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Viewings: 6079
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Viewings: 5920
Astronomers have discovered in space to the mysterious galaxy, in which there are no stars. Dark education located in 11 billion light years from Earth, filled with gas, but does not emit light. Therefore, they long remained hidden from telescopes, although in theory, scientists assumed that they still exist.

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Viewings: 5612
Коричневые карлики танцуют вальсOur Solar system is one of the Central shining of the Sun. However, in the Universe double stars as the Central gravitating bodies meet as often as the only one! And recently received a sensational data about one of such systems, the existence of which was considered impossible, from the point of view of the theory of star formation.
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Viewings: 4440
Впервые обнаружены тёмные галактики из ранней ВселённойIn the so-called dark age of the Universe's history it had to fill theoretically predicted, but until recently detected dark galaxy. It is believed that they served as a building material for modern bright, full of stars, galaxies, providing them with a large amount of gas, which subsequently formed the current light.
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Viewings: 4297
Россия может создать собственную МКС на обратной стороне ЛуныRoskosmos said that Russia is technically ready to create your own space station without attracting foreign partners.
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Viewings: 5189
Океан на Титане больше земного?Sometimes our blue planet Earth called the ocean. But this name corresponds more interesting enough Saturn's moon Titan. It was water covering the surface of the boundless ocean. Perhaps it is there now under the orange atmosphere and under thick ice crust, in the depths of the cold waters emerging life?
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Viewings: 5383
Астрономы открыли новый тип чёрных дырAfter three years of observation of ultra-bright galactic clusters, located 300 million light-years from Earth, astronomers announced the discovery of a new type of black holes.
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Viewings: 5292
Обнаружена планетарная система, напоминающая СолнечнуюThe system star HD GJ676A, separated from Land by 16.4 PC, has the planets, which are much harder than those in our Solar. But it plays the latest model: earth of the heavenly body with a rigid surface - near the star, and the gas giants - away.
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Viewings: 5188
 Тайные порталы Земли.В 2014 году NASA готовится провести Магнитосферную мультимасштабную миссиюStudies Jack Scudder, scientist in plasma physics from the University of Iowa, has led to secret portals, Windows that in a magnetic field. According to his report, published on the website Phys.org there were some "X" in the magnetosphere of the Earth. In these places the magnetic field of our planet and the Sun collide, creating between continuous path length 93 million miles. According to physics, these "point X" elusive, are small, temporary, and are formed and disappear in an unpredictable way.
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Viewings: 6408
Эволюция вселеннойThe question about the evolution of the universe has always been open to humanity. Starry sky over your head for a long time was the symbol of eternity and immutability. Only in the New time people realized that "fixed" stars actually moving with huge velocity. In XX century the humanity accustomed to the more bizarre fact: the distances between star systems - galaxies that are not related to each other by the forces of gravity, is constantly increasing. And it is not in the nature of galaxies the universe is constantly growing! Science had to part with one of its fundamental principles: all things can change in this world, but the world as a whole is always the same. This can be considered a major scientific event of the XX century
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Viewings: 6155
Звезда - Черная дыраIf the mass of the star in two times more than the sun, by the end of his life, the star may explode as a supernova, but if the mass of the matter remained after the explosion, still exceeds two sun, the star should be compressed into a tiny tight body, since the gravitational force is entirely suppress any internal resistance to compression. Scientists believe it is at this point catastrophic gravitational collapse leads to the emergence of a black hole. They believe that with the end of thermonuclear reactions star can no longer be in stable condition. Then for a massive star remains one of the inevitable path is the path of universal and full compression (collapse), turning it into the invisible black hole.
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Viewings: 6125
Строение Вселенной и происхождение небесных телThinking about the Universe, cosmologists XVIII century was first Rene Descartes, and then to Isaac Newton.
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Viewings: 7601
Распространена ли во Вселенной разумная жизнь?The question should be similar to that which was used in the previous paragraph. If somewhere in the Universe emerged and began to develop life as much on average, depending on the conditions, will take time to appear intelligent beings was created civilized society? Of course, there is even impossible to answer. Try at least a few to understand the different sides of the issue and the opportunities to make in the future to answer it.
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Viewings: 6866
Почему расширяется Вселенная?Modern astrophysics is based on the predictions of relativity, relativity and quantum theory.
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Viewings: 5757
Отрицательное тяготениеRepresentatives of the National Aeronautics and space - NASA said at a press conference in Washington that astronomers have obtained the first direct proof of the existence of the mysterious negative gravity, penetrating all of our Universe.
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