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Зачем пришельцы похищают людей?The definition of "abduction by aliens" other "spacepong" - can be defined as the kidnapping of extraterrestrial creatures that normally carry their captives in a strange place filled with mysterious glow. The room where the prisoner is perceived by them as a room inside a UFO (unidentified flying object). Kidnapping is almost always happens against the will of the people, which are usually women aged not more than thirty-five years. The most commonly at the time of the abduction of a man is in bed in the early morning hours or, for example, is one car late at night.

Although there are cases of abduction of several members of a single family or small groups, more often it happens to individuals. Almost 80 percent of known cases was observed in the USA, although there are large areas of UFO activity in Britain and South America and a growing number of kidnappings in Eastern Europe and Australia. In China, Japan, India or anywhere in the far East such cases are almost unknown.

Approximately half of the victims took posthypnotic suggestion to try to recover in a single whole fragmented paintings, left in memory of the witness. However, the majority of witnesses remained only fragmentary Spannering - word formed by analogy with kidnaping (abduction); literally means "space kidnapping". In all probability, of abduction by aliens Earthmen started to happen ten years before began a serious study of the UFO secrets. Until 1957, when there was serious evidence of encounters with aliens, no reliable abduction cases were not registered. Although in the past and there were separate meetings with the newcomers, but stolen did not remember anything about them until then, until special studies were conducted. Three quarters of all known abductions occurred since 1980, and many researchers believe that at present they took the form of the epidemic. However, their views differ on whether there is a real increase in the number of such contacts or is it just an increase in the number of reported incidents, which had so strongly suppressed in the consciousness that to restore them is not possible.

An opinion poll in the US, made in 1992 by the Roper organization, gave reason to believe that the country could be several million abductions, while the research groups were registered less than a thousand. Most researchers believe that less than one out of ten cases (and perhaps not more than one hundred victims appeal to the media and contrary to popular opinion prefer to hide from others their forced contact with aliens. Almost always they feel abused and special psychological tests show a great similarity with the results of testing of victims who have been raped.


Some researchers, such as Jacques score and Hilary Evans, compare the cases of abductions by aliens with historical testimonies about these events, examples of which can be found in the myths and legends of ancient civilizations. These certificates unknown forces moved people in a place where time and space are significantly different from ours, after which they returned back. In the historical evidence of the condition of people returned after abduction, described as depressed, the trance-like or obsession.

It remains only to guess are these matches in the behavior of victims abducted in ancient times and in our times, that these events occur for many centuries and describes the victims, based on their cultural and religious beliefs, their education and life experience. Obviously identical to events in 1596 and 1996 differently will be interpreted by coremediaioservices, witnesses and victims of kidnapping. On the other hand, the apparent similarity may be imaginary, and the actual abduction by aliens could occur not earlier than the first recorded case in 1957.

Sexual relations between the Terrans and aliens

In October referred year Brazilian peasant Antonio villas Boas worked late at night on the tractor and was captured short humanoids. They forced him to sexual contact with the red-haired woman who, according to Boas, whined like a dog. Since then, evidence of abductions repeatedly dominated sexual motives. There is a clear link with incuba (lovers-demons), which, according to ancient legend, seized their victims late at night. These phenomena are very plausible depicted in a horror movie "the Creature" or "Star travel: new generation" ("Child"), in which the member of the Board Dinna Troyes in similar circumstances conceived a child of the alien.

In the case of Villas Boas, the alien said that she decided to try to get pregnant by a man. In another incident reported before the publication of the history of Villas Boas (but after it has already happened), this theme is continued. In September 1961 couple of New England. Betty and Barney hill, returned home from vacation, which the couple spent in Canada. Driving through the white mountains, they saw in the sky a strange object. Only once there, they realized that more than one hour of travel fell from their memory. However, after the conversion to a psychiatrist and treatment of persistent nightmares with visions doughy persons with cat eyes and high blood pressure that these nightmares were summoned, the couple realized that they were victims of abduction. When Dr. Benjamin Simon from Boston caused in their memory the events of months ago, Barney said that he had taken samples of sperm, and Betty told about probing her genitals small creatures that telepathically told her that spent "pregnancy test".

