Viewings: 3750
 Until all anxiously await "promised" some forecasters end of the world in the coming December, scientists say that the Apocalypse is almost took place this summer. 23 July 2012 happened strongest for the last 150 years magnetic storm on the Sun. And the Sun, as you know, affects nearly all of the processes on the Earth.
Viewings: 3728
 It is believed that the universe around us is formed in the Big Bang 14 billion years ago and since then continues to evolve. The sun in this respect no exception, and according to the views of scientists through 5.5 billion years, our light will overcome the next stage of its development, becoming a red giant.
Viewings: 5397
 In February 2011, few of the humans drew attention to flashed in the media message: an asteroid with a diameter of one meter, named by scientists from NASA CQ1", flew a distance 5480 kilometers from the Earth over the area in the Pacific ocean. The previous record was for "stone" under the code name FU162, which in 2004 procalsol near the Ground only a few hundred kilometers.
Viewings: 5239
 Program of NASA Space technology selected for funding five projects, each of which is reportedly capable of making a small revolution in Astronautics.
Viewings: 6030
 The American team of astrophysicists led by Bruce Fegli built a computer model, which demonstrates the process of complete evaporation of the planet of the earth type. However, the researchers were not going to destroy the Earth - they were motivated purely scientific interest: to determine some characteristics of the so-called supersell.
Viewings: 5045
 According to some theories, the emergence of the Solar system was provoked closest supernova explosion or impact stars AUG. Although the issue of creation of our star and its planetary system is still far from a final decision, but a number of intriguing conjecture suggests that not only the gravitational force led their birth.
Viewings: 5637
 The weak light of a single candle lights up the room. Around seasoned table - ten people. Among them, obmaknuv all over, sits a man of thirty. He seems to be sleeping. Suddenly, shaking his head and peretasoval whole body, the man straightened and low senile voice says: "Hello from Sirius". His face changed - aging to match the voice. Eyes still closed. He just made contact with Sirius...
Viewings: 5079
 For the first time in the history of the space object was created in the laboratory. Laboratory black hole is working in the microwave spectrum. And, as I hope scientists may soon she will be able to catch part of the visible light. Then you can get solar panels unprecedented efficiency. But not will suck if she mankind together with the Earth, as a vacuum cleaner? It is known that the hole is a region of space-time with an unusually strong gravitational field. What would it neither came back it would not return. This applies even light, which is why black holes and got its name: the body, absorbing all the light that falls on it, and does not emit its own seems to be absolutely black. And so they are invisible.
Viewings: 6315
 When it comes to UFO, animals, arriving at them, usually referred to as aliens. Meanwhile none of them had not informed. So the conclusion concerning their space residence remains in question. Our visiting guests may arrive at their "plates" and not from space...
Viewings: 5870
 NASA confirmed that the aliens gradually invading the Earth and the reason they attack us is global warming!
Viewings: 6004
 Precious metals - metals are not subject to corrosion and oxidation, which distinguishes them from most metals. They are also precious metals, due to their rarity. The basic precious metals - gold, silver, and platinum and the other 5 platinum group metals - (ruthenium, rhodium, palladium, osmium, iridium). Some authors refer to the noble metals as well technetium, which does not occur in nature (besides, he's radioactive with a small half-life).
Viewings: 5657
 Russian researcher of the paranormal Valery Kachanov a few years ago, cut out from a magazine photo mysterious Peruvian drawing on stone and realized that he could not rest until, until he will uncover the meaning of each line and hook. Having studied a lot of foreign and domestic literature, met with a dozen "luminaries" in this field, made a sensational discovery, deciphering the world famous image in the Nazca desert. According to his version "Candelabrum of Paracas" - one of the Central figures of Nazca, is nothing other than... the passport of the Land left behind by an alien civilization.
Viewings: 3651
 A team of scientists from American universities have discovered a galaxy, which gives rise to two stars, that is, more than our galaxy - the milky way in a year. The phenomenon was discovered by space x-ray Observatory, NASA "Chandra".
Viewings: 4275
From overheating may explode emergency upper stage block "breeze-M", located on the orbit. Upper stage, which was to move into the calculated orbit satellites "Express-MD" and Telkom-3, before the end of the flight program not fulfilled. In tanks of the upper stage was about 10 tons of fuel. It is when heated and can destroy the upper stage, turning it into a cloud of metal fragments.
Viewings: 3781
 Specialists of the Moscow mission control Center (MCC) on Wednesday, August 15, will maneuver orbit correction of the International space station (ISS), in which the orbit of the ISS will increase by 7.7 km and will be 414,4 kilometers, said in a statement on the website of Roskosmos.