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Viewings: 4835
Обнаружена, возможно, самая древняя галактикаAstronomer Wei Zheng from Johns Hopkins University (USA) and his colleagues, using telescopes to space-based Hubble and Spitzer", found very likely (12-s, that is higher than the probability of discovery of the Higgs boson) candidate in the galaxy, whose age does not exceed 475-505 million years after the Big Bang.
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Viewings: 4286
Ледниковый период мог начаться из-за метеорита2.5 million years ago near the coast of Antarctica in the ocean crashed an asteroid the size of a mountain. This led to an apocalyptic chain of events: first, the rain molten rock, and then a deadly tsunami that swept the Pacific ocean.
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Viewings: 4068
Сверхмассивная чёрная дыра Стрелец А*, похоже, поглощает протопланетный дискA cloud of gas a radius of about 100 a. that is incident on a supermassive black hole at the center of the milky Way, may be visible after the protoplanetary disk surrounding a young low-mass star, think of astrophysics of the Harvard-Smithsonian center for astrophysics in Cambridge (Massachusetts, USA).
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Viewings: 4119
Грядет генеральная уборка во ВселеннойIs the mysterious dark energy that are looking for for many years, threat? Whether it is able to tear to shreds our Universe? And what will be after this the "Big break"? Astrophysics Loris Baum and Paul Frampton sure that even in such a scenario, nothing bad will happen. It is only General cleaning in the Universe.
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Viewings: 4278
Два облака хотят зажечь звездуAny global strikes the observer who first saw this dark hole, gaping at the starry brocade of the firmament. These heavenly bodies dark not externally - they keep a lot of secrets and mysteries. So, astrophysicists believe that there may be a birth of new stars. And two next to us globules, it seems that in the near future will be able to light a star.
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Viewings: 3743
Звезды и после смерти заботятся о планетахScientists suggest that the transformation of the stars in the red giant stage does not mean a death sentence for the organisms living on the subjects she planets. The thing is that the resulting after the white dwarf is more stable star, for example, than our Sun. And it can create better conditions for the re-emergence of life.
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Viewings: 4557
Откуда на Луне взялся гелий?The spectrometer LAMP mounted on Board the station Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter, has allowed scientists to study the spectrum of substances in the atmosphere of the moon. In particular, it turned out that there are helium and argon. First measurements of the spectrum were held in 1972 under the project LACE made by the mission "Apollo-17".
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Viewings: 3982
Черная дыра опоздала к завтракуThe attention of astrophysicists who gathered at the twenty-eighth session of the General Assembly of the International astronomical Union, was attracted to the unusual behavior of the recently opened a black hole average weight HLX-1. Around her newly formed blue glowing haze. This means that a unique space glutton again gathered to eat.
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Viewings: 4026
Многопланетная система двойной звезды КеплерExperts NASA and the McDonald Observatory (USA) believe that the system of double stars Kepler-47, located in 5 thousand light years from Earth in the constellation Cygnus, may be mnogoletnei. It means that you can talk about the potential habitability of such star systems. The more planets, the more chances for the existence of life on them.
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Viewings: 3411
Тайна взрыва сверхновых раскрытаAstrophysicist Charles Wong, seems to be close to the final solving the mystery of a supernova explosion. Still it was not clear what kind of process is taking place at the level of elementary particles, causing this colorful and dangerous phenomenon of nature. The scientist is convinced that the whole "big badabum" occurs because of the emergence of a scalar particle, like the Higgs boson.
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Viewings: 3962
"Вояджер" не хочет расставаться с нами5 September passed exactly 35 years since the launch of the spacecraft Voyager-1". Today tireless space wanderer has already reached the edge of the Solar system. Will he be able to break out of it? Maybe it will happen until 2025. However, Voyager" already gave the researchers a lot of surprises, which they previously did not know.
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Viewings: 4563
Вселенская тайна легкого элементаThe recent opening of astrophysicists have shaken the traditional view of the earliest stages of evolution of the Universe. According to the latter, after the Big explosion formed a mixture of hydrogen, which has a fraction of helium and quite a bit of lithium. But now scientists have found a star of the first generation, the eyeballs full of that element. Where did he came from there?
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Viewings: 4306
Серебро и золото куют разные звездыOur planet's precious metals such as gold and silver prefer to meet together. For a long time it was believed that the space they are friends - both produce the same star. However, the work of the German astrophysics Camilla Hansen showed that it is not. Silver is born in the explosion of one of the stars, and the gold is very different.
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Viewings: 5813
Звезда КеплераIn any school physics textbook information about Johann Kepler you can find plenty of talented astronomer, optic and mathematician, who discovered three laws of motion of celestial bodies and stated the fact of decreasing light is inversely proportional to the square of the distance from the source, a consistent supporter of the heliocentric system of Copernicus and one of the creators of modern astronomy. Much less is known that he lives famous for and as an outstanding astrologer, who made a great contribution to the development of the theory aspect of interactions between bodies and struck contemporaries mathematical accuracy of their predictions.
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Viewings: 4450
Scientists from the University of Melbourne believe that the universe could have appeared not as a result of the Big Bang, as a result of"Big Freeze". According to the physicists, before that was the stage of its liquid state, then why is it froze, and everything started to happen just as in the case of water.

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