Evidence of abductions gradually spread first among American ufologists, and then around the world. Between 1974 and 1977 years similar message came from Britain and other European countries. In Australia, researchers, persistently searching for information about such events could report them to the mid-eighties. Many of these information is not distributed outside of the United States from distrust to some who have not received universal recognition techniques such as hypnosis. (In 1988 British scientists even imposed a moratorium on the use of hypnosis.)

The growth of the phenomenon

Soon reports of similar cases began to appear throughout the world. One of them occurred in 1965 in Venezuela, when a gynecologist was forced by aliens engaging in sexual contact with an unusually high being, who declared that they are trying to carry out genetic program of cultivation the hybrid of an alien and a human being. Many of the cases, which are fixed independently from each other, gradually formed in terrible picture. However, the great majority of the U.S., where a posthypnotic was accidentally applied among other means used by Dr. Simon in order to recover the memory of people who were abducted by UFOs.

Psychologist Dr. Leo Sprinkle was the first who together with a group of ufologists began to perform an ongoing programme, funded by the government at the University of Colorado. He managed to arouse equestrian police herb Schirmer memories of the meeting with the UFO, which occurred in December 1961

A scientific perspective

In June 1992, there was a private scientific Symposium at the Massachusetts Institute of technology (MIT). Physicists at MIT, and Dr. John Mack, known psychologist from Harvard medical school, was organized week-long discussion. About a hundred researchers gathered here to report on key issues and to present the results of original experiments. The Symposium was to become a milestone in the study of the abduction, and when in the beginning of 1995 the results were published, they significantly advanced a serious scientific study of the mysteries of abduction by aliens. Dr. Mack was not afraid to risk his reputation, when in 1994 he published his notes about the history of abductions, simply titled "Abduction". His work was conducted very carefully, at a high scientific level, and attracted considerable attention of researchers as well as created on Bi-bi-si in November 1994 documentary "Horizon", in which the authors attempted to give medical interpretation of the phenomenon of abduction, exploring the temporal lobe of the brain.

In less than ten years, the field of activity in this area has expanded from the study of minor aspects of UFOlogy to vital issues that were discussed by scientists, despite their scepticism. At least in our days there is little doubt that the phenomenon of abduction really exists. The only question is: how to interpret the significance of these phenomena and where to find their nature - in space or in the human subconscious?


Abduction by aliens is one of the most powerful paranormal experiences. Most often it happens unexpectedly, and contrary to the will of the victim. As a rule, victims of abduction feel like victims of rape. They feel depressed, looking for privacy, feel guilt and feelings of inferiority. The situation is aggravated by the fact that people rarely believe in the reality of the kidnapping and leave the victim alone with emotions. So usually memories about what happened settle deep in the subconscious, and appear only in the form of painful nightmares that leads to tensions and years of suffering.

However, remember a few things. First of all, the fact of theft does not prove hostility to the us alien. Meeting with them might be unpleasant, but it is rather a result of excessive fear and not hazardous contact. If the problem is caused by the peculiarities of the equipment or physiology, there is no reason to suspect a mental or physical disorder. Almost all researchers believe that contactors have above-average intelligence level, are the kind of creative and in most cases completely healthy, intelligent and sincere.

Often anxiety can be transferred to other family members. Women are mostly worried about the safety of their children. However, in such situation it is necessary to control my anxiety matter how sharp it was, as it can have a negative impact on the whole family.

Support groups and posthypnotic

Well, if there is a possibility to share experiences with a close friend, husband or doctor. This can greatly reduce the stress that would otherwise spoil your entire future life. It is useful to find a reliable specialist, who would have listened carefully to the story. Review of the book, please contact one of the organizations listed here, but first make sure that you will be treated confidentially and that your interlocutor is important not only what happened to you, but your state of mind. Ask whether they have standards for the treatment or the rules of work with clients, as is customary in the group BUFORA in Britain or in Australian Centre for UFO research.

Some organizations, mostly in the US, provide victims with an opportunity to contact support groups or acting together with them. It allows victims of space abductions to communicate with each other. For people who have had the same mental injury, it may be helpful to share experiences with others. Ann Druffel by MUFON group, USA, have developed a number of techniques that help prevent further abductions, if the victim is afraid that they may again take place. One of these techniques is a mental technique that will help the victim to remember her contact with extraterrestrial intelligence. Although the success of these techniques is recognized not all, someone they can help. You can even protect themselves from theft, but some researchers do not consider it advisable. However some representatives of the American insurance companies claim that such insurance policies guarantee the tranquility of the victims of space abductions (although it is unclear how it can be established that the kidnapping).

