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It is believed that the famous Callsign SOS, indicating that the ship sinks is an abbreviation of the English phrase Save Our Souls, that is, "save our souls". Actually it is not that other, as a myth. In fact, the SOS signal (if in the Morse code, it ' three-point - three-dash - three dots") is not an acronym some phrases.Transcript as SOS Save Our Souls is the most common, but, however, not the only one. Sometimes this signal is considered the abbreviation phrases Save Our Ship (that is, "save our ship"), or Swim Or Sink (that is, "float or sink"), or even Stop Other Signals (in my opinion, the most extravagant transcript: "stop other signals"). However, nothing like SOS, however, does not mean. If we remember the Morse code, SOS is nothing but a combination of three dots (S), three dashes (O) and again the three dots (S). This suggests that the signal, like many others, appeared in the era of communication over the wireless telegraphy - because then and started using Morse Peeps. Those who are familiar with this system of communication, I must say that this combination, you can type very fast. Perhaps that is why the word SOS so fond of ship radio operators. However, the distress signal is a combination of letters was not immediately. In General, the first such signal appeared in 1903. Then, at the Berlin international conference of radio telegraphists signed an agreement that ' station of the wireless Telegraph, if possible, should give priority to the signal received from ships at sea". And as such it was proposed combination CQD - dash, dot, dash, dot, two dash, dot, two dash, two dots. It should be noted that this combination was not accidental - it was a combination of signal General call to all Telegraph stations CQ, to which was attached the letter D, because it starts the English word danger (that is, danger"). In this case the meaning of the signal was: "All Telegraph stations reported on the dangers". However, as it is easy to notice, quickly dial the signal is very difficult even for an experienced radio operator. Moreover, if he is on the ship in distress. By the way, international signal CQD and did not - it was used only vessels that use radioaparati company Marconi Co. That is, the ships, equipped with other devices, this signal is not aired. And, accordingly, did not understand what he meant. And not each coast station could correctly identify. In the end, the issues of development of the international distress signal were the subject of discussion at the second International radiotelegraph conference held in Berlin in 1906. The session was attended by representatives of 29 countries, including England, Germany, Russia, USA, France and Japan. First, representatives of the company Marconi Co. insisted on approval as such already used by CQD, but delegates from the USA sharply objected to it - according to their data, the signal was often confused with General call CQ. Moreover, it became clear that these two signals are applied and coastal telegraphers during accidents and accidents on the Railways, which were made even more confusion. After the delegates from Germany suggested that the combination of signal SOE (three points, three dash, dot), and while many people didn't like - there were concerns that the letter E at the end of may get lost and don't be identified by far the reception or congested airwaves. Also rejected the proposal of the British to make a distress signal combination NC, meaning in a lever international alarm "distress, need immediate assistance" - it would be difficult to quickly dial. In the end, the German Telegraph has decided to replace combined SOE one letter. So was born the famous SOS signal, which pleased everyone, because this combination was just type, and besides, it is clearly identified at the maximum load of the ether. The result is that the signal was adopted as a call sign of the ship in distress, which took place on 3 November 1906. And finally, another myth exposed - it is considered that the first SOS was sent on air of radio sinking "Titanic". Actually it is not the first time this signal is heard all radio stations of the world on August 11, 1909, when the American steamer "Arapahoe" lost in the course and began to drift. It happened on their way from new York to Jacksonville. Callsign SOS were adopted station of the United company of wireless telegraphy on the island Hatteras in North Carolina and forwarded to the offices of the owners of the ship. And the case with "Titanic" was already the eighth... ![]()
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