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The largest and most powerful particle accelerator, which is known to all the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), is preparing to shut down, which will happen in March of this year. After that within two years there will be the replacement and modernization of some elements of the design of the TANK, as well as the installation of additional elements and devices that will allow the Collider to reach the level of maximum energy collisions of particles, which should lead to new stunning discoveries in nuclear physics and physics of subatomic particles.
"The re-launch of the Collider, this gigantic scientific instrument value of 10 billion dollars, which will be held in 2015, will be what will allow us to observe incredibly rare, exotic phenomena and discover the many mysteries of nature," says James Gillis (James Gillies), the representative of the European organization for nuclear research CERN.
The large Hadron Collider, located near the Swiss-French border, will continue its work for two months, then his work will be stopped until 2014. The main upgrade will be replacement and installation engineers thousands of superconducting electrical cables, cooled to cryogenic temperatures. The energy transferred by these cables will provide the focusing magnetic field greater force to disperse particles inside the Collider to the maximum energy that was originally intended design of the accelerator.
Despite the fact that the Collider will be stopped for a long time, scientists-physicists at CERN will be busy all the time. In computers CERN is still a huge amount of data that has been collected since opening in July 2012 new subatomic particles that are similar in properties of the sought Higgs boson. Re more thorough analysis of the early collected and new data can lead to knowledge, providing a more complete understanding of the structure of the world and the processes occurring in the Universe.
Another two months the LHC will collide protons with lead nuclei. Then, in the next few weeks will be held detailed and comprehensive testing of all existing systems of the accelerator before he will be stopped for modernization.
Such a thorough preliminary tests are necessary in order to avoid a repetition of the situation that occurred in the month of September 2008, after only nine days after the first launch of the Collider. As we have informed, because of a bad connection in one of the superconducting cables happened strong overheating caused the accident, the leakage of coolant, damaging massive magnets length is about 100 meters underground tunnel.
The restoration of the Collider after the accident costs almost $ 40 million as a result of this accident was that the Collider could work only on half of its maximum rated capacity. After replacement of 10 thousand superconducting cables connecting the winding electro-magnets, the Collider will be able to work at its full capacity, which will enable it to simulate conditions that existed 14 billion years ago in the Big Bang.