Many people on separate fragments, fragments of dreams trying to remember what happened to them, trying to find answers to tormenting their questions in popular literature. Their last hope remains posthypnotic suggestion, but to use hypnosis with caution. Although with the help of hypnosis, you can restore the memories, but he as well provoke the imagination, and there is a danger of being influenced by them. Wanting to liven up your memories, you should decide for yourself whether it's better to live in a state of uncertainty or try to repair the gaps in memory. You must make clear to yourself that revived memories can be even more confusing. Although many UFO organizations recommend that people who consider that they have been subjected to abduction by aliens, to use hypnosis, but these tips should be treated with caution, as the hypnotist may not have the necessary medical knowledge. And you decide whether to consult a specialist, who is not able to provide the relevant documents. It must be remembered that not all UFO organizations follow strict rules to ensure the protection of the health of the people who turn to them for help. Advised to make their choice.

However, we must admit that a posthypnotic can have positive results. Often subjected to hypnosis reveal creative abilities. Good result brings an attempt to overcome the consequences of theft, to Express themselves through writing or painting. Many believe this is the most radical way of healing.


Naturally, if the person considering himself the object of theft, looking for help. But the researcher is to establish whether the contact occurred or anxious state of the patient caused by reading certain literature, television that could be affecting his mind. The overabundance of certain information may be the impetus that will take one to the ufologist.

Very tempting for the researcher recklessly to believe the stories about the kidnapping. Undoubtedly, due to the fact that society has a great interest in UFO research in this field contribute to achieving popularity and may lead to publishing a book, the formulation of the film that will bring tangible profit.

However, you must remember that you first of all have to deal with a human being, and the excitement of the researcher, penetrating into the secret mysteries, should depart on the second plan. Using hypnosis to Supplement its own knowledge or proof theory, it should be remembered that the penetration into the subconscious can open "Pandora's box", which you will not always be able to close. The human brain can store such knowledge to extract out antihuman. And before you go for that, we must firmly decide that you have a moral right to leave someone alone with his memories that will remain in the memory believed to you man for life.

In any case, the payment, which is waiting for the researcher, who left the patient without adequate health protection, is only a matter of time. In recent years in the United States found syndrome false memories. However, his appearance explain (true?) the effects of hypnosis (for example, a case where the memories of the abuse of child turned out to be false). It is clear that all this can cause psychological trauma or even the reason for the trial. This may expect and unfair researcher of the paranormal. You must ensure turned to you for help medical surveillance, and if you do not have such opportunities, we should refuse the use of posthypnotic suggestion.

Provided that all precautions will be observed, hypnosis can be of significant help in your research. But this is not the only, and perhaps not the best method of studying the cases of abduction. The experiments showed that creative visualization can be no less effective. In these cases, the person seeking help are asked to recall the details of the abduction and describe what he feels. It is also necessary to pay attention to dreams that may be relevant to the incident. In addition, you can try to use the hidden creativity to painting or literature to describe my experience. This can often clarify the situation is not worse hypnotic sessions.


Abduction by aliens is one of the phenomena in the field of the paranormal that we have a lot of information. Gradually it becomes a subject of scientific study, although we still can't understand his nature. The phenomenon of abduction usually interpreted by researchers as a hard choice between a kind of hallucination and literary allusion, projected on the self, on the one hand, and physical abduction by aliens. But truth is more complex. Published history exaggerate the significance of the theory of space abduction by aliens, giving them a proven fact. This theory is dominant in the US but in the rest of the world has much less support.

Symposium at MIT in June 1992 was the first signal that science can sort out this issue. In 1993, the journal "new scientist" in its issue of November 6 put the data published by the group from the Department of psychology at Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada. These were the test results, carried out among the population, witnesses who observed UFOs, and victims of direct contact. It was found that the last "mentally developed, not prone to fantasies and do not suffer from mental disorders".

