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Записи буддийского монахаChronicle called Liang si Gong JI ("Notes the four rulers Liang dynasty) said that in 499 year mendicant Buddhist monk by the name of Huashan returned to China from a long voyage, and began to talk about some far away country called Fuse

It is, in the words of the monk, was 20 thousand (i.e. about 10 thousand kilometers) East of China. Its name, the country received from growing tree there, in the early stages of development similar to bamboo shoots and having leaves, the color similar to that of oak. A tree Pusan grew pear-shaped fruit reddish color. From the bark of the local residents did matter and sewed clothing, and wood sawing boards for their homes. The bark is also used to make paper.

In the strange country, Pusan no wars, and so the town had no walls. Didn't know it and weapons, but the crime does exist, and for attackers had two prisons: one in the South and the other in the North. About Buddhism in the country Pusan previously not heard, so Huashan and his associates acted as preachers. Introduction to the ideas of Buddhism has favorably impacted gross customs of the people of this country.

Huashan also talked about being in a thousand whether East Fusina state Women. Its inhabitants had a pretty light skin and were very tidy and clean. Hair they wore a long, sometimes to the ground. The main food they served salt plant leaves, which had a very pleasant smell and reminded some Chinese herbs.

While women there was ruled that they are revered by their husbands. Here are just seeing the brave Chinese seafarers, at first preferred to hide. The monk also knew that some people from the Jinan city in China) crossed the ocean, and they nailed by a major hurricane to an unknown shore. Sailors landed, where he met a strange people there had the body of a man, and the head of the dog. They even made a noise like a dog barking. Thus all wore clothes made of matter, eating something small beans or seeds and made of burnt clay brick circular in shape at home, having access to the burrow.

Fire rats and luminous dragons

Another strange overseas, the country has told Huashan. was full of gold and silver, and rules in your Emperor is the Ruler of many. Later in the chronicle followed very very strange passages, however, very eloquently demonstrates the quirkiness of mentality of Chinese people and their peculiar manner of narration at that remote time. "At a large distance to the South of this country lie the mountains Yangshan ("Smokey mountain"), people are eating lobsters, crabs and hairy serpents in order to protect themselves from the heat. On top of this mountain live fire rats, ferrets or proteins which fur is used for production of noncombustible material and purified by fire. To the North at a great distance from the state of Women is Black Throat or Plain, and to the North Black Throats are the mountains so high that reached the sky and covered with snow all year. The sun here is not showing at all. Tell that live here glowing dragons.

At a large distance to the West of the state of Women fountains, tastes like wine. In the same area you can also discover a sea of Varnish, and waves his colored black feather and fur, which are immersed in it, and just nearby there is another sea - the color of milk. The territory is surrounded these wonders of nature, the extensive and fertile.

Dogs, ducks and horses large size living here, and, finally, there are even birds that produce human babies. Babies males that are born from these birds do not survive. And only daughter with great care are brought up by their fathers, who carry their beaks or on their wings. As soon as they start to walk and be themselves. They are all remarkable beauty and very hospitable, but die before and thirty years. Rats in this country are white and big as a horse, and their coat - of a few centimetres in length".

The Chinese crossed the Pacific ocean?

Chronicle said that listeners in the Imperial Palace very laughed at this extraordinary story. They laughed and clapped their hands, saying to each other that they never heard of the best story. Western researchers have long seen in the fact confirmation "progressiveness - perception of the Chinese in ancient times, their ability to distinguish truth from fiction. But in our time, sinologists tend to relate to the story Hashana much more serious. Many find that clothed in the usual language of Chinese myths and legends story of monk almost mathematically precise.

The story of the journey primarily provides attentive researcher information about the direction of swimming Hashana and the distance to land, about which there is a speech. Putting on the map 10-12 thousand kilometers to the East of China, we are in America. Paradoxically? However, in 1761 mentioned above Josep de Gini published a work titled 'Research on the voyages of the Chinese to the American coast and some of the Nations that are found on the Eastern tip of Asia. In 1865, his colleague Gustav d'Achental published the work, the name of which spoke about the main idea: "a Study of Buddhist origins of American civilization". D'Achental pointed out that much of the culture of the Maya and Aztecs stems from the Buddhist tradition, probably brought there by the Chinese.

In 1953, a book was published Henrietta was Mertz "Faded ink". Many scientists it at that moment seemed absurd. But the second edition 1972 was more accurate in terms of facts and provided detailed maps of wandering Chinese travelers on the American continent and on the possibility of cultural kinship of the Chinese and Indians are widely talked around the world.

The explanation of the mysteries

Henrietta was Mertz, in particular, has not bypassed with their attention and the story Hashana. Pusan or kun-San, she wrote. - the ancient name of the hollow mulberry, mention of which can often be found in traditional Chinese tradition. In the story of monk it could be some similar mulberry exact name of which Huashan did not know and whose fruit is really were edible. According to Henrietta, there is no doubt that any edible grains or beans stated in the text - it is, of course, about corn. Made of clay bricks round of dwelling input in the hole is a typical Indian structure, which still can be found, for example, in Colorado, national Park, Mesa Verde. In these places once lived people Anasazi, left in an unknown direction, but left after these buildings. Anasazi bred corn and maize, whose grain and saw Huashan and his companions.

Sea of Varnish should be dark color Chinese lacquer, that is to be large, with dark, opaque waters. This really lake can be found in the immediate vicinity of contemporary Los Angeles. It is called Libra-Tarpits. If dipped him in the pen, or a piece of fur, they really become dark. Under the sea water white like milk, certainly means a kind of salty lake or swamp. Such places during Hashana too could find.

His explanation it is easy to get and people that the lower part of the body like the people, and the top - dogs. In this case, it probably is about widely used by Indian ritual masks. Wearing these masks, the Indians could simultaneously to emulate the habits and the voices of these animals.
What to say about the state of Women? A number of Indians in Central America accepted the inheritance sort through the maternal line, for example for the peoples of Montana and Pueblo in southwestern USA, and also the famous hopi. Managed to identify and leaves salt plants, which resemble some Chinese herbs and have a pleasant smell.

This brackish plants Anemonopsis californica, really fragrant and until recently widely used in Northern Mexico as a medical drug.

As for the abundance of gold and silver, while being unaware of iron in a number of Indian tribes, it was evident, and the Spanish conquistadors. Steaming vents volcanoes and snow-capped mountains can also be found on the opposite China American shores of the Pacific ocean. So Huashan not necessarily was the inventor.

"Mystery of the twentieth century", November 2012
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