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Japanese diving lovers in the mid 1990s accidentally unearthed handmade arch at a depth of 12 M. the Majestic building resembled South American stone buildings, well-known to divers. This discovery off the coast of the Japanese island of Okinawa, excited scientists. They are even more alarmed when, in the vicinity of Okinawa found other rock formations, certainly man-made.
A similar opening under the water were made by divers and about the small island of Yonaguni (archipelago Sakishima) three hundred miles from Okinawa in September 1996 On motroway the depth they have found a real pyramid, towering above the seabed at 18 m! Famous geologist Dr. Robert Skoch himself down to the pyramid and said after its examination, that this structure "created by human hands".
Underwater pyramid was one of seven such buildings found in the vicinity of Okinawa. The memory of them remained in local folklore tells about the old times, when there was a large island, where the gods came to Okinawa". In the spring of 1998 about the island Okinoshima in Korea Strait, which separates Japan from South Korea, Japanese divers found at a depth of 30 m four circular stone tower that overlooked the bottom of 27 m! One of them had a spiral staircase, obviousley tower at the external contour! The message about sensational discovery was placed on the front pages of major Japanese Newspapers, and on its basis was a documentary made for television movie.
Underwater pyramid near the island of Yonaguni strikingly resembles the buildings of the ancient Holy city of Pachacamac, located a few miles South of the Peruvian capital of Lima and built for many centuries before the emergence of the Incas. Can you explain such similar ancient structures in different points of the planet mere coincidence? Hardly. Much more logical to assume the existence of some intermediate cultural centre that influenced the development of civilization on the opposite shores of the Pacific ocean. We mean, of course, the legendary sunken continent of Lemuria.
Underwater pyramids near the island of Yonaguni
It is interesting that lemurs in Roman mythology was called "ghosts with eyes wide open". It's as if they lived in the sunken Kingdom Lemuria. But "Lemuria", as it turned out, the Romans called and special holiday, celebrated 9-15 may of each year. It was connected with the birth of the Roman civilization, when one of the founders of Rome, Romulus rituals that pacified the spirit of his dead brother Remus. The ceremony included, that at midnight the head of every house has passed through all the rooms backwards and throw it in front of a black beans. Moreover, during a crawl he was nine times to repeat the phrase: "I give It, and this akopau their sins of my family. Black beans represent a symbolic gifts to the ghosts who, satisfied modest offerings, decrease in its underwater Kingdom, at least until next year.
Holiday "Lemuria" ends on 15 may, when the memory of the sunken Kingdom in the river Tiber, on which stands Rome, throw image of the owner and his family members.
It is important that the Roman ceremony is very similar to the New year celebration in Japan. There, at midnight, the head of the house, too, wearing their best clothes and barefoot passes all rooms, throwing beans and repeating the phrase: "the Devils, leave out, and good luck come!"
In the Hawaiian Islands in one of the dialects of the word "Lima" means all life in the ocean depths, and in particular seaweed, which, according to local belief, curls goddess, reigning over the ancient sunken Kingdom. The Lemuria otherwise called the continent of Mu, and the myths of the peoples Kaya, a word mean overseas aliens (the ancestors of the Polynesians), which was erected here a huge megalithic structures in the image and likeness of sunken buildings. Natural disaster that destroyed their homeland aliens, expressive presented in the Hawaiian chant Kumulipo. This oral tradition was born long before the arrival of Christian missionaries, who revealed the natives of the biblical version of the flood.
Before Nicholas island off the coast of Santa Barbara (USA) received its current name, the Indians of southern California respectfully called him a sacred place "Lema"...