So, confirmed the opinion, which many years, said the researchers. Direct contact took place. Experiments have established the similarity of the behaviour of victims of rape, when the group was examined by a psychologist by training, who believed that their tests to verify suitability for the intended responsible

"Gray" and "Nordic" types of aliens

Through years of research, there is plenty of evidence of abductions. Dr. Thomas Ballard, folklorist, Indiana, was a solid database of cases of kidnappings in the world. In France Denis Brass for several years was put together with the help of computer statistical information during the so-called "project Becasse". I had a chance to study in detail all known British reports of abductions and compare their results with common European and American data. They contain information about the experiments carried out at present. On the basis of the latest research can be concluded that there are two main types of beings that are reported in more than 92% of cases. They were given names: "gray" (because grayish color of their skin; they have a large egg-shaped head and a huge eye) and "Nordic" (these aliens above average height, look like the Scandinavians, with blond hair, blue eyes and clean pale skin; from Scandinavians they are distinguished cat", or Eastern, the shape of the eyes). These two species of aliens are so clearly describes contactors that are questioning psychologically grounded theory about the richness of the human imagination, living in fantasy worlds huge variety of alien life forms.

These studies enable us to understand that the victims of abductions subconsciously experiment, showing, without realizing it, their paranormal abilities.

Frequently repeated theft serve the liberation of the psychic energy of the channel. It is symbolic that the persons who come into contact with aliens, suffer vivid memories of his early life, eidetic (i.e. almost photographic) memory and brilliant figurative thinking. These peculiarities of the psyche of contactors acknowledge that there are important features of the human brain that predispose to contact or make it easier. Like a kind of medium, such people are "resonance" with extraterrestrial intelligence, which seeks contact with them.

The kidnapping and experience of clinical death X

Dr. Kenneth Ring, psychologist Connecticut University, compared the feelings of the victims of abduction with feelings of people who had experienced clinical death. It found that between messages both categories there are many similarities, and put forward the hypothesis that these seemingly different phenomena may be associated. Dr. Ring decided not to take into account the arguments of the researchers about the real or fictitious nature of the contact. Instead, he describes this phenomenon as the area imagined that integrates these two areas.

Such a theory does not disagree with my trchi of view on this issue. I mean all these phenomena as "managed waking dreams". To explain this phenomenon, one can draw a parallel with the present "waking dreams", when the consciousness has to deal with imaginary images and man realizes that, though this dream is perceived very clearly and realistically. But a reversal is possible. The subconscious can manipulate the actual images to create dreams fictional, but perceive as real events. Both are on the verge of consciousness and subconsciousness.

Independent observers

Currently a number of related experiments to verify the reality of the kidnapping. One of them is a study of one-third of witnesses, which can be likened to passers-by noticed a Bank robbery. Those who watched the space abduction from the outside, not being its victims. Until recently trust deserved the only fact that is registered in Manhattan (new York) in November 1989. And this case was investigated by Budd Hopkins. Several independent witnesses stated that they saw a woman coming out of the window of his apartment accompanied "gray" beings. Then she was placed inside the UFO, which plunged into the river. When these people come to talk about their observations to Hopkins, he has subjected the woman to the hypnotic effects and could compare the message observers with her story. In addition, he helped to remember the patient on medical examination on Board a UFO.

At first glance this case is rather impressive. However, he was met with skepticism among ufologists, because few researchers have dared to sacrifice his reputation for the sake of support of this rather unusual case. But their mileage may vary due to the recent events, which I will discuss below. It is known that, at least in six other cases, independent observers saw abducted at that moment, when these people, as they later reported, got into UFOs. However, all these observers categorically assert that physically victims will not tolerated. They were in a state of altered consciousness, and their ever felt drunk, or immersed in deep sleep or in a state of catatonic trance. This confirms the fact that all sources of information about the kidnapping say that they happen in the state of altered consciousness. '

Experiments Lorna of Goldfeder and a team of psychologists, sociologists and anthropologists from the Research Institute of UFOs in Canada currently devoted to enter into the subconscious subjected to abduction team, which they could use in case of subsequent abductions. Long-term research is being conducted to ascertain how these commands affect the psyche of contactees, and to compare memories of the same people after several kidnappings.

