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Люди - результат генетических экспериментов?If we examine carefully the frescoes of churches of Egypt, only the blind will not see that here was the most natural "genetically engineered landfill"

It just so happened that the man is always interested in the question of its origin. When the world was small and running in short pants, he was quite enough biblical version of Adam and eve, from which there was a human race. They say, the Lord made God the first two, and further, that is, -- for yourself...

When mankind has grown up, in this tale of how one couldn't believe it. And here came to the aid of Charles Darwin, who wrote a landmark work "Evolution of species". For a long time it was believed that Darwin argued that man evolved from monkeys by evolution. In this too long believed grown-up people, till finally read his works more closely. It turned out to Darwin - the same thing with the Bible. All know about it, all read in textbooks, scientific articles, was held in the school in biology class, but the Darwin rarely read from cover to cover. (This is where the similarity with the Bible: can't open this book, but around us so many quotations from the book that everyone "read" so the whole Bible is about quotations.)

And what was it? As it turned out, that is, heard the ringing, but no one knows where he is. Darwin does not asserted a direct link between APE and man and not deduced investigation "first monkey - then people", on the contrary he wrote that the path of evolution is so complex and multifaceted that without God just can't do: "This is such a complex process, which could not take place without participation of the Supreme being".

If to present the theory of Darwin, deeply, by the way, the believer, in a nutshell, he wrote that the appearance of man on earth is the result of a long process: from the first cell and the simplest organisms to complex. And in the end, the result of natural selection, when weak gave way to a stronger species, there was a man, and between them were animals, including monkeys that of the animals in their anatomy, physiology closest to man. And that's all, nothing more! Monkeys are simply the closest-to-human animals.

Further, the humanity have grown, although adults he is still very, very far away, but in the tales from the old Testament about the six days of creation, but also in garbled Darwin's theory does not believe. Went esoteric talks that six days is a symbol, image, and it is about six very long stages that in Africa allegedly found some prototypes of Adam and eve - like, genetically mankind originated from one male and one female cells, with a straight face talk about sets of chromosomes and the genetic code... That is, mankind rejected tales for children, but turned to fantasy - fairy tales for adults.

In our time, not teenagers, but also, say, a time of transformation of a young man in a man, there are new theories about the origin and how man appeared. New time - new stories. How they actually fantasy - time will tell, but to dismiss them cannot.

So what now talk and debate enlightened minds and what version own origin seems to them most reliable? Seriously talk about God and recognize it seems silly and outdated. Instead of God's use of terms such as the Cosmic Mind, a single information field (the Noosphere), etc. And on the wave of General interest to contacts with extraterrestrial intelligence and visits to our planet many and varied UFO in the second half of the last century began to admit that the mankind is the result of laboratory tests, numerous experiments on creation of artificial intelligence and artificial body that carried out some higher being aliens. In essence the same gods, for he who is the Creator who made it, his forehead was not up to it, if not God?

Among these theories come across frankly ridiculous, frankly ridiculous, frankly unprofessional, frankly odious and others. But there is one that I would like to consider in detail, as it is said, in it there...

Hypothesis explains the origin of human races on earth is the result of artificial breeding and selection. To agree with it or disagree, please refer to paleontology, biology and other similar Sciences. As we are all educated, we know that before the appearance of Homo sapiens - the person reasonable, there were a lot of other Homo. The Neanderthal pleotrophy lived almost everywhere on our planet, where later was inhabited by the CRO-magnon man. And behold a certain man came to our planet and saw that life-that is, kind of like the beginnings of mind is also observed, but in this, you know, primitive level, that would be nice to improve. And started to improve - actively, through artificial breeding or, more likely, genetic intervention. So on earth appeared highly developed civilization. Parallel to this was tamed and was becoming domesticated animals to facilitate heavy agricultural work and other practical needs, more productive and healthy breed. In the words of our scientific language, a highly advanced race of alien beings practiced genetic experiments.

In some places, where later emerged the most advanced civilization (such as Sumer, Assyria, Egypt, India), but probably even earlier in protocivilization of Atlantis, Hyperborea or Lemuria-Mu aliens came to the thought that it would be nice to create a creature, the more employable than animals, which could have the physical strength of animal and sufficient intelligence to perform complex tasks on the farm.

