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Viewings: 6103
Экзолуны, вероятно, можно увидеть уже сегодняшними телескопамиThe vast majority of known exoplanets found using various indirect methods, in particular Doppler and transit photometry. The method of direct visual detection with the help of telescopes does not produce such results, because the planet is extremely weak light sources (unlike stars), and their light is very difficult to "filter out" due to the high brightness of the parent star. Therefore, the direct detection of exoplanets is a very difficult task is only possible if a celestial body is large, and its orbit is removed from the stars that light the latter does not interfere with the observations). That is how it works: from 31 extrasolar planets, the open method of direct observation, the easiest twice-three times heavier than Jupiter, and the most close to its star is twice as far from it than the Earth is from the Sun. Well and the most distant and does is 2 500 and. E.
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Viewings: 5107
Млечный Путь окружён массивным гало из горячего газаWhat Galaxy is surrounded by a halo, it is clear long ago. The question was, what is its main component. X-ray telescope space-based Chandra and other instruments revealed that the gas component of the halo that extends over a huge distance, by weight not inferior to all the stars of our Galaxy combined.
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Viewings: 5191
Если на Европе и есть океан, то очень глубокоThe machines that go explore the huge subsurface ocean, possibly existing on Jupiter's moon Europe will have to drill very, very deeply.
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Viewings: 5415
Состав поверхности Меркурия напомнил энстатитовые хондритыMercury boasts unique to the Solar system surface, bearing the traces of a meteorite fall rare type.
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Viewings: 6430
В какой цвет выкрашены землеподобные планеты других звёздных систем?The development of means of direct detection of exoplanets is in full swing, and it sets the researchers question: how the received image exoplanets and aktolun you can use to determine their habitability? Astronomers from Germany and the USA after the simulation of different options of such "color", came to the conclusion that it really is possible to judge about the presence and even to some extent on the composition of the biosphere.
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Viewings: 5619
Ложный метан лишил экзопланеты жизниThe presence of methane or its compounds scientists traditionally seen as a sign of potential habitability of planets, as this gas may be the product of vital functions of soil bacteria. In particular, researchers are very encouraged by the presence of methane on the same Mars. And is it really can be a "symptomatic of life"? It is doubtful...
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Viewings: 4945
Путешествуем к звездам, обгоняя светSpace vehicles have put people into space and even on the moon. But man always wants more, he had dreams of traveling to the stars. And to make this dream come true, NASA launched the project on manufacturing of the ship Alcubierre - vehicle that is traveling faster than light, bending space.
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Viewings: 4156
Поцелуй белых карликов рождает звездуAmerican astrophysicists revealed the secret of the mechanism of formation of the so-called "new tidal stars", which presumably are many bright flash in the sky, observed since ancient times - for example, well-known star of Bethlehem. These "luminaries" born with a very strong convergence of two white dwarfs, make up a system.
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Viewings: 4001
Новые звёзды как результат взаимодействия пары белых карликовCompact beskorsaya tight pair of white dwarfs with constantly shrinking distance between them due to gravitational waves can warm up so seriously that they degenerate surface hydrogen layer begins thermonuclear reaction, forming a "new tidal star", say scientists at Cornell University (USA).
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Viewings: 4092
Астероид Веста, возможно, наполнен водойVesta, the second mass of the body in the asteroid belt, was considered to be absolutely dry. But Dawn spacecraft found evidence that water-rich asteroids smaller once "implanted" themselves into the surface of Vesta.
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Viewings: 4885
Обнаружены первые планеты вокруг солнцеподобных звёзд в рассеянных скопленияхAmbient concentration of a Nursery, located in 590 light years from Earth, includes more than 1,000 very dense stars. This, as a relatively small age of the cluster (not more than 600 million years old), did not give astronomers reason to expect the discovery of around sun-like yellow dwarfs such accumulations of exoplanets.
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Viewings: 4179
NGC 7090 — галактика с активным звездообразованиемBeautiful (we believe) the galaxy NGC 7090, photographed space telescope "Hubble", looks at us askance, not allowing to see her spiral arm, filled with young, hot stars.
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Viewings: 4589
НАСА готовит эксперименты по сверхсветовому движениюIn 1994 the Mexican theoretical physicist Miguel Alcubierre assumed its "engine, bend (vicious) space." It uses a special kind of curvature of space-time as a bubble, which moves faster than light in the external Minkowski space.
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Viewings: 4535
Метеороиды могут дать ложные сигналы о жизни на экзопланетахThe mystery of methane in the Martian surface long been a subject of heated debate.
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Viewings: 4186
Появились новые данные о комете КловисScientists have obtained new evidence that about 12 900 years ago crashed to Earth kind of celestial body, destroying the megafauna of North America, and provoking the period of a strong cold snap.
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