About what to information on UFO sightings should be treated with caution indicates an event that occurred in Manchester (UK) in November 1993. A woman recorded on a video camera light in the sky. This case was investigated by the local group of ufologists, NARO. After objective study, they concluded that, apparently, it was a weather balloon. Meanwhile, another team of local ufologists, knowing nothing about the conclusion of NARO, met with the witness and had her session posthypnotic suggestion. As a result, according to reports, the woman experienced the illusion of contact - it "remembered", as it was taken from the house and put in some unknown place.

Thus, instead of collecting reliable information has been undermined trust to the very phenomenon and to researchers in the field of paranormal phenomena. Of course, the conclusion NARO could be wrong. But if it was just a probe, and subsequent memories about the kidnapping has resulted hypnotic experiments, this would put into question all "memories', which has been repeatedly manifested in other experiments.

In addition, there are cases that remain in the conscious memory of contactees, and it is still a mystery for everyone who tries to explain the existing phenomenon. For example, a businessman, was returning home in the early morning, for a few seconds he stopped the car on the road near the Face in Staffordshire. He saw a strange glow that were moving rapidly towards him. Then he remembered how in a state of shock he hid behind a tree and quickly ran away. He came almost bare, and his clothes were neatly folded in the car. When he was made to wear pants, then discovered that they spark, as if charged with static electricity.

"Oz factor"

In another case, a woman with her boyfriend was driving along a deserted road in Suffolk, to visit friends, suddenly appeared in the sky mysterious

any lights and engine of the car stalled. When people got out of the car to check the matter around established sudden silence, even the birds chirped. This is a characteristic sign of one type of UFO encounters, known to researchers as "Isfactor". Then the lights swam towards the people. The woman suddenly felt an irresistible desire to come closer to the light source and entered the circle created by the beam. Following her memory - she's standing next to buddy. Only later they found that three hours of time somehow fell out of their memory.

Much later, desperate to fill the gap which made her life unbearable, the woman decided to undergo a posthypnotic suggestion. But after, through hypnosis, in her consciousness revived the scene when the creature with gray skin and huge black eyes, put her medical examination and report that she must bear an alien child, the woman started to panic. Still on her body are visible scars. Despite the fact that by the moment of contact the woman was just twenty-one years and, according to doctors, she had up to this point, good health, at present, it is obviously not able to have children.

Cases such as this, is celebrated annually and mean that these mysterious phenomena are something more than just an illusion.

The most recent evidence

And now I would like to draw your attention to a very illustrative case, which occurred in Australia and was fixed by casual observers. One of the main participants in the investigation of this case were bill Chalker, a chemical engineer, and a well-known UFO researcher John Oettl.

This happened in the early morning of 8 August 1993, when a young woman with her husband was driving in the car between Monblanc and Fungin gate around Belgrave in Dandenongs. They saw in the sky something unusual, stopped to look, and then went on. Nearby was visible to the other car and its passengers, it is evident, too, were watching what was happening. The woman and her husband went his way, and had no idea who were their fellow travelers.

The memory of the events to come back to the woman a few weeks after that experience. It started to bother nightmarish visions. Some tall figure was bent over her, and she felt as if her body something suck or draw. She also saw other events, linking these dreams with what happened after the meeting with UFOs. The woman was hospitalized since suffering bleeding on her stomach began to appear strange triangular signs. The doctor said that her condition is reminiscent of spontaneous abortion, but were puzzled when she said firmly, that is not pregnant.

The investigation, which lasted throughout 1994, found that the woman's husband always remembered what was seen UFOs being tall. The testimony of women for inspection on Board has acquired the details and did not depend on hypnosis, which has been used only once.

After a brief search, the researchers was found another car. It was a man and woman and their friend, who didn't know that someone else besides them watched the UFO as the first pair not made public its history. Three new witnesses saw this tall creature, but no one talked about it. Posthypnotic, which subjected these witnesses, helped to understand that the memories of all the witnesses are interrelated.

It is too early to say how important will be the case, but bill Chalker wisely said: "the Victims will not help the approval of the supporters of the concept of the existence of aliens, and they will not convince skeptical opponents. These people need help in confronting the ordeals that fell to their lot, regardless of whether they are submitted to us banal, or extraordinary".
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