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On the website NASA presents incredible new video of the Vela pulsar. What we see is a result of observations of the Chandra x-ray Observatory (Chandra X-ray Observatory).Fast-moving stream of particles generated by the rapid rotation of the neutron star. Researchers believe that these observations will allow us to take a new look at the nature of dense matter in the Universe. Pulsar Led is at a distance of about 1,000 light-years from Earth, its diameter is about 19 km, full turn makes for 89 milliseconds. As the pulsar rotation "released" streams of charged particles. The film used the data Observatory Chandra obtained from June to September 2010. Pulsar Led - neutron star, which was formed from the stellar core, cowering before the nuclear density. I believe that the pulsar appeared more then 10 000 years ago, when there was an explosion of a massive star. Under the action of electric and magnetic fields pulsar charged particles are accelerated to nearly the speed of light. At the moment the researchers suggest that the pulsar may experience slow precession vibrations. The period of precession estimated to be about 120 days. This is the second video that was created thanks to the work of the Chandra telescope. In this case, changes in the jet is less pronounced, so the authors do not agree that there is a process of precession. The phenomenon of precession is observed near the Earth. According to current data, the full cycle of earth precession is 25 765 years. Due to the fluctuation of the axis of rotation of the Earth is changing the position of a star relative to the Equatorial coordinate system. So, after some time, the North star is not the closest to the North pole bright star. ![]()
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