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Движение астероидовAll open still asteroids have direct movement: they move around the Sun in the same direction as the large planet (i<90 degrees). The vast majority of asteroids orbit is not very different from each other: they are poorly eccentric and have a low or moderate slope. That is why nearly all the asteroids move, remaining within toroidal rings. The section of the ring plane zr, perpendicular to the Ecliptic plane and passing through the Sun.

Border rings more conditional: the spatial density of asteroids (the number of asteroids in a unit volume) decreases as the distance from the Central part. If, as the movement of the asteroid's orbit mentioned plane zr rotate around the axis perpendicular to the Ecliptic plane and passing through the Sun) following the asteroid (so that he remained in this plane, the asteroid for one revolution describe in this plane some loop. Most loops lies within the shaded area, as Ceres and Vesta, moving along a little eccentric and little inclined orbits. Few asteroids due to significant eccentricity and inclination of the orbits of the loop, as in Pallada (i=35o), outside this area or even lies entirely outside of it, as in atonce. Therefore, the asteroids are found and far outside the ring.

The amount of space occupied by ring-torus, where moves 98 % of all asteroids, huge - about 1.6*1026 km3. For comparison, the volume of the Earth is only 10 to 12 grade km3.

Large axis of the orbits of asteroids that belong to the ring, enclosed in the range from 2.2 ml of 3.2. E. Asteroids moving in orbits with linear (heliocentric) a speed of about 20 km/s, spending one revolution around the Sun from 3 to 9 years. Their average daily movement concluded within 400-1200"".

The eccentricity of these orbits are small - from 0 to 0.2 and rarely exceeds 0.4. But even at very low eccentricity, just 0.1, the heliocentric distance of the asteroid during the motion along the orbit changes to a few tenths of astronomical unit, and if e=0.4 1.5 to 3 a. that is, depending on the size of the orbit.

The inclination of the orbit to the Ecliptic plane are usually between 5-10 degrees. But with a slope of 10° the asteroid may deviate from the plane of the Ecliptic by about 0.5 a. that is, when tilted 30 degrees to move away from it for 1.5 AU

On average daily motion of asteroids are divided into five groups. Numerous groups I, II and III include asteroids moving, respectively, in the external (farthest from the Sun), Central and inner areas of the rings. In the Central zone is dominated by asteroids spherical subsystem, while in the inner zone 3/4 asteroids are members flat system.

As we move from the internal zone to external become more circular orbits: in group III eccentricity e<0,14 have only 36% of asteroids, in group II of these 44%, and group III - 60%. This is probably due to the fact that Jupiter, moving the outer edge of the ring, "cleaned" their surroundings : the body in large eccentric orbits could approaching Jupiter, to feel strong indignation from his side and as a result he bimetals out of the ring and even from the planetary system. Remained only body on less eccentric orbits, unattainable for this giant of the Solar system. All the asteroids rings are, so to speak, in a safe area. But all the time they have perturbations by the planets. The strongest impact on them has, of course, Jupiter. Therefore, their orbits are constantly changing. To be quite simple, it is necessary to say that the path of the asteroid in space is not ellipses, and open quasielliptical turns lying down next to each other. Only occasionally - when approaching a planet - turns significantly deviate from one another.

Planet outraged, of course, not only the motion of asteroids, but also each other. However, the disturbances experienced by planets are small and do not change the structure of the Solar system. They cannot lead to collision of planets with each other. With asteroids it is otherwise. Because of the large eccentricities and inclinations of the orbits of asteroids under the influence of planetary perturbations are changing quite even if not happening approaches with the planets. Asteroids deviate from the way in one direction and then in another direction. More and more become these deviations because the planet continuously "pull" asteroid, each for themselves, but most of all Jupiter. Observations of asteroids span too small periods of time in order to detect significant changes of the orbits of most asteroids, except some rare cases. Therefore, our knowledge about the evolution of their orbits based on theoretical considerations. Briefly they are as follows.

The orbit of each asteroid hovers around its mean position, spending each oscillation of tens or hundreds of years. Synchronous change with small amplitude of its axis, eccentricity and inclination. Perihelion and aphelion it approaches the Sun, now receding from it. These fluctuations are included as a component part in oscillations of a longer period - thousands or tens of thousands of years. They have several different character. The semimajor axis is not experiencing any additional changes. But the amplitude of fluctuations of the eccentricity and inclination can be much larger. At these time scales can be considered instantaneous positions of the planets in orbits : how fast track movie asteroid and the planet will be like smeared on their orbits. It is appropriate to consider them as gravitating rings. The slope of the asteroid ring to the Ecliptic plane, where the planetary rings - the source of disturbing forces, - leads to the fact that the asteroid ring behaves like a spinning top or gyroscope. Only the picture is more complex, because of the asteroid's orbit is not rigid and its form varies over time. The orbit of the asteroid rotates so that the normal to its plane, restored in the focus where the Sun is, describes the cone.

In addition, the line of nodes is rotating in the plane of the Ecliptic with more or less constant speed in a clockwise direction. During one of the turnover inclination, eccentricity, perihelion and ateliinae distances have two variations. When the line of nodes coincides with the line of ASP (and this happens twice per revolution), the slope is maximum, and the eccentricity of the minimum. The shape of the orbit becomes closer to the circular, the semiminor axis of the orbit increases, the perihelion maximum offset from the Sun, and the aphelion close to him (as q+q"=2a=const). Then the line of nodes offset, angle decreases, the perihelion is moving to the Sun, the aphelion away from him, the eccentricity is growing, and the semiminor axis of the orbit is reduced. Extreme values are achieved when the line of nodes is perpendicular to the line ASP. Now the perihelion is closest to the Sun, the aphelion of the fartherest away from him, and both of these most strongly deviate from the Ecliptic. Studies of the evolution of the orbits for long periods of time show that these changes are included in changes further period occurring with greater amplitude of fluctuations of elements, and in the movement included and the line of ASP. So, every orbit pulsing continuously, and besides is rotating. At low e and i their fluctuations with small amplitudes. Nearly circular orbits lying besides near the Ecliptic plane, change is barely noticeable. They all comes down to easy to deformation and weak deviation of one or another part of the orbit from the Ecliptic plane. But the greater the eccentricity and inclination of the orbit, the stronger manifested indignation over large periods of time.

Thus, the planetary perturbations lead to the continuous mixing of the orbits of asteroids, and became to be, and to mixing moving objects on them. This makes it possible collision of asteroids to each other. Over the past 4.5 billion years, since there are asteroids, they experienced many collisions with each other. Inclinations and eccentricities of the orbits result in neveretheless their mutual movements, and the speed with which the asteroids are sweeping past one another (chaotic component of velocity), the average is about 5 km/S. Collision with such speeds lead to the destruction phone
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