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German mathematician, until retirement - school teacher, Joachim Rittstieg assures that made a sensational discovery: has revealed one of the secrets of the code Maya. According to him, he deciphered "the Dresden Codex" - ancient manuscript Maya - and figured out where the hidden cache of gold legendary Indian tribe. According to the version of the scientist, countless treasures are buried at the bottom of lake Izabal Guatemala.
When the word is gold. Sensational mystery of Maya
Foto Day-Press/ Hans-New Kraft
Mathematician from Germany Joachim Rittstieg, as he claims, was able to read the so-called "Dresden code"or "Code Maya", - the rare manuscript of the ancient Indian tribe, who created one of the greatest civilizations of pre-Columbian era.
If half a century ago, the researchers were able to decrypt only a few characters, then after creating their international directory where the recorded more than 800 characters, two thirds of which is already decrypted, scientists have learned how to read and understand 90 percent of the texts.
Joachim Rittstieg reported that, in addition to descriptions of historical events, astronomical observations and traditions of this nation, the manuscript kept the secret of death of one of the most ancient Mayan cities, which happened about two and a half thousand years ago. He also figured out where to look for gold Indians. "At the 52nd page code, I discovered that the ancient capital of the Mayan Atlan October 30 666 B.C. were devastated by the earthquake and sink to the bottom of lake Izabal, located in the East of Guatemala", - the scientist said at a press conference dedicated to the results of his 40-year Titanic work.
Now, presumably, the remains of the city, as were in the values that lie at the bottom of the lake, located in the valley between the mountains of Santa Cruz in the North-West and Minas and Isidro in the South. Studies conducted using sonar is confirmed, the waters of the largest in Guatemala freshwater lake, the area of which slightly less than 600 square kilometers, and the depth of 18 meters hide from prying eyes ancient ruins. In radar images, according to a German mathematician, you will see the shape of the destroyed buildings. Most likely, involves Rittstieg, among the ruins, stone sarcophagi are buried and untold treasures - at least eight tons of gold.
Remind: when the Spaniards came to Central and South America in search of gold and silver in the XVI century, they destroyed the ancient civilizations of the Incas of Peru, Aztecs of Mexico and the Maya of Yucatan, had written language, calendars and highly developed production of precious metals. Conquistadors in any way sought to seize their wealth. In search of mythical country of El Dorado, where even allegedly road paved in gold bullion and precious stones, they toured the region 250 years. Although Gold country they never found, they managed to get fabulous treasures - tons of silver and gold of the Incas, Aztecs, chibcha-muiskov that the ships were delivered to Spain.
Visited the New World priest and historian of Cieza de Leon in the book "Chronicle of Peru" described overheard them talking influential of the Incas. They said that if the Spaniards will take out all the treasures of the temples and tombs, this will be tantamount to a loss drops of water from a giant pitcher. But conquistadors were not satisfied with a small bit. So, Governor of Peru Francisco Pizarro, one of the main "producers" of the Spanish crown, in order to get the treasure, has captured the king Atahualpa. For the release of his monarch Incas paid to the famous Spanish redemption "Atahualpa" - placers of gold and of silver, two-thirds filled the room. Treasures were brought to Spain in total secrecy on four ships and later, a great deal of redemption melted down into ingots.
However, to the "Golden" caves and tunnels, where he kept the treasure of the Incas, the Spaniards never reached. The priests were able to securely hide entrance leading into the dungeon. Assume that the information is encrypted in the wall inscriptions of the temple of the God of the Sun in Cuzco.
In many museums of the world to this day are the jewels of many Indian tribes: Golden sandals found in tombs of the Incas, made of leather and woven fibers and decorated with the "yellow metal", bracelets, earrings, created wrought gold and silver, masks and more.
However, if the gold of the Incas, Aztecs, chibcha-muiskov and many other, starting with the conquistadors, as they say, could hold in your hand, then on the findings of the Grand Mayan treasures never been reported. Whether the people of this tribe for some reason was not produced and not used gold, whether they were better than others hide treasures, but despite all efforts, the search for success has not crowned.
Meanwhile, Rittstieg says that in "the Dresden Codex" says 2156 gold plates, stationed in the city. They were sealed the texts of laws, in which lived an ancient civilization. Mathematician even calculated the weight of the treasure - about eight tons, which is estimated to be worth 300 million dollars. He intends to organize an expedition to Latin America using submersibles, equipped with radar and other necessary equipment.
According to the German scientist, theoretical probability of finding treasure the treasure is not just different from zero and greater than 50 percent.
In Guatemala Rittstieg not waiting
As reported by the German newspaper Bild, the first informed about opening Rittstieg, in Guatemala went expedition of the scientist, journalist and photographer for the newspaper, videographer and professional maraliseca.
