Viewings: 5373
 The question put in the title of this section, for modern astrophysics is not idle character. Faced in everyday life with the stars, each man for himself creates his individual perception of space. The most part of the history of mankind, the only source of knowledge (and views) about space was a normal human eye.
Viewings: 5956
 Of great importance for understanding the world has a problem of numerical correlations between atoms of different elements. Any of atoms in the world anymore? This question is very important for solving the puzzle of the origin of the elements - riddles mutual transformations of matter in the universe, and to solve the most important question of all natural Sciences - the question of the origin and development of the starry realms.
Viewings: 6609
 Often times, flew into the earth's atmosphere meteor particle has a relatively large size. She already weighs not share of grams and kilograms and tons. This is not a particle, the meteor body. When meteor body enters the atmosphere from the Earth seen rushing across the sky fire ball, called a car. Behind him there is the fire tail, scattered sparks and then remains weakly glowing foggy trace.
Viewings: 4473
 During the day you can register, about 28 000 meteorites seen the value of which is equal to 3. Mass meteoroids, calling the phenomenon is only 4.6 grams.
Viewings: 4228
 Meteors, or "falling stars" is the light phenomena in the Earth's atmosphere caused by the invasion of small solid particles with a speed of 15 to 80 km/sec.
Viewings: 7206
 Meteor shower - many meteors, which seem to be emanating from a single point in the sky and observed for a limited period (usually a few hours or days). Meteor showers occur when Earth in its orbital motion crosses meteor swarm (extended accumulation of meteoric matter in orbit around the Sun).
Viewings: 6259
 For the year to the surface of the Earth is falling not less than thousands of meteorites, but scientists are few. Almost all of them found by chance. There are three main class of meteorites. Iron are solid pieces of iron-Nickel alloy. Zhelezorudnye remind metal sponge, filled with silicate material. On Earth these rocks do not occur. Stone meteorites to know more difficult. Securely to do it at the company. However, the simplest features of meteorites can be specified.
Viewings: 6565
 Meteors are falling down suddenly, at any time and in any place of the globe. Their decline is always accompanied by a very strong light and sound effects. Across the sky at this time, in seconds passes very large and bright bolide. If a meteor falls in the afternoon at the cloudless sky and bright sun light, the car is not always visible. However, after his flight in the sky still like the smoke Curling trail, and the place of disappearance car appears dark cloud.
Viewings: 4707
 Astronomical discoveries of recent times have shown the presence in space is not available devices of energy, which controls the course of development of the Universe. About it declared today the Director of the main astronomical Observatory of Ukraine, member of Ukrainian Academy of Sciences and many foreign academies Yaroslav Yatskiv.
Viewings: 7674
 A small nucleus of a comet is its only hard part, it focuses almost all her weight. Therefore, the core of the first cause of all the rest of the complex comet phenomena. The nucleus of the comet is still not yet available telescopic observations, as they variruyutsya the luminous matter, continuously flowing from the nuclei. Using large increase, you can look into the deeper layers of luminous gas-dust shell, but what's left of its size, is still significantly exceed the real size of the kernel.
Viewings: 6957
 The project "VEGA" ("Venera - Halley's comet") was one of the most difficult in the history of space research. It consisted of three parts: the study of the atmosphere and surface of Venus using boarding devices, the study of the dynamics of the atmosphere of Venus using balloon probes, migration through whom and plasma membrane of Halley's comet.
Viewings: 5134
 Where did come to us "tailed stars"? Still on the sources of comets are lively discussions, but a single solution has not been developed.
Viewings: 5045
 In February and March 1744 in the scientific circles of Petersburg Academy of Sciences there was great agitation. These days in the sky was observed wonderful bright comet with a huge tail. With special interest was watching the comet, for her moving among the stars, and changing the appearance of the then young scientist M. Century Lomonosov.
Viewings: 4550
 Halley's comet - In 1705 Edmond Halley, using Newton's laws of motion, predicted that the comet, which was observed in 1531, 1607 and 1682 years, should return in 1758 (which, alas, was after his death). Comet really returned, as was predicted, and was later named in his honor.
Viewings: 4197
 The problem comet hazard analyzed in detail in numerous publications. It should be noted that the greatest danger is a massive long-period comets, their appearance is often unexpected, because of arbitrary orientation of the planes of the orbits and large or very large orbital period. Moreover, many of these comets is aperiodic, i.e move in non-closed trajectories (parabolic or hyperbolic) and therefore are really new. These comets possible over a high speed collision with the Ground - up to 72 km/s (on a collision trajectory)that could lead to a global disaster. The possibility of such catastrophic events is proved by many facts.