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Мир стремится к эпохе динозавровJuly 2012 will be remembered for many the tragedy that occurred in the Kuban. The strongest downpour hit towns of the Crimean region, Novorossiysk and Gelendzhik, which led to the exit of the banks of rivers and frequent mud. From climatic disaster suffered tens of thousands of people.

Environmentalists believe that precipitation increase due to climate change, stronger and unpredictable became almost all the natural elements. But most importantly, according to specialists, humankind increasingly might get into such natural emergency. All natural-climatic system is destabilized.

On Kuban the flood happened because of a combination of many factors: from natural disaster to negligence and lack of training structures, responsible for security of the population of the region.

Climate change may cause and other natural disasters: abnormal droughts, avalanches and mudflows, activation of volcanic processes, hurricanes, storms, earthquakes, tsunamis, forest fires, tornadoes, etc., and these disasters can occur suddenly and with great human and material losses.

Fluctuations of climatic conditions on the surface of all the Earth or in its individual regions is expressed in deviations from the parameters fixed in the result of long-term observations. In Russia there is a statistical climate records, which also contains information on the average weather indicators, changes in the frequency of extreme climate events. There is even a science dealing with the study of changes in weather conditions, called paleoclimatology.

It is believed that the main causes of climate change are dynamic processes on the Earth, external influences - such as, for example, solar radiation and, of course, the activities of mankind.

Thus climatic factors of climate change on the Earth are: glaciation, development of the oceans, climate memory.

Non-climatic factors of climate change are: the effect of greenhouse gases, the mobility of lithospheric plates, radiation from the Sun, changing the orbit of the planet's volcanic activity.

Oh and anthropogenic factors (i.e. the impact of human activities) climate change are: fuel combustion, the use of aerosols, the emissions of the cement industry, barbaric land, cattle and other

In the early 21st century the nature unleashed on humanity a series of catastrophes and, it seems, these tests will never end. The revived in 2010 volcano Eyjafjallajoekull paralyzed air traffic of the whole European Union, the Haiti earthquake, floods in Pakistan and severe heat in the European part of Russia led to the deaths of 260 thousand people and huge economic losses.

The earthquake that occurred in 2011 in Japan, killing more than twenty thousand people, inflicted severe damage to the economy of the country.

The land along with the natural disasters rocked technogenic and social disaster: an oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, terrorist attacks, which killed thousands of innocent people, revolution, insurrection, military operations. The frequency of these tragedies is growing, can humankind to stop or slow down these misfortunes and disasters.

Scientists put forward the hypothesis about possible scenarios of climatic changes on Earth.

First. The earth is a very complex system composed of inter-related components: a constantly changing atmosphere, the complex airflow, the activity of the earth's heat accumulator and gases - the World ocean. Changes in this complex system is slow, so humanity has the time to take action to curb global warming.

A second. If to consider, that in the last century the average temperature of the planet has increased by one degree, the concentration of carbon dioxide has increased by 24%, by the end of this century, the Earth's temperature may increase by 6.4 degrees. To accelerate the melting of the ice of the Arctic and Antarctic. But these white defenders of the planet by reflecting solar flux, cool the planet by 2 degrees, and the ice covering the ocean, regulates the processes of heat exchange on the Earth. If the warming process is not stopped, by the end of the century, the rise of the oceans from the melting of sea ice will increase by 50 cm, which will lead to the flooding of coastal areas, especially may suffer coast of Asia. Also global warming will affect the strength of the winds will change the distribution of rainfall and seasonal areas in the Mediterranean will become a regular heat and drought In Europe winters become warmer and summer is rainy and so on), storms, hurricanes, floods and droughts will fall with a new force on the ground.

Third. A well-known fact that the speed of ocean currents depends on the temperature difference between the Arctic and tropical waters. If this difference is a result of global warming will decrease, then slow down the ocean currents that the most tragic impact on the Earth's climate. For example, to stop the warm Gulf stream may cause a temperature increase of 2.5 degrees. The consequences will be catastrophic climate of Northern Europe will become colder, will intensify storms will become more frequent rains.

Fourth. Stop "European warmer" - the Gulf stream will lead to the establishment on earth of the ice age.

Fifth. Warming will cause an increase in carbon dioxide content in the atmosphere will occur decomposition karbonatnykh breeds, which will increase the transition into the atmosphere additional CO2, while the melting of glaciers in the atmosphere will come methane. As a result the temperature of the Earth would be about 150 degrees and it will destroy not only human civilization on the planet, but all living organisms.

And yet there is no confidence that the blame for these natural disasters people. Mankind has no experience in solving such problems. Now all interested persons have to progress in their proposals in almost total darkness and is very careful not to cause irreparable harm to the planet. Everyone understands that currently required to adapt to climate change, to minimize the negative impact of climate change, to learn to use the benefits of these changes.

With this purpose it is required to obtain all necessary information from many sources: from historical documents (the Chronicles, Chronicles), from the statistics of meteorological measurements, the data received from the satellites (on the area of ice, atmospheric processes, climatic zones), paleontological research, materials development oceanic rocks, study of ancient ice in the North and South poles of the Earth, information control of melting glaciers, statistics icebergs and permafrost, assessment pattern of ocean currents, monitoring the chemical composition of water, flora and fauna of the planet.

If time does not take measures to mankind prepared, at best, a return to the era of the dinosaurs.

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