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Viewings: 5340
На подмогу Земле идет космосScottish scientists have invented a radical way of protection from threatening the planet from global warming. The idea is to cover the Earth from the scorching rays of the Sun with a dust cloud. But it is, of course, is not an ordinary dust, and about the space. Its source can be, for example, an asteroid the size above average, experts say.
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Viewings: 5495
Люди узнали место Земли во ВселеннойIn our country people now is the master and Lord of nature. Great communism building, constructed by the Soviet people under the plan of nature transformation specified by Stalin, change the face of our country. Water irrigated former barren desert, grow new forest, is changing the face of the earth.
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Viewings: 4281
Космос-компьютер, реальность – программный результатUnder the new concept of scientists, space is a computer, and everything that happens in it, can be described in terms of information processing. In the traditional view of the world consists of particles, interconnected by certain powers; and according to the quantum theory it is only a set of fields that we can properly be described only by the apparatus of quantum physics.
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Viewings: 4793
Крестообразный астероид похож на космический корабльObservations using spacecraft of ESA Express show the new mystery of the asteroid Oljato (Oljato). The asteroid 2201 Oljato caused a stir in the unusual image, where it is similar to the cross, flying through space and leaving a long train.
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Viewings: 4144
Свежая чёрная дыра вылетела из центра галактикиThe merger of two massive black holes led to the emergence of powerful gravitational waves, which threw "joint" black hole beyond the galaxy. This fantastic event, previously described only in theory, was noticed by a group of astronomers under the direction of Stephanie Komossa (Stefanie Komossa), doctor of astronomy of the Institute for extraterrestrial physics, max Plank (Max-Planck-Institut fur extraterrestrische Physik).
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Viewings: 4074
Луна и ее темные и загадочные стороныThe moon is a satellite of the planet Earth, is the only celestial body in the Solar system that has a trace of a man. She is under scrutiny looking at her telescopes, its study and from space and from Earth, but scientists admit that for the last fifty years our knowledge about this satellite has increased only slightly, but on the contrary, increased the number of mysteries that surround the moon.
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Viewings: 5529
Предсказания контактов: без двух минут эпоха великого кольцаWill there be a GREAT CONTACT with other civilizations? - the issue is more than interesting and exciting even many more pressing issues.
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Viewings: 5877
Предсказатели о космической угрозе Земле и землетрясенияхThe probability of falling on us comet or asteroid neskolko small, but the fear of cosmic catastrophe that cannot (yet) to prevent grows in direct proportion to the growth of our knowledge about space. This is exactly the case when, as the ancients said, expertise make us unhappy.
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Viewings: 6749
Пророчества о падении астероида на ЗемлюEritrean sibyl in his prophetic song only once mentions the fall on our planet large celestial object, possibly an asteroid. Unfortunately, the text prediction contains only six lines. Then the song ends (lacuna) and details of this catastrophe we already know.
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Viewings: 3628
Космический мусор может задержать стыковку корабля Dragon к МКСThe international space station may take evasive action against debris on Monday, but it may only slightly delay the docking private Dragon spacecraft with ISS, told journalists the Director of the ISS program at NASA Michael Suffredini.
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Viewings: 4094
Когда космический мусор поставит крест на космических полётах?At the Earth's orbit about 20 000 items more of the ball, of which only 5% of space satellites and other existing facilities. Another 19 000 - space debris.
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Viewings: 6735
Открыта комета C/2012 S1Astronomical community is buzzing: a new comet is discovered, and it has the chance to be very effective flyby of the Sun.
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Viewings: 4947
Астрономы открыли, возможно, самую яркую комету за 10 летRussian Amateur astronomer Artem Novichonok and his colleague from Belarus Vitaly Nevsky opened the comet, which may become the brightest in this decade. Official report about the discovery is published on the website of the minor planet Center of the International astronomical Union.
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Viewings: 5786
Дорогу к Марсу проложат через темную сторону ЛуныNASA intends to build on the reverse side of the moon base for launching spacecraft to the red planet
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Viewings: 4012
НАСА берется за поиск планеты-убийцы Нибиру.И запускает в космос новый телескопScientists from NASA are planning to launch space telescope, with which they try to find the planet Nibiru or, as it is called, "planet X." She ancient legends of the Sumerians, with a certain periodicity flies around the Earth. The existence of the mysterious planet was discovered by scientists from the American space Agency in 1983 year with the help of infrared telescope IRAS. Some researchers believe that its gravitational force, for example, was the cause of a Great flood and the disappearance of Atlantis.
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