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Порча и сглаз. Определение и признаки сглaзa и порчиWith the terms of the evil eye and spoilage already established certain values mystical sense, and to deal with this, at least, useless. Damage, evil eye is a type of verbal and nonverbal impact. The brain is a kind of biological computer, which can be programmed to certain reactions. In humans mental and bodily closely interrelated.

It is known that the criterion of truth is the experience. But there are no absolute truths, but only model. Model existing and inactive. Those who explain the phenomena of the world around us more successful and those that are less...

There is an opinion that the electric current is directed movement of charged particles. Who of us in everyday life saw them? But the light that lit, the current model. In our time, the adopted model, according to which the electrons move from "minus" to "plus". And there was once a model on which it was Vice versa. In the end, no matter what is the electric current "in fact", but accepted nowadays model conveniently explains a lot. It is therefore accepted that more convenient.

No models of right and wrong. It is preferable to use a different criterion: the model of active and inactive. Or the characters better and worse. In the end, it is better to sincerely believe that the Earth rests on three whales, which in General do not think.

Back to the experience, as a criterion of truth. The fact is scientifically valid, as you know, if the experience made by someone one day, may be repeated under the same conditions and with the same results. In other words, that made one, the other will also be able to repeat, if you will do the same.

On this basis, we can argue that what in life is called "guidance and removing the evil eye"is real.

Only we call it'll be different: the action of destructive psychological instructions. This can be done randomly, handicraft, professional. Professionally you can do with the techniques of Ericksonian hypnosis, suggestive linguistics and phonosemantic. Convenient approach to the phenomena of hypnosis, corruption, the evil eye from the position of materialism, rather than from a position of mysticism - hence different terminology. However, the terminology is just easier to leave the old, "mystical".

Many, probably, will agree with the known rule of logic: it is impossible to identify an unknown concept through unknown. If to fill the vacuum in some areas, it is not fog.

Under the guidance of damage is usually understood powerful verbal psychological message to wish harm to a specific person or group of people. Under the guidance of hex understood powerful desire another person harm through nonverbal (non-verbal) behavior, i.e. gaze, facial expressions and gestures. The skillful guidance of the evil eye is more related to the art of acting. Describing how they make the evil eye, can be difficult to sort through" all facial features. This is the case, when it is easier to show than to tell.

Of course, when intimidation with the help of the evil eye, and especially for the more harmful effects it is necessary to involve many facial and pantomimic techniques.

Damage (psychological impact) as well as a physical blow, you can "flip" and "perenesti" to him who struck first. Damage and the evil eye, as the psychic (hypnotic) phenomenon, remove by means of attitudes (hypnosis). "Knock out the wedge wedge".

Phonosemantic formula damage dangerous when they skillfully used. Phonosemantic, hypnosis, the psychological impact is only a tool. Knowledge about the damage is just knowledge. Any tool and any knowledge can be used for good and for ill.

How can you apply this?
Probably the easiest and most well-known technique targeting corruption is the use of the particle "not" in combination with the fact that you dramatically say something "by hand".

Try, for example, suddenly shout to a person who is on the slippery ice: "don't fall down!" Or suddenly and loudly say, "Not Parisa!" someone something cut with a knife. All know how dangerous this is. No wonder people advise: "don't talk to hand!"; "Not Spazi!". (Though, to be precise, this is not the "evil eye"and "damage", but the essence remains the same).

The above technique is based on the fact that the particle "not" is perceived by the mind, but for the subconscious, it means absolutely nothing. And if time is well chosen, provided that paraphernalia conditions (registration phrase), then the probability that people will do exactly what you "do not" advised him to do, is very high. The brain interprets this statement as a direct command, and program on its implementation. You personally like and innocent. Simply said "by hand".

The particle "not" also ensures your safety. To say the arrow, which aims where either: "Miss!" is one thing. But to tell him: "don't you fail!" - it's quite different. And the result of the shot, most likely, will be the same.

Very often people are programming their relatives in misfortune, wanting really them well. Man leaves home, crosses the threshold, and he hears following: "don't fall down on the road!". Or: "do Not hit by a car!". At the time of rupture of the template actions (that is, actions that people perceive as a continuous; in this case, crosses the threshold) the subject falls into confusion and any command takes literally. The particle "not" he discards, the result is the wish of unhappiness.

If we do not wish anyone harm, it is better to say: "Be careful." At the same time, if the goals we have the opposite, it can be used to put a curse. And to accuse you of something impossible - after all, you are advised not to do this.

Example 2. Gypsy said the formula of damage, which began with the words "don't go." But man did just different - he's gone (though, as he got even could not remember). For Gypsy such words were, of course, professional "puncture". It would be better (and, of course, worse for the subject of impact), if she said, "Stop!" or: "Stay!", and even better: "stand still".