Genetic experimenters, watching the local flora and fauna, could not, of course, fail to notice that in the surrounding settlements, forests and mountains live physically strong humanoid animals that under certain conditions could become a good material to work or selection. To catch them and isolate, given a well-staged technological level of this highly developed protocivilization, was not easy. Shaimiev at its disposal a few individuals of different sex and having tried them in fact, ancient scientists quickly became convinced that the intellectual development of anthropoids caught too primitive to perform complex work and understand complex commands. Apparently, there appeared the idea itself to interbreed with these creatures. Having first experiments that Neandertals can conceive and give birth from men aliens, and women aliens - from Neanderthals, they chose volunteers and began trying different ways of crossing, primary and secondary, experimenting on different floors, and mix their results among themselves and look at the result. Hardly interbreeding occurred naturally, here, was probably used the methods of artificial fertilization.

The result of these experiments hybrids scientists protocivilization kept in special reservations ("gardens of the Oedema"). They raised these hybrids, educated, taught them the basics of the language, skills and human morality. What happened next can only guess. Grown hybrids could then release it on all four sides, but this is unlikely, because the level was still not the highest. Release could probably most unfortunate instances. Another variant is possible: many experimental just managed to escape.

And these released failed instances or escaped in the wild began uncontrolled to multiply and form a new races and ethnic groups that the level of development already stood much closer to Homo sapiens than the Neanderthals, although they were still rather primitive.

Hybrids, in turn, also multiplied, gradually falls in human society, again mixed with the people, etc. If the hybrid was observed dominance neanderthaloid damn, he, accordingly, tended to communicate and reproduction with Neanderthals, if human, with people. Secondary mestizos were more developed, was looking for a similar and again gave rise to new races and ethnic groups. As for natural Neanderthals, so to speak, of the source material, they were gradually everywhere displaced as race CRO-magnoid type and humanized hybrid polynesianairlines. But it's still yet to be sub-human, some transitional hybrid stages between neanderthaloid, Kamenolomni and Homo sapiens.

The serious reader will say ' well, what's the big idea? What's the story? All this cannot be verified, so vain air shocking. Wrote something on a blank area of hacks journalists or scientists, who do nothing, and we are now the fed. But all this does not inventions of nowhere. For this hypothesis say some data from ancient mythology Egypt, India and Sumer, and archaeological finds.

First of all one of circumstantial evidence are used information from ancient procollege where the gods came down to earth and somehow differed from person by their appearance. There is virtually no photorelay, which is not there were aliens from the sky. Other circumstantial evidence, the expertise of scientists about the civilization, say, the ancient Egyptians. Any Egyptologist known that there are ancient manuscripts describing the ancient Egyptians, and, more precisely, those whom the Egyptians worshipped the gods involved than-that reminds genetic experiments and researches. And these experiments and research even for modern scientific knowledge may seem fantastic. For example, Bishop Eusebius of Caesarea claimed, referring to the Egyptian priest Manetho that the race of the gods in Egypt has created many different kinds of creatures-in hybrids: "They made people with wings and a human being with hips goats, people with horns on his head, and the other - with a horse's feet. They also produced creatures that front were like people, and behind - as horses. Also animals with human heads and dogs with fish tails. In addition, other monsters and ugly creatures like dragons". You can think of - medieval tales, if not the image of the Egyptian gods, which were half human-prosvery. Where did these images and this vision of the gods? Just because glubokoi ancient people worshipped animals, making them totems? But the Egyptian civilization was born not from such primitive beliefs. One more indirect evidence of the sudden appearance of Egyptian civilization. She was born in literally in an empty place. Isn't it like it is the result of genetic experiments? Very similar.

Priest Manetho testified that the Egyptians and the Babylonians portrayed these strange creatures in their artistic and architectural works. By the way, the statue of the Sphinx may be evidence of these genetic experiments and monuments of what happened.

Based on the analysis of numerous wall paintings in temples and tombs of the Valley of the Pharaohs, the researchers concluded that "gods" able to do something like artificial Assembly human body of its parts, changing the head and other organs. The frescoes in the churches of Egypt shows the process of introducing micropipette into the egg with the purpose of influence on the genome. On the Egyptian frescos in General, there are many things with which humanity is met only in the last century and even decades. Electric radiators, TV, computer, space vehicles, aircraft to move in layers of earth's atmosphere and so on in the same spirit. If civilization "gods" Egyptians knew all this before experiments with human genome is just at hand.