In Guatemala with surprise accepted this message, reported to the President discussed even at the government level. Officials stated that the existence of a treasure is assessed as probable and that it is not enough to conduct any exploration. However, neither the application nor the research project rationale the power of the state is not yet received. Moreover, the government of Guatemala, wishing to prevent the invasion of treasure hunters, ordered the patrol lake Izabal and its surroundings forces servicemen of the Navy and the police special forces.
As noted by the Director of the Institute of anthropology and history at the General Directorate of cultural heritage of Guatemala Monica to Urkis, "today there is no scientific theory that the Maya in large quantities used gold. She adds that respects the point of view of the German scientist, but he's a mathematician, not a linguist and not a specialist in the study of ancient manuscripts.
Thomas Barrientos, Dean of the faculty of archaeology of the University del Valle de Guatemala, said the results of the research Rittstieg "doubtful"as mentioned code ago decrypted and contains religious and astronomical information. "This type of document contains other information," explains Barrientos.
Responded to the rapidly developing events and Russian scientists. Associate Professor of the Mesoamerican center named Knorozov Dmitry Belyaev believes that "the study of German - all complete fabrication, with the exception of the actual facts of existence of the Maya, Guatemala and lake Izabal".
And Andrew Ufimtsev, organizer and participant of expeditions to the ancient Mayan cities in Honduras, Mexico and Guatemala, argues that "the Mayan did not have the capital in our understanding." The Mayan civilization was, in his opinion, "of several protagonist, each of which had its administrative center. But in 666 BC in the East of Guatemala, where the lake Izabal, large cities, especially the capital, near the Mayan there was no".
Manuscripts Maya has burned down not all
Dresden code"or "Code Maya", is one of the few survived from the fires of the Spanish Inquisition and the extant manuscript illustrated books of the ancient Maya of Mexico, written in hieroglyphs. When in the sixteenth century Spanish priests appeared on the Yucatan Peninsula, they burned hundreds of manuscripts, considering them to be a hotbed of superstition and the devil's lie. Thus, one of the annals of ancient people was almost lost. However, to this day still got four manuscripts Maya.
How and under what circumstances unique artifacts moved from their native places in Europe is unknown. All of them got the name of the place of their current storage - Dresden, Madrid, Paris and the so-called "Code of the Continent". In the basis of the manuscripts, as scientists believe, the astrological calendar table on which the priests had predicted a clock appears on the sky, planets and determine, when and how the gods must make sacrifices, and descriptions of some historical events.
From Madrid manuscripts remained 112 pages, and it has no beginning or end. From Paris remained only 24 pages, which caused about one and a half thousand hieroglyphs and many images of deities. Suffered most of all the "Code of the Continent", which contains only fragmentary places erased texts.
Compared to these three artifacts "Code Maya", held at the State library, Dresden, is considered the most ancient and complete. He is a strip of brownish-yellowish paper, made from the bark of ficus, a length of more than three meters, and consists of 74 glued together a small, 20,5 9 centimetres, pages, covered with hieroglyphs and paintings.
The first five pages of the book in 1828 published Alexander von Humboldt German scientist-encyclopedist, a physicist, geographer and traveler, who is due to the breadth of scientific interestssovremenniki called Aristotle XIX century. Today it is established that the manuscript was written before coming to America Spanish conquistadors and dates back to the XI-XII centuries. However, researchers believe that this list, that is, copy, even earlier text, possibly, manuscripts or label, initially applied on stone tablets or monuments. Its authenticity is no doubt among experts is.
Great decoder
The history of science does not know any other language code, except Maya hieroglyphs, over the solution of which more than half a century broke heads would be hundreds of scientists around the world. The principle of the letter remained for researchers seven-sealed until the middle of the last century. Sensational breakthrough in pianistica made the young Soviet linguist and historian Yuri Knorozov. In 1952 he finished the translation starostenkova of the treatise "the Message of the Affairs of Yucatan" second Bishop of Yucatan Diego de Landa and for the first time proved: "alphabet" of correlations between characters Mayan and Spanish letters, composed of a Franciscan friar, contained in part Mayan not of the letter, and syllabic characters. Please specify de Landa, hoping that the sermon on the native language will accelerate the conversion of the Indians to Christianity, "attributed" 29 characters, called "alphabet de Landa". But the Bishop did not know that Maya writing was not alphabetical, but hybrid verbal-syllabic, in which the symbols designating one-syllable words, was used as the phonetic elements.
Opening of Yury Knorozov also allowed to establish, that quite often the same hieroglyph meant a word and syllable, and some of the characters were cosmetic, corresponding to the concept. Discovered and combinations of two or more characters, which could merge or to blend into each other. Opening Knorozov was a breakthrough in cognition literature Maya, has led to the interpretation of many of the characters and understanding of the content of most ancient texts.
Tina Kataeva