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When we talk about the fact that antibiotic use is associated with various side effects and has led to the emergence of resistant microorganisms, involuntarily thought about an alternative. Indeed, what we can replace antibiotics? In fact, there are many herbal remedies, with pronounced antibacterial activity, like coconut oil, garlic or grapefruit seed. There is another effective remedy against infection is lavender.
Today, lavender attracts attention as a safe alternative disinfectant chemicals, antibiotics and antiviral drugs. Photo: Dan Kitwood/Getty Images
Since ancient times, lavender was considered to be a surprisingly effective from dangerous infections. Lavender essential oil has been the subject of international trade and was accompanied by notable people throughout life and even after his death. Lavender included in the composition of embalming - in a sealed ballot boxes of incense in the tomb of Tutankhamun (the age of about 3000 years) remained the smell of lavender.
When the great pandemic of plague - the Black death - swept Europe in the middle ages, miraculously Mor not touched some groups of people. Working tannery, who used lavender essential oil production, as well as farmers who worked in the lavender fields, came out unscathed from a deadly fight. At that time people did not know that lavender increases immunity and is a powerful bactericidal means.
Today lavender attracts attention as a safe alternative disinfectant chemicals, antibiotics and antiviral drugs. As additional protection lavender naturally stimulates the immune system, which is impossible when using synthetic antibiotics.
Powerful disinfectant properties of lavender can find application in various fields. Until the first world war lavender has been used for sterilization in hospitals. This powerful antiseptic great help as cuts, scrapes, burns and stings.
Lavender is a reliable defender from infectious diseases. It directly attacks the bacteria and viruses, and also stimulates the production in the body of leukocytes that enhance protective reaction. Unlike antibiotics, the use of lavender does not lead to the emergence of resistant strains of bacteria.
It can be included in the diet or brewed as a tea. Lavender is a key element in the French spice mixtures "Herbs of Provence". A little bitter and tart, lavender gives a unique taste of food, while preserving all of its attributes. Tea or infusion with flowers of lavender cook for immune support, especially in times of stress or illness. Use and tincture of lavender. Lavender essential oil can be used for baths, causing the skin and inhalation.