If we examine carefully the frescoes of churches of Egypt, only the blind will not see that here was the most natural "genetically engineered landfill". Scientists assume that all this happened twelve-seventeen thousand years ago, i.e. in the antediluvian time. Moreover, experiments were performed some tall beings over the shortest people, using them as experimental animals.

So what can a great probability to suppose that in Ancient Egypt, the aim was to create this "genetic material of" a new kind of man. Indicated images of people with the heads of animals and birds. On the bas-reliefs of black slaves negroidal often depicted with tails. Interestingly, the Great Sphinx of Giza is depicted with the head of it Negroid race, which is indicated by strong prognathism front and dolichocephaly skull, i.e. explicit neanderthaloid signs. It may well be that these experiments were not always successful, it has become unsustainable, artificially bred beings had some imperfections, if not dangerous to society disadvantages, and were destroyed. Some atavistic traits, sometimes manifested in people, such as tails, horns, scales, flipper-like membrane on the limbs are likely consequence of this genetic engineering race "gods". Yes, Orthodox science explains, more precisely, explained atavistic traits different reasons: they say, we all came up from the sea, we were the ancestors of the monkey... But as neither Darwin nor modern science strongly disagree with the admission to our ancestors monkeys, from which we allegedly occurred naturally as the result of evolutionary selection, these explanations insolvent. Insolvent and explanations atavistic traits mutations.

Similar experiments, I must say, were held not only in Ancient Egypt. Information about the transactions on artificial insemination and contain ancient Indian sources. By the way, in Egypt and in India tried to fertilize not only women but also men, producing complicated surgical operations.

Some experiments on the interbreeding of the different species were also performed in Assyria - this is the conclusion of scientists pushed findings at Nimrud. In particular, in 1848, were found two artifacts with cuneiform - called print Ashurnasirpal II (883-859 BC), and the black obelisk of shalmeneser I III (858-824 BC). Both artifact portrayed Assyrians, the leading next to a strange hybrid animals of unknown species, as tamed wild and domesticated. Accompanying image the report contained information that Ashurnasirpal bred these animals in their zoo in Calah. The inscription on the second bas-relief was talking about the other two types - basmati and udoli. Some experts in the field of Oriental studies believe it was humanoid beings that occurred from a very young and a very special branches in animal evolution, which indirectly indicates one of the names - udoli (nothing like "Adami" - on behalf of the first man Adam).

Sumerian cuneiform detail tells about the creation of "gods" new mixed race. Under "gods" there is, apparently, are either the same aliens, or antediluvian race (in other sources also called Asuras), which was typical of the giant growth, and the new human hybrid race named "Lulu", which literally means "whoever mixed". In ancient Sumerian texts from Nippur specifically States that the gods Anu, Enlil, Enki and NIN-Hursh themselves shaped "black" of people, called "the Sumerians". To begin with "workshop of creation" were created younger gods Anunnaki, the task of which was to prepare the soil for processing and grain production. But this task for them were too heavy. The fact that the waters of the flood destroyed in the region in the environment and turned the fertile soil layer of clay. Sumerian Chronicles testify that the first priority was to make the land fit again and revive the rich Eden countries in the Delta Area. Younger Anunnaki to accomplish this daunting task was required additional labor force. Further, it is reported that "Lulu" been "entered" in the process at an early stage. Sign "Ashnan and Lahore" describes in detail how "for the sake of the good things in their pure sheepfolds people received breath". Transparently, isn't it? The goals and objectives identified specifically and clearly, and from the inscription can be done indisputable conclusion that people were bred artificially.

Then Enki and other Anunnaki have formally requested to NIN - Hursh to create man "bearing the yoke" Anunnaki, that is to take a race of slaves. NIN - Hursh was considered a leading authority on anatomy and medicine, and found many descriptions of its genetic research, including the preservation of the seed of Enki for use in cross-fertilization of other life forms. Appearing in the manuscripts and tablets "workshop of creation" NIN-Hursh called "House Simti" (from the Sumerian word "SIMTI", which means ' Ghost-wind-life"). What is this if not genetic laboratory?

