does not go about the methods of medieval alchemists who wanted to turn one metal to another. Developed in the USA technology enables iron compounds to buy some properties of platinum in those cases when we are talking about catalysis reactions.
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Viewings: 6951
История Атлантиды - ТОЛТЕКИToltecs with abundant honor and respect to any planetary consciousness. While enlightened Atlanta visited many planets in the Solar system to the physical, astral, mental and klinicheskogo plans.
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Viewings: 4847
Тибетские тайники атлантовLobsang Rampa - known personality not only in Tibet, but in the whole world. This Lama had the honor to visit the Holy of holies of Tibet - the circle under the temple, Potala. Here he came in contact with living Atlantes on the eve of 1927. Reached the highest stages of initiation, the Ramp own eyes for the first time in a mystical trance saw representatives of the legendary race, reigning on Earth to a certain disaster.
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Viewings: 5586
На циферблате “Часов Исиды” отмечены все катастрофы XX векаWhen nearly two centuries ago, the Frenchman Jean Francois Champollion published the first information about the pyramids in Egypt, hardly anyone of his contemporaries could assume that his secret these structures will be guarded, not less zealous than the neighboring ones Sphinx.
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Viewings: 5965
Стоунхендж как древняя галерея искусстваThe famous British megalith Stonehenge was not only places of worship, where in the winter solstice held sacred ceremony, but also played the role of true art gallery. Using 3D laser technology has enabled researchers to identify 72 previously unknown prehistoric images that were carved on the surface of the stones.
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Viewings: 5653
Инопланетные гены Адама или давным-давноAmerican Zakaria Sitchin in the scientific paper presented evidence that the men had been, as we thought, not in the long evolution, and are biorobots, which sentient being brought back to Earth with a mysterious planet Nibiru.
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Viewings: 6393
Поиски Святого ГрааляOne of the most important directions of top-secret work in the Third Reich was the search for the Cup of the Holy Grail.
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Viewings: 4640
ПИРАМИДЫ ЛЕДНИКОВОГО ПЕРИОДАLake Rock lies 20 miles East from the city of Madison in the U.S. state of Wisconsin. The length of the lake is eight, and width - about four kilometres. In 1836, Nathaniel, hair accidentally discovered in the lake Rock small stone pyramid with a flat top Discoverer named his discovery of Atzalyno and suggested that the monumental construction of not less than a thousand years.
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Viewings: 4501
Европейцы, съели людей больше, чем дикариNightmare, to be treated with human advised even the famous Paracelsus. A little more than two hundred years ago - until the end of the XVIII century - European doctors widely used and human meat, and preparations made from corpses. With such a dark page in the history of Western enlightened society introduces the new issue of the German weekly Der Spiegel.
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Viewings: 6049
Как индейцы спасли инопланетянинаThis incredible material a few years ago published a popular scientific journal "RATA" (USA). Many ufologists have accepted this hypothesis as true.
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Viewings: 6452
Лекарства древних царей МесопотамииMany mysteries left us the peoples of ancient civilizations. In a series of such mysteries occupy a special place artifacts found in Iraq, is a mysterious vessels, made of two different metals. The purpose of these bimetallic tanks became known only recently.
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Viewings: 4945
ДРУИДЫ: Тайные орденаNow there are more and more books about secret societies, having allegedly some great doctrine of the mysterious power of the trees, the psychics and clairvoyants. These publications are very popular, for knowledge, which they report, in the opinion of many people, can protect them from harm and vicissitudes of life.
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Viewings: 5622
Загадки древних пирамидThe father of history, Herodotus called the Egyptian pyramids first wonder of the world. The past Millennium not only confirm this name, but more and more forced researchers to consider it the greatest miracle and tainstvennym from all known to mankind. Despite centuries of efforts of scientists, none of them is able to accurately answer the most basic questions concerning, for example, the pyramids of Cheops: what was its original height? the length of the base? construction time? the purpose of such a fantastic effort over its construction? finally, as it was built? and even in the light of the latest discoveries - whom?
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Viewings: 5189
Висячие сады СемирамидыAccording to historians, Antipater traveled extensively and wrote down their impressions. Babylon smote him, first of all, the Hanging gardens of Babylon.
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