So, in these simple cases, the main thing - the right moment and the corresponding paraverbal behavior. And if the phrase has awe (suggestion) properties; and especially if phonetically it is aimed at the hard-coding, the effect will be close to 98 %.

Now - a little more about the non-verbal and paraphernalia behavior (the design of speech).
You can spend one simple and interesting experiment. If you often meet on the street with the same stranger, try at the meeting, looking at him, mentally, to himself, to shake hands with him. Nothing to say out loud. Say "inside". If you are going to do about a week, then most likely, he'll greet, and aloud.

You can give different explanations: depending on what you are targeting. Someone will explain it telepathy, someone - the influence of a biofield, someone will find another mystical explanation.

But give more intelligible materialistic explanation.

Shaking hands with someone, we are talking not only words, but his body. In addition to words, we greet also body language - body, face, eyes. And people can really see and feel. Therefore, even without saying a word, we have the opportunity to say something to other people. Our facial expressions, pantomimic, gestures often meet our thoughts and our mood and people on a subconscious level catch it. You can do it on a conscious level, but this requires knowledge and experience.

There is one wonderful moment - sight can be felt, even when you right this view do not see. Some people hazardous occupations (police officers, spies, thieves, card sharks and so on) have the ability to feel closer look, even to looking back. Here still plays the role of peripheral vision and intuition (prediction of human actions on the basis of gained jiznennogo experience).

Well, if the facial expression and gaze you can beam information, it means that you can send not just information, namely the one you want to transfer.

In relation to our subject this means that you can learn to share with others your thoughts. And there are two ways. The first way is really something to think, to all of you had "written on his face." The second way is to depict the face that corresponds to the thoughts that you would like to transfer. That is not to think so, but merely pretending to think. The first way is certainly easier, but in fact, and in another case, the required minimum acting skills.

About targeting corruption that means you must be congruent spoken phrase: you should look evil, terrible, poor, strong. To look like that, looking at you, you scared you without words. So that your view is fully consistent with prepared phrase.

Here, first of all, attention is paid to look. It should look terrible, strong man, fully confident in the fact that he does and says. Another important point - you need to look serious. It is a prerequisite. Love saysb one living classic, must "keep the face with a shovel". A meaningful look is required. You must come just the same wave sure that right now and here happens exactly what you say.

Who can become a victim of the evil eye and spoilage

The soul is given to man only for penetration of God's will, but the servants of the Devil find weaknesses in it, and show their ability to control the world.

Evil, corruption - these words we hear more and more often lately. This is due to the deterioration of our life, in which there are fewer and fewer of kindness, a greater evil, envious people. These words mean almost the same: the negative influence of one person on another.

The evil eye is harming someone with an evil eye, malevolent gaze.

Often it happens unexpectedly. Sometimes we even do not notice how vulnerable their loved ones or not act on them hateful look that they have lowered vitality, she feels worse. But some do it deliberately. However, just want to warn you: they should remember that evil always returns to zatvorenu. Dangerous not only the look, but the accompanying word. No wonder the proverb says, the word is not a Sparrow, will fly - catch.

Corruption - a conscious application, causing harm through witchcraft, which resulted in reduced energy reserve, there are breakthroughs in bio.

People have different tolerate the evil eye, damage. Some have the whole life to live and do not require treatment (these are people with strong energy), other (energy-weak), if time does not recognize what is happening to them and why, suffer from this life.
The evil eye, can be direct, sent by direct contact, or at a distance by telephone, pictures, through some items, things.

So who is the victim of the evil eye? Immediately it should be noted that the negative impact from the outside can be any person, regardless of age, character, profession, culture, animals, buildings, objects of interior, trees. But still the greatest risk are weak, weak-willed men, women (especially pregnant women) and children. This category of people is very low energy reserve, so you punch them biofield is not difficult. They may overlook not only the man with the evil eye, but - Yes, do not be surprised - close and loving person, with an evil eye will happen or through caressing, or careless compliments.

Evil eye can even manage their spiritual, physical, emotional state. And sometimes they are even intermediaries between a witch and a weaker victim. That is, the sorcerer they specifies a specific programme of action, and they automatically as robots, to fulfill his will.

Weak-willed men and women tend to share their problems, ask advice, even in familiar and unfamiliar people, to go to a fortune-teller to learn their fate, as they are hesitant, unsure of themselves, doubt of the correctness of their decisions. They do not think about the fact that the rash intercourse can lead to unwanted, a sometimes very serious consequences. Women often share the intimate details of my life, as they say, turn the soul inside out in front of their friends, often without any evil throw phrases like: "that's nothing, if you have experienced this, that would completely different". And as practice shows, these weak-willed women begin to feel exactly what they were warned or leading them as a negative example.

