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Fourth American Rover named "Curiosity" is continuing its research work on Mars, during the last of which he discovered deposits of calcium.
Justin Maki (Justin Maki, who is the chief scientist of the team Engineering Camera Team Lead Rover "Curiosity" reported that their automatic chemical laboratory, it seems, discovered deposits rich in calcium. Besides, they are very similar to those deposits of calcium, which can be discovered on our own planet, which removed at least 55,76 million kilometers from the red Planet.
Mosaic picture, which was made on the basis of several images December 12, 2012, demonstrates the rocky Martian rock "Sheepbed", which is located in the area called "Yellowknife Bay" and includes rich in calcium deposits.
For comparison the right scientists have presented similar deposits of calcium, which can be found on Earth. This photo shows the scope of the Egyptian desert. In order to better understand the scale of deposits, the photo on the right put a folding knife.
We remind that the American Mars Rover "Curiosity" is on the surface of the red Planet from August 6, 2012. He landed in a great Gale crater and at this time all this time spent in the study of the Martian region, particularly in his photography and the fence, and analysis of valuable samples of Martian soil.
Mission Curiosity" is designed for two years and is the long-term mission of the Rover in comparison with the previous. However, representatives NASA have a hope, that "Curiosity" will work on Mars is much longer than planned.