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What will change as a result of the Great Transition? A great Transition would do on Earth grandiose changes. Essentially it will be a time when all creation will pass its test for maturity. According to evolutionary terms, all the inhabitants of the earth had to pass a certain evolutionary period, which had to develop all the necessary conditions for life in other conditions.
So if the main form of existence of modern people is the physical body that overrides the all other fine features of human nature, then in the New World, the physical body should be secondary, faded and more subtle, striving for transparency and the loss of his coarse physical properties. On the foreground there will be the quality of the Thoughts and emotions of the person who will paint his life the essence and content, which are characteristic of this person. Essentially lies, deception, deceit, malice, hatred, as well as love and tenderness... will be visible to every citizen of the New World. Man shall not walk in beautiful clothes, but that radiates his soul. And this will become a basis for formation of relations in the new human society.
The world stands on the brink of change, which in many religious Scriptures sound like the apocalyptic predictions, because the religions of the old regime, who is called the system of darkness, led the evolution of mankind in the opposite direction! And according to this the result of this involution is necessary to understand: most of mankind degraded and turned away from the need to develop their tonic higher mental abilities!
The gross body, pragmatic thinking was the basis of life of most people, and therefore, the thin part of their nature remained undeveloped. Such people instead develop its thin, the higher divine nature, having immortality in the Infinity changed by the immediate material needs of the gross body, which is the subject of all their worries. But the physical body does not have immortality, it is only a form of the suit to stay in these conditions, the evolutionary phases of the Earth for more subtle and beautiful human filling his Soul and spirit. Therefore, the system of darkness will end its "crop", due to the concept of "doomsday" in the abundance and diversity of peoples and individuals, murdered his ignorance and religious delusions.
In the result of Great Transition will change ALL that so valiantly reached humanity as a result of his life on Earth. A new era will require people with completely different accents from the realities of life. For example, changed the whole Natural complex, and therefore, the usual form of agriculture or natural areas will become irrelevant. Have to rebuild your thinking and understanding of their role in the Natural complex. Because the Person designated as the Creator, not the conqueror ( Until people that does not understand, he will be deprived of the opportunity to satisfy their needs, collecting from Nature what it needs.
Will change the form of communication between people and in this regard, the entire social structure of society. If in the age of darkness the people choose their leaders, and then suffer from them trouble, that in the new Era will come to power are the people who are able to give the LIGHT of the SPIRIT for the whole society, which will be apparent to every member of society. To choose someone giving LIGHT - is a common practice, whereas man, not giving light is dim in his human nature, not even dare to claim power. Yes it is not profitable to be in power because it dull and empty nature will seek benefit for himself, and not the Common Good.
According to this, in power in the New world will soon be people of high human nature - People Light Mind, which will cover all areas of social construction and will come to Power the Victim.
Accounting changes can be maintained indefinitely, because all of the coming epoch will be a feature of the rapid transformation of life on Earth. At first people organize different economic, political, social, public and international relations. The world will be weaved into the Unity of Diversity and finally into a magnificent Flower of Life, where all peoples and all Nations, and all individuals will be exactly the place that belongs to them by right of the notes the wrong key or the chord that they are characterized by their nature and evolutionary attainment.
Great orchestra of the many performers will play a New Symphony of life on Earth and this Symphony will hear on the most distant worlds!...
In the meantime, there is a need to calmly and without panic notes to enter a New Era, those who are able to accept it with all your heart.