For example, Valentina took a new job, was to share in the team what her wonderful father: it helps in everything, living only for the sake of it. Its well being completely dependent on it. After a while, though father never complained of health, he suddenly had a heart attack, two months later another one that he could not move. Valentina buried his father, a then started to wither itself. Treated as they could and the doctors, and yourself, but the improvements did not occur. One day, taking away the grave of her father, she found in the land of his pen, which was considered lost. Told her grandmother, she was horrified: "you damage". And made it more likely that those most dear colleagues, who Valentina so trustingly opened soul. Damage, thank God, to shoot was a success, and the lesson the woman received though cruel, but obvious.

Especially accessible to all evil pregnant women. They do as if separated from its surroundings pink veil: live in their own little world, think only about the most important event that will soon happen in their lives. During pregnancy, women are very sensitive, receptive, and share with all your joy, take some subjects - "baby" - sometimes even strangers, for example, the former in the use of a wheelchair, cot, etc., are permitted to touch your belly, so others can experience what (what) fidget lives inside. Ask how and what to do in their position. If a pregnant woman put a spell, then the child is born is born) with violation of the energy - displacement of a biofield, disturbed structure of a biofield, and other defects.

And now let us define the main features of the evil eye:

1. Malaise, weakness, a feeling of heaviness in the whole body, which with difficulty you obey. A breakdown.

2. Headaches, dizziness, sudden pressure surges, unexpected bleeding from the nose, chills, colds. Pimples, acne (not to be confused with youth), various skin diseases, furuncles, fungi, warts, the blood for a long time does not stop, the wound does not heal, a thorn in the eye, tooth pain, watery eyes, teeth crumble.

3. Insomnia or, on the contrary, severe drowsiness, tormented by yawning.

4. Loss of appetite from "tainted" man, or, on the contrary, feels the constant hunger, does not feel satiety.

5. Nervousness, irritation. If you are the victim of the evil eye, then you will feel that everything seek to ruin your already in a bad mood.

6. Blight on death causes unexpected, not treatable disease deaths.

7. Not only fear, sorrow, depression, but also various mental disorders that lead to schizophrenia.

8. The enmity and hatred of one's neighbor, broken families, infertility, impotence.

9. The evil eye causes through breakthroughs in bio-field, these places are frequently found benign and malignant tumors.

10. "Broken" man becomes afraid of the light, the sun. It is good only in the dark, especially at midnight (the devil).

11. Baldness or, on the contrary, the rapid growth of hair on the entire body.

12. Painful, reaching unimaginable size pride.

13. Food caught hair, sometimes a little nails. Of course, this may be the fault of the one who cooked the food, but if you were a cook, then this is a clear symptom of the fact that you jinxed.

14. Auditory hallucinations we could hear the voices of the dead relatives.


the evil eye is manifested in the concern, whims, persistent crying, in a bad dream, in a high temperature in weight loss. If you see these symptoms, you should consult a doctor. If the doctor did not find the child has any medical condition, check to see whether he smoothed. How to do this, we describe below.


dogs become mad, bite can even host. In cows milk disappears permanently low, losing weight. Hens, or cease to rush, or lay broken eggs, dead pigs become wild, squeal, never eat, can tear small chickens, ducks.

When you get sick, then, as a rule, apply to the clinic. But doctors at the evil eye, damage are powerless, as they can not make a diagnosis, although the patient manifested many symptoms of the disease. You rush from one extreme to another, begin to self-medicate, yoga, acupressure, urine therapy, treatment of water and grasses. And then you still turn to traditional healers. So better to do it as soon as you suspect that you are bedevilled or jinxed.

Diagnostics evil eye and spoilage

We know that dogs and cats are very sensitive to changes in the biofield, they see the manifestations of the subtle world, inaccessible to the human eye, and therefore may be the first diagnosticians evil-eye-damage to the host. Cats, dogs never come to "wicked" man will not eat out of his hand; if he decides to caress his favorites, then coat them stands up on end, they hide from him.

You can use the tips Yu Longo for self-diagnosis evil eye and spoilage.

1. In the morning take a piece of stale bread crumbs, hold it in your hand 1-2 minutes, trying not to think at this point, and throw in a glass of water that stood for not less than a day in your room. If in 1-2 minutes bread went to the bottom, your energy shell is broken.

2. Instead of bread crumbs, you can strike a match and throw in a glass of water. If you have the evil eye or damage, then after 1-2 minutes of the match will sink to the bottom.

When you will know exactly induced if you damage or not, you will soon become easier to live: if you "spoilt", we will be able to start treatment, if not, it will get rid of unnecessary suspicion in the address of your friends.
From the book: Okladnikova Seraphim "How to protect against the evil eye and spoilage"
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