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Certainly the approach of the date 21.12.12 activity of psychopaths, drug addicts, alconaut and the criminal element will increase.
Details of the new mass murder in Moscow: "I have already sent the mother and children in Paradise. Want with them?"
Investigators have restored the picture of the triple murder committed in the area Biryulyovo East on the southern outskirts of Moscow in the evening on November, 19 - less than two weeks after which had shaken the capital massacre in the office. 40-year-old Igor Teleview possibly mentally ill religious fanatic, first stabbed nine-year-old son Sasha, then six-year-old daughter Anya and her mother Maria Konstantinovna, when they come back from a walk. Apparently, the victim could not render any resistance, told Life News a source in law enforcement bodies.
After the carnage man took the time to write a note, in which he asked to sell their property and use the money to bury children, says "Komsomolskaya Pravda". If you are going to kill themselves last, he waited for his wife. When she returned from work, he met her on the threshold of words that "already sent the mother and children in Paradise", and suggesting to follow them, the same knife slashed her throat and face.
The woman miraculously managed to escape from the apartment. All in blood, she stormed to a neighbor with a cry: "Lock the door!". Were called police and ambulance. The victim was taken to hospital, her wounds are not fatal, but it is in a state of shock.
- The Volga region sektantka axed year-old son, preparing for the end of the world on December 21,
Upon entering the apartment, where the tragedy occurred, investigators, clinicians and investigators found this picture. In the blood-the rooms were the bodies of children and grandmothers, all had their throats slashed his arms crossed across, in the hands of the daughter and mother killers were caught icons and candles burning, my lamp, reports channel "News".
Man arrested, and he tried to put the police resistance, apparently, being in a poor state of repair. Criminal case under two articles - "murder of two and more persons" and "attempted murder".
Neighbor Valentina Ivanovna, in whose apartment was saved wife Telegenova, described him as friendly and peaceful person. However, he is very jealous, she told RIA "news", so maybe it's jealousy pushed him to a terrible crime. The fact that the man never worked, and recently was sick, out rarely, began to gain weight, said a neighbor. His wife worked in a Barber shop and all the salary he gave to his treatment.
According to a neighbor, a few years ago Telegenova had problems with alcohol, and between spouses there were quarrels and scandals. But after he got sick, drink stopped, became interested in religion, and recently the family of "lived harmoniously".