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Stories about clairvoyance and seers have always attracted people. Who has not admired the quatrains of Nostradamus or abilities Vanga? And always there were disputes, is it a coincidence, analytical skills, or indeed the person is able to know the future? Yes, just to know, not to foresee. But you know only what already exists. But we understand that the future has not come yet.
Theory of parallel worlds
Among the scientists were and there are those who are of a different opinion. For example, the Russian astronomer Nikolai Aleksandrovich Kozyrev believed that his experiences with the telescope and torsion scales confirm: past, present and future is something like a movie. We see always that moment, which is projected onto the screen. But the film has an image of the scenes.
One of the new physical-mathematical theories of superstrings assumes that the world around us is multidimensional. It can happen all the events of the past, present and future. And even in different variants. That is superstring theory is the theory of parallel worlds. Perhaps these worlds and form a mass of dark energy and matter that fills the Universe by 96%.
But no matter how fascinating theory, and science requires proof, which can be experimentally verified.
Emotional hint
In 2010 in the scientific world has been amazing. In a very authoritative edition of the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology was published the article of Professor De Rila BAM, in which he told about the studies that show that people are able to pick up signals from the future, and that these signals though weak, but statistically significant. I must say that Professor BEM known in the scientific world as a very conscientious scientist and pedantic experimenter, checking his experiments many times, ensuring their high purity. He is the scientific adviser of the U.S. Congress.
Here is one of his experiments, which have been repeatedly double-checked at 1100 (!) the students.
Before the test established the screen of the computer monitor, an indoor light-proof blinds.
The screen was split into two halves. Before the test had a task: to guess which half of the screen image appears, and what remains dark field.
And index the most interesting: using the random number generator computer has filed an image on one half of the screen. But the supply of images was carried out... with a delay, only after the subject called " where, in his opinion, should be the image. If the picture was emotionally neutral for the test, the number of correct and incorrect answers was about 50% - as required by the laws of statistics.
When the image's content wore emotionally pronounced (for example, it was the scene
erotic content), the number of correct answers exceeded 53%. And this is statistically significant. The methodology of these four experiments were checked by commissions of experts. But defects not found.
Professor makes a conclusion: the future sends a subject emotional hint that sometimes you can feel. This is the result of mass studies of ordinary people. And if Professor BEM chose for his experiments persons with psychic abilities?
Treasures in the basement
The team of the Moscow University (and the authors of them) was present at an incredible event, which took place during a weekend in an old country house. About it the newspaper "the Mysteries of the XX century" was told in no 18 for 2010.
The owner recently purchased this house and invited colleagues to celebrate the purchase. At night one of the guests had a dream that he found in the basement of the house the treasure. And in his dream he saw the interior of the basement, and the exact location of the cache. Told the dream in the morning with the others. And the company has decided, just for fun, to look for treasures. When I went into the basement, we were surprised to find all the signs of a dream. And what was their astonishment, when it was discovered and iron bound rotten box with pre-revolutionary coins and bonds! One of the mathematicians who were in our company, even calculated random chance finds. She was less than the probability of falling on the Ground of a large meteorite that 65 million years ago caused the death of the dinosaurs.
And then we agreed with one of the research Institute of medical-biological profile of the experiment by the method of the author of this article.
What was your dream?
It is known that the most vivid and emotional dreams we see during the rapid phase of sleep. At this time, the amplitude of electrical impulses of the brain increases sharply. Sleep volunteers who participated in the experiment was controlled with an electroencephalograph. 30 seconds after the onset of rapid phase of sleep with a random number generator included sound generator, which reproduced or cotton, or the sound of running water. Neither the volunteers nor the experimenter could not know in advance what kind of sound will be played. After that the Respondent woke impetus in the shoulder. When he awoke, he had immediately to dictate to the Protocol - that he was dreaming.
In 58% of cases volunteers predicted event. Before cotton dreamed them or war scene with explosions or chase with shooting, cutting forests, and the crash of a falling tree, the fall of the books on the floor... when played, the sound of water, dreaming waterfalls, a storm at sea, rain and the like.
Magic bezel
More interesting results have been obtained, when the head of the subjects additionally wore bezel from the special metallized fabric with silver plated - to reduce the tensions surrounding electromagnetic field. In case of such protection from radiation surrounding the instruments - the same electroencephalograph, cellular communication, computer, and other things-the number of correct predictions increased to 60%. And some volunteers even stably exceeded 62%. But for the sake of justice we will notice, that there were only two.
These figures were obtained during the night, when the electromagnetic load is lower. Additionally, there is no solar radiation, less work cell phones, television and radio, household appliances. But what if the experiment again to spend the day? Held in a special darkened room, and it turned out that in the day time the number of correct predictions (without bezel on the head) decreased to 55%. With bezel - 57%.
The experiment suggests that the brain of a sleeping person sensitive to some signals that carry information from the future. Probably, these signals are not electromagnetic nature. But the reduction of electromagnetic load on the brain allows to increase its sensitivity.
Invited psychic...
There was still the question: will metallic bezel to increase the number of correct answers during wakefulness those persons who have psychic abilities? To answer this question, the authors invited the winner of the TV show "Battle of the psychics - Mehdi Ebrahimi Wafu. With him came a group of journalists - eight people who documented the whole process.
In advance prepared 20 cards
is half black and half white. The reverse side of each card
- shirts were neutral green. The task was: to predict card by suit what color after a few seconds is retrieved from the deck.
Mehdi put on the head of a metallic bezel, and I took a deck of cards and hid them behind his back so that nobody saw them. Time after time Mehdi called color, and we pulled at random cards from the deck. In the presence of ten witnesses all the colors were identified correctly!