NIN-Hursh soon perfected his experiments and was ready to create the first "Lulu". In the epic "atra-Khasis" reads like EA and NIN-Igica (Enki and NIN - Hursh) created soon after the flood fourteen new people - seven boys and seven girls. For this purpose in clinical involved uterine "goddesses", which were studded with fourteen "pinches clay". Here to you and genetic engineering - will tell skeptical reader. After all known ancient beliefs of many ethnic groups, in which it is told, that man was created out of clay. But do not rush skeptical grin: specialists abstracts in this symbolic way rude and very hard to tillage provide seed Neanderthals - rough and also little processed. If it was about banal clay modelling, why to use for this purpose the uterus "goddesses"? The gods - they Almighty, can the blind man, to breathe life into it - and here he went, little man.

So, as a result of genetic experiments was created not only a new labor force to toil in the fields, construction of new cities and mines, but was conceived a new social order, where "gods", i.e. race Asuras were empowered divine rulers. Of the Mesopotamian texts imply that came out of this breeding slaves "Lulu" considered the main task of his life to the service "gods", supply them with food and shelter. There is clearly laid genetic program, affecting primarily on the minds and motives of behavior. Instead of "Lulu" from "gods" primary education, they were taught the language, Sciences, arts, crafts, i.e. probsbly to advanced civilization. Also new hybrid race were trained in the basics of human morality, to discern both good and evil, imparted religion: encouraged religious service to the Asura - they built temples, sacrifices were offered. In the framework of the cult of the Asuras and arose "pagan" religion, characteristic of all the tribes of ancient people. That's where the paganism of the congregation: representatives of the higher race or alien experimenters lived on our planet is clearly not alone!

All of the above very well fit into the framework of the hypothesis about the development of the hybrid race of slaves on the basis of mixing genes Asura with genes arhantrop. Black-headed mutants had no innate qualities and talents of man, but had to pass the stage of training, i.e. humanization. First, in reservations (Oedema) they were taught the language and morality, then gave work - cultivation and storage "Paradise". It is Paradise islandd ' there they are not needed, they were fed, taught, etc. moreover, no one kept silent about who they are and where did the story of their origin was known to them and they thanked "gods" for his creation. Very correct move: to give life and to explain it. Grateful creature for this gift will serve you till death. So they are committed for life to work in gratitude for his birth and life in the society of the Asuras. (Hence, apparently, genetic inclination of man to parents: give life - thank you!)

As for the different races, it's all clear: different genetic experiments and ways of crossing gave different results, so in the same Schumer appeared caste society and strict hierarchy on the basis of race. After the creation of the youngest of the Anunnaki and "Lulu" was even conceived the project of placing the races of the earth taskmasters over the slave, the first of which was Adapa (Sumerian prototype biblical Adam). It was a race "demigods".

Now I understand why in such a highly developed civilizations was so primitive mythology, made as if to protcheva-allegorical form. It is clear that it was the fruit hybrid mentally retarded poloniaultima race that is nothing more highbrow could not create. The truth was hidden under the veil of the mythical characters. Clear who worked on the land and who built the city and the pyramids, and who controlled them, and why this workforce so fawned and deified their masters possessing perfect technologies instead of its mass easy to crush.

Apparently, in Egypt, Sumer and in the land of the Para (South-Eastern Africa) was withdrawn and blacks and dark-skinned races, which have increased in number, and then spread throughout Africa and the Middle East. Other hybrid forms, which gave rise to the Mongoloid race, appeared in Asia, some were created in America, where is marked the beginning of American colored races (Incas, Mayas, Aztecs, and others). Eventually they began to live in the ruins of't built them high civilizations, using their scientific achievements and adopting the culture, but at a lower level. And that's right he probably gave themselves the Asuras, which for unknown reasons were gradually descend from the historical scene.

Over time, all of the most highly intellectual knowledge "gods" were gradually lost as mentally retarded inferior races had no ability to fully them to preserve and pass on to posterity. Of course, soon it led data civilization to a complete collapse and degradation.

If it was, you can make a bold conclusion: experience "sapiently" Neanderthals by crossing with the Asuras, the successors of which became the CRO-magnons, failed. What were they there "nhemical", these "gods", something not taken into account... Maybe Neanderthals was not with anyone to cross? Well, they are not adapted to civilization, they would stick to swing and live at the level of excretory functions: to eat, to sleep and to mate. And next - preferably someone to be entertained themselves-it can not. In the end, humanity was laid a delayed-action bomb. Very strong in the us Neanderthal! Got arms that can hold only a club, high technology, and wave them. What if there is not zamahnulsya - all, Hello, descendants!
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