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Viewings: 4572
Интернет-астрономы открыли первую планету в системе из четырех звездInternet users, participants "civic" astronomical project Planet Hunters together with astronomers professionals from Yale University for the first time in history has discovered a planet in the system of four stars, according to a paper accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journal and posted in the electronic library of Cornell University.
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Viewings: 4272
Жизнь на Землю занесена из космоса. Новые доказательстваExperts of the Japanese National Observatory have found new evidence that life could be brought to Earth from space. The study of the Central part of the constellation Orion range of 1.5 thousand light years from our planet they found a vast area of special ultraviolet radiation, which twists exclusively in the left side of the amino acid molecules.
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Viewings: 6107
Meteorites, as you know, are formed mainly in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, within the Solar system. The heavenly bodies. They arrived from the far corners of the galaxy is extremely rare and mysterious.

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Viewings: 5153
Встречайте первую углеродную планетуPlanet Cancer 55 e, "super-earths", located in a sun-like star HD 75732 (55 Cancer, spectral class G8V), was opened in 2004. This is one of the closest to the Earth "supertall": up to its planetary system just 40,9 light years. It is about 8.6 times heavier than Earth, and its diameter is twice bigger than ours. Thus, the density of the Earth and Cancer 55 e quite comparable.
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Viewings: 5955
Here and below shows the sand grains of Martian soil that have not been filtered and were not used for cleaning the analyzer. Net passes only particles with a diameter of not more than 150 microns.

Анализ марсианского валуна дал неожиданный результатАнализ марсианского валуна дал неожиданный результатАнализ марсианского валуна дал неожиданный результат

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Viewings: 5623
Реконструированы детали посадки зонда «Гюйгенс» на ТитанThe new analysis showed that in the first ten seconds after the descent to the surface of Titan probe Huygens" jumping, gliding and battered.
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Viewings: 5400
Черную дыру вызвали на прием к докторуAn international group of astrophysicists are determined to seriously study of some peculiarities of black holes. In particular, the planned monitoring of the processes taking place in the vicinity of the event horizon - region, which disappears all, swallowed hole. It is time to complement theoretical research and practical material.
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Viewings: 5576
На Луну забросят... суперкомпьютер!The moon is closest to our body, so it is no surprise that constantly appear new and new projects related to its development. So recently, the press picked NASA plans for the organization in lunar orbit manned space station. And on the surface of our satellite is planned to put powerful supercomputer.
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Viewings: 5292
Подтверждено обнаружение «Кеплером» ещё сорока одной экзопланетыTwo independent teams of astronomers have confirmed that "Kepler" has opened 41 exoplanet 20 stellar systems. The first work was conducted JI Wei Xie from the University of Toronto (Canada), and authors of the second, which was led by Jason Stefensen of National accelerator laboratory them. Enrico Fermi (USA), working in several American universities, and the Harvard-Smithsonian center for astrophysics.
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Viewings: 3542
Новый метод позволил обнаружить сотни гигантских чёрных дыр из ранней ВселеннойResearchers from the University of Cambridge (UK) used a new method to detect black holes, hidden powerful gas-dust clouds. Its essence is in the monitoring of the interaction with BH galaxies in which they reside.
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Viewings: 4021
Ветер квазаров начал стихатьRecently scientists have found that the wind emitted by quasars, the most powerful "lamps" in the Universe, too, may subside. And this is because gas clouds, about existing active centers of quasars, like everything else, quietly runs out and give of their substance. When all it flies away in the nearby space, the wind ceased.
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Viewings: 5448
Swift отыскал новую чёрную дыру в центре нашей ГалактикиOwned by NASA Orbital Observatory Swift discovered the black hole of stellar mass (that is, not supermassive) in the center of the milky Way. To make it it was possible to register a powerful burst of x-ray radiation from the black hole, at a time when that swallowed up a large cloud surrounding substance.
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Viewings: 5660
Космос - это компьютерная игра БогаThe idea that we do not exist in the real and virtual world, imbued not only fiction, but scientists
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Viewings: 3667
Новая звезда у чёрной дыры в центре Галактики поможет проверить ЭйнштейнаThe recent opening of the American astronomers a unique opportunity to examine the General theory of relativity in the greatest scale. Scientists have found a star that is at high speed revolves around a supermassive black hole at the heart of our galaxy.
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Viewings: 5101
Ненормальную галактику поставили на местоDiscovered in XIX century galaxy in the constellation of Centaurus, until recently, did not give rest to astronomers. The fact that she does not fit into any framework - even her type was impossible to determine. Recently, however, scientists still managed to classify "crazy" NGC 5128 - she belongs to this type, which is simply not been previously described.
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